The Vietnam National Assembly (NA) will continue its close cooperation with the National Assembly and Senate of Cambodia in the time ahead, Standing Vice Chairwoman of the NA Tong Thi Phong has said. 


Standing Vice Chairwoman of the NA Tong Thi Phong (R) ​and First Vice President of Cambodia’s Senate Ney Pena

During talks with visiting First Vice President of Cambodia’s Senate Ney Pena in Hanoi on August 9, Phong affirmed that the Vietnamese legislative body will expand and improve the efficiency of collaboration between Governments and people of Vietnam and Cambodia, as well as their NAs at regional and international parliamentary-forums. 

The host said Ney Pena’s visit to Vietnam from August 8-9 is an important event among activities marking the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties (June 24), contributing to enhancing the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

She reiterated that Vietnam attaches importance to and gives the top priority to strengthening relations with neighbouring countries, including Cambodia, stressing that such ties are vital to the development of both Vietnam and Cambodia. 

Ney Pena used the occasion to thank the Party, State and people of Vietnam for their support to Cambodia during the country’s times of difficulty as well as in the cause of national construction and development. 

The guest stressed Cambodia’s determination to preserve the Vietnam-Cambodia relationship, regarding this as a valuable asset shared by the two nations.

During the talks, the two sides informed each other about political, economic and social situation in their respective countries, and discussed economic, trade and investment ties between Vietnam and Cambodia over the past time.