Vietnam is deeply concerned about Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet on November 24 and hopes the two countries will hold dialogue to prevent tensions from escalating.


Russia’s SU-24 aircraft was shot down on November 24.

Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokesperson Pham Thu Hang made the statement while answering reporters’ queries on Vietnam’s reaction to the recent tensions in the Russia-Turkey relations after Turkey’s downing of Russia’s SU-24 aircraft, at a regular press conference in Hanoi on December 10.

Vietnam hopes that similar incidents would never been repeated, she said, adding that the country supports the international community’s efforts to fight terrorism under any forms and extreme violence.

The issues should be solved in accordance with the UN Charter and fundamental principles of international law on national sovereignty independence and territorial integrity and ensuring safety for people, she noted.

The Turkish air force said its warplanes shot down a Russian SU-24 frontline bomber near the Syrian-Turkish borders on November 24 morning, claiming the Russian aircraft had violated Turkish airspace. Russia refuted Turkey's statement, saying the Russian plane was in Syrian airspace when it was shot down.