VietNamNet Bridge – During his recent working visit to the Philippines, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has made clear Vietnam’s stance on China’s illegal act in Vietnamese waters by saying: “Vietnam desires to have peace and friendship, but it must be based on ensuring independence, self-reliance, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Vietnam never exchanges these sacred things for an ambiguous and dependent peace and friendship.”


Researcher Duong Danh Dy




Researcher Duong Danh Dy, former Vietnamese Consul General in China’s Guangzhou, in an interview with the People’s Army newspaper said that PM Nguyen Tan Dung’s message not only expressed Vietnamese people’s strong stance, but also proved the wisdom of the Party and Vietnamese people. Vietnam respected China, but is determined to struggle with any wrongdoings.

China’s recent moves not only violated agreements signed by the two sides’ senior officials but also escalated tensions in the East Sea. China’s acts aimed to realise its perfidious scheme of turning undisputed areas into the disputed one, and gradually occupying the East Sea through its absurd “nine-dash line” claim.

The researcher said that if Vietnam was not determined to firmly defending its sovereignty, China would not just deploy one oil rig. It is obvious that these Chinese acts are unjust. As a result, the international community has been strongly voicing concerns over China’s illegal placement of the Haiyang Shiyou-981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

People around the world have denounced and demanded China to withdraw its oil rig and vessels out of Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, as well as give up its “nine-dash line” claim, said Dy.

However, not all Chinese understand the real problem. The Chinese media has systematically broadcast distorted information. Thus, according to Dy, scholars and researchers, with proficiency in English and Chinese, should actively and proactively study and produce articles on the real situation to help Chinese people learn more about Vietnam’s justice.

Researcher Dy stressed that if China really thought about friendship, it would never send warships and planes to prevent Vietnam’s law enforcement forces from conducting their tasks in Vietnam’s sovereignty.

Peace and friendship only come from mutual respect and not interfere in other nations’ internal affairs, he added.