Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Permanent Vietnam Mission to the United Nations, attended the First Committee on Disarmament and International Security’s debate on conventional weapons within the framework of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly in New York on October 24.


Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy

Speaking on behalf of ASEAN member states, Ambassador Quy affirmed all illegal activities related to the production, transfer and circulation of conventional weapons harm collective security efforts and the building of prosperous societies.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) reaffirms its sovereign right over the ownership, production, export and import of conventional arms and spare parts for national protection and security purposes, he stated.

The diplomat appreciated the UN’s role and efforts, stressing the need to continue reforming the UN’s disarmament system and intensifying regional and international cooperation.

He confirmed that ASEAN always tries its best to address conventional weapon-related issues through such mechanisms as the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Trans-national Crime and the ASEAN National Police (ASEANAPOL).

With many countries in the region affected by post-war bombs and mines, the ambassador welcomed activities of the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC), and suggested countries and partners maintain support for ASEAN in the sphere.

At the debate, the UN said the trading of conventional weapons has grown over the past 10 years. About 200,000 people, including many women and children, are victims of such weapons each year.

Participants proposed measures to prevent the illegal trading and use of conventional weapons, fight crimes and terrorism, stop possible conflicts and support affected victims.

The UN’s First Committee will continue holding meetings until November 9, during which it is expected to discuss and approve various resolutions, including those on the non-proliferation and disarmament of weapons of mass destruction, control of conventional weapons and strengthening regional and international security, among others.-VNA