Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security and Cambodia’s Ministry of Interior need to implement more effectively the signed cooperation plans to build a border line of peace, order and security.


Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Van Thanh made the remark at a working session with Minister of State at Cambodia’s Ministry of Interior Ouk Kim Lek in Phnom Penh on July 21.

Thanh suggested the two sides coordinate with relevant ministries and departments to realise documents inked during the official State visit to Cambodia by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

He congratulated Cambodia on the successful organisation of the communal election and significant achievements in the cause of national building and development, adding that the Vietnamese Party and Government always wish Cambodia peace, stability and prosperity.

The official noted that the two countries’ police forces have coordinated and exchanged information to crack down on a number of cross-border drug crimes and human trafficking.

The two sides have also worked to defeat all plots of hostile forces, while persistently pursuing the principles of banning them to use one’s territory to undermine peace, stability and security of the other, he said.

Ouk Kim Lek hailed the State visit to Cambodia by the Vietnamese Party chief as creating a firm foundation for reinforcing and enhancing the bilateral traditional friendship and solidarity.

He also spoke highly of the two countries’ accomplishments in security and the strong determination of police forces, especially those in shared border areas, to beat all plots of hostile forces to destroy order and political stability in each nation.