These projects are part of a list of 88 critical works recently presented to the HCMC People's Committee for investment planning from 2024 to 2030. They include:

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Traffic congestion at the start of National Highway 1 near Vo Van Kiet Boulevard. Photo: Nguyen Hue

1. Upgrading and expanding National Highway 1:

   - Scope: From Kinh Duong Vuong Street to the Long An border, a 9.6 km stretch in Binh Chanh District, currently experiencing severe congestion due to narrow lanes (20m wide, 4-6 lanes).

   - Plan: Expand to 52-60m, 8 lanes, with an investment of over 12,800 billion VND, including 7,700 billion for land clearance. HCMC will contribute 9,700 billion VND (70%), with the rest sourced from private investors.

   - Method: BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) contract under Resolution 98.

2. Building HCMC Ring Road 4 (Saigon River to Thay Cai Canal):

   - Scope: A 17.3 km segment through Cu Chi District, part of the 200 km Ring Road 4 passing through five provinces (Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Dong Nai, Binh Duong, HCMC, and Long An).

   - Plan: 4-lane expressway with emergency lanes, and initial land clearance for 8 lanes. Total investment for phase 1 is over 14,000 billion VND, with HCMC contributing 7,251 billion VND.

3. Constructing Phan Van Hon parallel road:

   - Scope: An 8.5 km road through Hoc Mon District, 30m wide, costing 3,720 billion VND.

   - Objective: Alleviate congestion on the existing Phan Van Hon Road and boost economic development between HCMC and Long An.

4. Developing National Highway 50B:

   - Scope: A 5.8 km segment in Binh Chanh District, part of a new 55 km highway linking HCMC, Long An, and Tien Giang.

   - Plan: 40m wide, with an investment of over 5,200 billion VND.

   - Objective: Enhance connectivity to international gateways such as ports and airports.

5. Extending Vo Van Kiet Boulevard (East-West Highway):

   - Scope: Extending from National Highway 1 to Hai Son - Tan Do Industrial Park in Long An, a 12.2 km stretch.

   - Plan: Initially, a 60m wide road with 14.5m wide lanes on either side and a reserved central area for future expansion. Total investment over 5,200 billion VND.

   - Method: PPP (Public-Private Partnership) with 50% funding from HCMC.

6. Opening a new northwest road:

   - Scope: A 10 km road through Binh Chanh District to Long An, 40m wide.

   - Plan: 5,200 billion VND investment, with 3,900 billion from HCMC and 1,300 billion from private investors.

   - Method: PPP.

7. Building Rach Doi Bridge:

   - Scope: A 451.9m long, 15m wide bridge in Nha Be District, connecting HCMC to Can Giuoc in Long An.

   - Investment: 781 billion VND.

These projects aim to significantly improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance the economic interconnectivity between HCMC and Long An, aligning with the broader goals of regional development and integration.

Tuan Kiet