The domestic market has seen the demand for TV sets skyrocketing these days and is poised to accelerate further in the coming time as the national broadcaster Vietnam Television has won 2018 World Cup broadcasting rights.


A salesman introduces some types of TVs to a customer at a TV store on Tran Hung Dao Street in District 1, HCMC

Scores of electronics and TV stores are reportedly benefiting from a rising demand for TVs. Many customers are quickly making purchase decisions instead of doing window shopping only like before.

Nguyen Tuan Linh, a customer at a Nguyen Kim store located on Tran Hung Dao Street in District 1, bought a 40-inch Sony TV with a 10% discount at VND8,590,000, adding that he bought the new one to enjoy the World Cup football tournament.

Another customer named Tran Minh Nghia in District 1 even emptied his pocket to buy a set costing up to VND28,400,000, which is more expensive than he expected but he was satisfied with the functions and features of a large-size smart TV.

A sales employee said that the store has seen the number of customers soaring by 30-40% compared to ten days ago.

Dang Thanh Phong, head of communications department of Mobile World Investment Group, owner of Green Electronics store chain and Tran Anh company, said that TV consumption has surged by a staggering 50% against ten days ago.

“We forecast TV consumption would skyrocket by 200% after the World Cup broadcasting right was purchased, so the group has stocked a big amount of imported TV sets,” he added.

Statistics of the market research firm GfK Vietnam showed that Vietnam saw some one million TVs being sold in the first four month of 2018. TV retailers and GfK expect consumption of three million units this year largely owing to the 2018 World Cup.