Vietnam has proved itself as an active and responsible member of the United Nations Human Right Council (UNHRC), Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc said, adding that the country joined other member nations in addressing human rights-related challenges of the humankind.


The Vietnamese delegation at the 31st regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

During his interview granted to the press on the sidelines of the ongoing 31st regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, from February 29-March 3, Ngoc said Vietnam has affirmed its image and role and position at the UN human rights forum.

The country delivered speeches and took part in discussions at meetings and consultations on different themes relating to protection of human rights. It made substantial contributions to making resolutions and decisions of the council.

The deputy minister voiced that Vietnam has sent delegations to annual sessions of the UNHRC and relevant forums, thus affirming its message of protecting and promoting human rights in Vietnam and the country’s responsible contributions in dealing with issues on human rights over the world.

At the 31st session, Vietnam joined talks debating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and international commitments on human rights, Ngoc said, adding that Vietnamese representatives and their Australian counterpart jointly organised a sidelines discussion on building a working environment for people with disabilities and hosted a debate on impacts of climate change on the right of people’s health.

Ngoc asserted that Vietnam’s participation in the council is to highlight dialogue and cooperation, striving for the goal of promoting and ensuring human rights on the basis of mutual respect.

Vietnam is a co-author of over 30 resolutions related to protecting rights of women, children and people with disabilities, and preventing violence, discrimination and human trafficking, thus contributing to raising public awareness in the fields.

Deputy Minister Ngoc highlighted Vietnam’s participation and contributions to Human Rights Council, saying that the country has closely worked with all the 46 UNHRC member nations and observers.

Vietnam is seen as a catalyst in narrowing disagreements and seeking balance at the council, he said, adding that the country’s efforts, achievements and experience on ensuring human rights and its role at the Human Rights Council have been applauded by many countries.

During the final year of being a UNHRC member, Vietnam will fully tap its achievements recorded over the last two years, and continue showing its responsibility in bringing prosperity and happiness to people, Ngoc stated.