In April 2018, Giai Thanh, a reporter from Nhan Dan Newspaper, joined a delegation of local leaders from relevant localities for a visit to the nation’s outpost on Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago. Following are inspiring images of the nation’s sacred territory as seen through the reporter’s lens.


A panoramic view of Truong Sa Lon (Big) Island. 


Sunrise on Song Tu Tay Island.


Soldiers transfer necessities to Da Nam Island.


A panoramic view of Nui Le B Island.


Pupils on Sinh Ton Island in an art exchange with the visiting delegation.


A large elementary school on Sinh Ton Island.


A national landmark on Truong Sa Dong Island.


A soldier on Truong Sa Dong Island tends to his vegetable garden.


Soldiers participate in an exchange with the delegation.


Soldiers spend spare time with their pet dog.


A panoramic view of Truong Sa Lon (Big) Island.


A memorial house dedicated to late President Ho Chi Minh on Truong Sa Lon Island.


Paying tribute to fallen soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the nation’s sovereignty over its seas and islands.

Nhan Dan