Vietnam ranked first among 18 developing countries in Asia and Africa on the Health Governance Capacity Index, according to a study conducted by the Brookings Institute of the US.


Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh (R)and US experts at a talk at the Brookings Institute

Under the study, Vietnam reached a total of 82 points for 25 indicators related to management capacity, regulatory processes, health infrastructure and financing, health systems and policy conditions. 

This indicates that Vietnam has a strong ability to attract and leverage private investment in health research and development (R&D). 

At a ceremony to publicise the study, US researchers and experts lauded Vietnam’s efforts in policy-making as well as in public health management and recognised Vietnam as a promising destination of medical investment. 

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh praised the Brookings Institute’s study, saying that Vietnam considers public health care a top priority. 

Vietnam is active in mobilising resources and implementing works related to medical education and health care, while promoting international cooperation in health R&D, he said. 

Vietnam supports further international cooperation, including connections with the Government and private sector in the US, to expand its public health capacity, Vinh stressed, adding that the country will continue making it easier for foreign enterprises to invest in this field. 

Established in 1916, the Brookings Institute is the US’s leading research and training centre in social science, urban planning and country governance, among others.