All substandard three and four-wheel vehicles operating on Hanoi streets will be confiscated from July 1 this year, according to the municipal Department of Transport.


All substandard three and four-wheel vehicles operating on Hanoi streets will be confiscated from July 1 this year (photo by NLD)

The Hanoi Department of Transport said the agency will licence and provide certificates of registry for standard self-modified three-and four-wheeler vehicles by owned by war veterans to carry goods. 

Wounded war veterans are allowed to use one vehicle of this kind which meet technical standards.

From July 1, all three and four-wheeler vehicles which fail to meet required standards will be banned.

The department reported that to date only 30 three-wheelers owned by wounded war veterans have been licensed to operate in Hanoi to carry goods, with the remainder operating completely illegally.

As of mid-May, up to 4,367 people in Hanoi used three and four-wheeler vehicles

Tien Phong/DTinews