The UK intends to deepen relationship with countries across the globe and Vietnam plays an important role in that strategy, said Eleanor Laing, Vice Speaker of the House of Commons of the UK at her meeting with President Tran Dai Quang in Hanoi on October 4. 

President Tran Dai Quang (R) and Vice Speaker of the House of Commons of the UK Eleanor Laing

She said enhancing bilateral cooperation was the most discussed topic during her meetings with Vietnamese leaders, particularly in law making, trade and investment and education. 

Vietnam and the UK should also enhance their work together in law-enforcement and public-private cooperation, Laing added. 

Stressing the growth of Vietnam-UK strategic partnership, President Quang thanked the UK Government for its official development assistance granted for Vietnam over the past 20 years, saying it helped Vietnam alleviate poverty and record healthy socio-economic development. 

He lauded the launch of the Prosperity Fund programme by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, underscoring that its aims match Vietnam’s strategy for socio-economic development, particularly in improving the business climate, responding to climate change and fighting corruption. 

Vietnam is interested in cooperation opportunities and resources offered by the fund, he said, asking for more information on criteria and procedures set by the UK agency. 

Quang said Vietnam is implementing measures to create a favorable investment climate meeting international standards and commitments to free trade agreements that Vietnam has signed. 

Vietnam welcomes UK businesses to invest in Vietnam or join local public-private-partnership projects, particularly in infrastructure, finance, banking, science and technology, he added. 

The President also noted that Vietnam is looking forward to further support from the UK in training high-quality workforce and teaching English. 

He suggested the UK Government continue facilitating Vietnamese students studying in the European country. 

Vietnam welcomes the upcoming visit of Prince William in November, Quang said.