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Mr. Paul Wilson highlighted the need for effective Internet management to ensure continued success. Photo by Van Anh

The annual VNNIC Internet Conference 2024, themed "Safe and Sustainable Internet Infrastructure in the Face of New Technology Development," was recently held in Hanoi by the Vietnam Internet Center (VNNIC) under the Ministry of Information and Communications. The event gathered managers, leaders, businesses, and experts from both domestic and international spheres.

During the forum, Mr. Paul Wilson highlighted the need for effective Internet management to ensure continued success. Over the past few decades, the Internet has rapidly developed, bringing significant benefits globally and in Vietnam.

Commenting on Vietnam's success, Mr. Wilson stated: "Vietnam is a prime example of successfully developing, distributing, and widely providing Internet services. The Vietnam Internet Center and the Ministry of Information and Communications have significantly contributed to this success, benefiting users, society, and economic development."

Mr. Wilson emphasized the importance of a multi-stakeholder model in Internet management, involving governments, technology organizations, businesses, service providers, and content developers. This model fosters collaboration towards ensuring a safe, sustainable, and reliable Internet.

From his 25 years of experience with APNIC, Mr. Wilson noted that the Internet's compatibility with innovation has been a key factor in its success. He urged the Vietnamese Internet community, including government agencies, economic sectors, and users, to collaborate, share experiences, and address challenges to foster a robust Internet ecosystem.

At the VNNIC Internet Conference 2024, Mr. Wilson and other experts discussed the impact of new technologies such as 5G, IoT, cloud computing, AI, and big data on the Internet. They emphasized the need to upgrade Internet infrastructure to support these advancements.

VNNIC Director Nguyen Hong Thang highlighted awareness as the primary challenge for ensuring the safety and sustainability of Internet infrastructure. "Internet infrastructure is crucial for digital transformation, economic development, and building a digital society," he said.

Vietnam has been proactive in adopting the next generation of Internet addresses, IPv6, for over a decade. The country now boasts an IPv6 usage rate of 60%, one of the highest globally.

Since connecting to the global Internet in 1997, Vietnam's Internet landscape has evolved significantly, with nearly 1,000 independent networks and over 610,000 .vn domain names, ranking second in ASEAN and tenth in the Asia-Pacific region. Vietnam is also among the top ten countries globally for IPv6 conversion rates.

Van Anh