Vietnam hopes for Japanese investment in prioritised sectors in the country’s industrialisation strategy, along with infrastructure, energy, climate change response, and support industry, President Tran Dai Quang has told Vice President of the International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC) Yoshihiko Nakagaki. 

President Tran Dai Quang (R) welcomes FEC Vice President Yoshihiko Nakagaki in Hanoi

At a reception in Hanoi on October 10 for Yoshihiko Nakagaki, who is also Chairman of the FEC’s Committee for Japan-Vietnam Cultural and Economic Exchange, the State leader proposed that Japan speed up technology transfer to Vietnam and help the country in human resources training. 

He expressed his hope that Japanese firms invest more to Vietnam’s promising agriculture sector, while proposing that the FEC encourage more Japanese localities and businesses to seek partnership with Vietnam in the field. 

The President said that he believes the FEC, with a large number of members and strong influence, will continue making effective contributions to the expansion of cultural and economic cooperation between the two countries. 

Vietnam highly values the role of the private sector of Japan in boosting economic ties between the two countries, he stressed, affirming that together with large firms, Vietnam welcomes small and medium-sized enterprises from Japan to invest to the supporting industry. 

Vietnam will strengthen its efforts to complete legal and policy frameworks to create a stable and favourable investment and business environment for foreign investors, including those from Japan, he pledged. 

The President also noted that Vietnam is working with the Japanese side to implement the sixth phase of the Vietnam-Japan joint initiative on improving investment environment in Vietnam. Vietnam considers the success of foreign investors as its own, he said. 

Expressing his delight at the growing extensive strategic partnership between the two countries over the past years in all fields, he noted that Japan is the leading economic partner and the largest ODA provider of Vietnam, as well as the second biggest investor and fourth largest trade partner of the country. 

He held that progress in the regional connection process, including the establishment of the ASEAN Community, the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the negotiation for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), will bring new prospects for both sides in economic cooperation. 

On his part, Nakagaki briefed the host on cooperation activities between the FEC and Vietnam in recent years. He expressed pleasure that Japanese ODA and investment are contributing to the socio-economic development of Vietnam. 

He underscored that the FEC will work hard to connect potential Japanese investors with Vietnam in the coming time. In the future, Vietnam will be the close partner of Japan in Asia, he held, adding that Japan is aware of supporting Vietnam in maintaining growth speed.