VietNamNet Bridge - A debate has begun among educators and students about the clothing students should wear, following the posting of a picture on the internet of a student showing a lot of cleavage. 


Students must go to school in collared shirts

The HCM City Finance & Marketing University set a new regulation that students must go to school in shirts, collared T-shirts, or the school’s uniform and trousers. Female students have to wear trousers or a knee-length dress. Slippers are prohibited. Students must wear sandals or shoes. They must not have colorful hair or shave their heads, unless they are monks.

A lecturer at the school explained that the ban was imposed after many students were found in low-necked T-shirts or clothes that showed a lot of cleavage.

The new regulation stirred opposition from students who argue that they have the right to wear clothes that are convenient. Some of them complained that it is torture to wear collared shirts in the terrible heat of HCM City.

The new regulation stirred opposition from students who argue that they have the right to wear clothes that are convenient. Some of them complained that it is torture to wear collared shirts in the terrible heat of HCM City.

Under the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) regulations, uniforms are not mandatory for students. Schools can set requirements on students’ clothes to ensure seriousness for the schooling environment and convenience for students.

The HCM City Finance & Marketing University has not violated any regulation.

A student interviewed by VietNamNet said he luckily was not a student of the school, but he strongly opposes the new regulation, describing the regulation as ‘peculiar’.

“Your personality needs to be respected by other people around you, from parents, friends to teachers,” he said. “The only thing you must not do is break the law”.

The student spoke about the case of Truong Nguyen Thanh, once vice rector of the Hoa Sen University in HCMC, who gave lectures in a T-shirt and shorts.

Thanh explained that his image in T-shirt and shorts was a testament to creativity, a part of his lecture in the training course titled ‘Innovation Roadmap’.

It seems that the debate about fashion style at school between Z-generation students and lecturers, who are as old as their parents and grandparents, will never end.

Phuong Quynh, an office worker, said she works with a female who always wears very short skirts.

“I asked her to change her style, but she turned a deaf ear to my advice, saying that short skirts are clothes suitable to young girls,” she complained. “I myself don’t appreciate the girls with this style. This shows that she was not well educated at school.”


School uniform not compulsory: Ministry

University teachers, students complain about clothing ban

Kim Chi