Authorities of Quang Ninh’s Van Don District have decided to ban the operation of self-modified three-wheel vehicles or tuk tuks at local tourist sites from January 1, 2018.


Tuk tuk vehicles in Van Don District

This kind of vehicle has been operated in Van Don District for many years and is considered a popular means of transportation for tourists on the islands of Quan Lan, Minh Chau and Ngoc Vung.  

The number of self-modified three-wheel vehicles in Van Don has been rising annually. Currently, around 300 tuk tuk vehicles are operating at local tourist sites with the majority on Quan Lan and Minh Chau islands.

However, most drivers of these vehicles lack licences and have not registered their vehicles.

These vehicle owners have regularly flouted the law and it affects the safety and order of transport in the city, making it a matter for public concern.

“Quan Lan Island’s wharf is only large enough for two three-wheel vehicles, but in many cases, drivers try too quickly and often are overloaded with passengers,” said tourist Nguyen Van Truong.

Luu Minh Duc, chairman of Quan Lan Commune, tuk tuk has been operated in the localities for nearly 20 years, but this must be banned for the traffic safety.

“We have informed local people of the ban so that they can prepare for buying electric vehicles for the replacement. However, the price of electric vehicles is higher and we proposed district authorities to offer preferential loans for people,” Duc noted.
