Prosecutor General Le Minh Tri of the Supreme People’s Procuracy met with his Lao and Chinese counterparts in Laos’ Vientiane on November 8 to seek to step up bilateral cooperation in the field.

Tri is leading a delegation to attend the 10th ASEAN - China Procurators General Conference. 

At his working session with head of the Lao Supreme People’s Procuracy Khamsame Souvong, both sides reviewed their joint activities since the signing of their first pact in 1997. 

The agencies have maintained regular delegation exchanges, supported each other in criminal justice, and worked to boost procuracy cooperation between border localities of the two countries. 

Since 1999, Vietnam has trained 169 Lao procurators, while Laos has granted five-year scholarships at its national university for 2 Vietnamese procurators. 

Tri and his host agreed to continue their current collaboration and assist each other at international and regional forums. 

They concurred to sustain the organisation of the procuracy conference of the border provinces. 

The meeting with Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China Cao Jianming saw the two officials reaching various agreements. 

They wanted to continue delegation exchanges as well as increase cooperation in personnel training and criminal justice support. 

They agreed to accelerate the early signing of a memorandum of understanding on crime prevention collaboration between the two agencies in an effort to realise their cooperative pact inked in 2012 and the Vietnam-China agreement on justice assistance signed in 1998.-VNA