A group of American doctors are providing free surgery for children in the central and central highlands regions.



Dr William Mc Clure, head of the group, exams a child patient

ReSurge International is one of the first international humanitarian organisations to provide free reconstructive surgery in developing countries. ReSurge International, formerly known as Interplast, was founded in 1969.

From June 4, the group has been collaborating with Hue Central Hospital to exam 150 children who are suffering from cleft lips, drooping eyelids, and hand deformities.

This is the seventh collaboration between ReSurge International and Hue Central Hospital and the programme and will last until June 17. 


Many families bring their children for the check-ups

Dr Le Thua Trung Hau from Hue Central Hospital said the children with especially disadvantaged backgrounds would be given surgery along with financial support to stay in the hospital. After the first screening, 70 children will be given free operations.

ReSurge International sponsored USD50,000 with many modern pieces of equipment for this year programme. Surgical procedures are fully compliant with global medical standards.
