Vietnamese Ambassador to Germany, H.E. Doan Xuan Hung, shares his thoughts with VET about Vietnam's second attendance at the G20 summit.


Gathering together the largest economies in the world, which account for 80 per cent of global GDP and 75 per cent of global trade, how do you view the role of the G20 and the relationship between Vietnam and members of the group?

The cooperative relationship between Vietnam and members of the G20 are developing beautifully. 

Vietnam has strategic partnerships with ten members and comprehensive cooperation with two members. 

The relationships between Vietnam and G20 members are expanding and tightening.

Vietnam also participated in the 2010 G20 summit in Toronto as ASEAN Chairman. As the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge of economics, I was honored to be nominated as the senior diplomat (Sherpa) of the Vietnamese Government, to lay the groundwork for the summit. The Prime Minister also effectively contributed to the summit.

Despite not participating in G20 summits after 2010, Vietnam has monitored the topics focused on at G20 talks and worked with other countries and international organizations to promote common issues, including the stabilization of the global and regional macro-economies, the promotion of trade, investment, and sustainable development, and the response to climate change and global warming.

In 2017, Vietnam was again invited to attend the G20 summit and related meetings as host of the 2017 APEC meetings. 

This was also the first that the APEC Chair was invited and the second time Vietnam has attended the G20 summit. 

This is a privilege and also a responsibility for Vietnam in jointly discussing and contributing to important global issues.

I believe that Vietnam being invited by Germany, Chair of the G20 summit, first and foremost was because members in general and Germany in particular respect the position and role of APEC in the global and regional management structure and also the profile and reputation of Vietnam in regard to global and regional activities.

As host of APEC 2017, what APEC priorities can Vietnam bring to the G20 agenda?

With the theme “Shaping an Inter-Connected World”, the G20’s agenda this year will prioritize three matters.

First, creating self-reliance. The G20 countries will discuss policies and solutions to consolidate global economic and financial systems, promote trade, investment, innovation and creativity, and develop the digital economy and science and technology to maintain a stable global macro-economy and promote economic growth.

Second, promoting sustainability. Policies and solutions will be discussed to ensure sustainable development, food security, climate response, and deploying commitments to reduce emissions.

Third, enhancing responsibility. The G20 summit will discuss specific actions to promote the 2030 Agenda of the UN in regard to sustainable development, assisting African countries, and cooperatively tackling challenges in regard to international migration, labor and jobs.

The themes and priorities of the agendas of the G20 and APEC 2017 share many similarities, which are a foundation for the two forums to connect and coordinate in spheres of common concern, such as promoting sustainable, creative and inclusive growth, economic, trade and investment connectivity, innovation, and cooperation in climate change response. 

This is an opportunity to enhance the connections between the agendas of APEC and the G20 to promote regional and global cooperation in dealing with global economic issues.

With this theme, what will be the focus of the meeting and what issues is Vietnam expecting to contribute to the G20 summit?

The 2017 G20 ministerial meeting focuses on foreign affairs, banking and finance, agriculture, digitalization, labor, and health. 

The foreign ministers’ meeting is one of the notable activities of the G20, contributing positively to preparations for the G20 summit in July. 

The meeting will primarily discuss three issues: enhancing the deployment of the 2030 Agenda, maintaining peace in the new context, and forging cooperation with and support for Africa. 

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh will lead the Vietnamese delegation at the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting. 

With an active and positive approach to global integration and as a trusted and responsible partner, Vietnam will work with other countries to strengthen common international issues, including promoting partnerships and assisting developing countries in carrying out the targets set in 2030 Agenda of the UN, further strengthening and reinforcing a peaceful environment and stabilizing the global and regional outlooks by complying with international law.

VN Economic Times