Certain specific vehicles will be banned from entering 30 streets in Ha Noi at three rush-hour slots during the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam.


A traffic police is on duty in a street of Ha Noi. — Photo hanoimoi.com.vn 


The congress is scheduled to take place between January 21 and January 28 at the National Convention Centre in Ha Noi.

The three rush-hour slots are from 6am to 8:30am, from 11am to 2pm, and from 4pm to 6pm.

Trucks with loading capacity of over 500 kilogrammes, and coaches, will be banned from entering the streets of Pham Hung, Thang Long Boulevard, Do Duc Duc, and Tran Duy Hung, in addition to Nguyen Chi Thanh, Khuat Duy Tien, Nguyen Trai, and Tran Phu.

The other streets that have banned access to those vehicles are To Huu, Le Van Luong, Hoang Minh Giam, and Hoang Quoc Viet, in addition to Kim Ma, Lieu Giai, Van Phuc, and Van Bao.

Nguyen Thai Hoc, Tay Son, Le Truc, and Tran Phu, along with Hung Vuong, Chu Van An, Hoang Dieu, and Doc Lap, will also not allow access to trucks and coaches.

Along with those streets, those in Le Hong Phong, Hoang Van Thu, Nguyen Tri Phuong, and Dien Bien Phu, in addition to Le Duc Tho, Le Quang Dao, Nguyen Co Thach, and Nguyen Xien, will also refuse entry to trucks and coaches. Nghiem Xuan Yen and Giai Phong, make up the list of streets limiting access to specific vehicles.

However, city buses will be allowed to run as normal.

The vehicles travelling from National Highway No 5 to National Highway No 1B will use the two bridges of Vinh Tuy and Thanh Tri instead of running through inner streets.

The police said the move was aimed at ensuring smooth traffic flow during the 12th National Congress.