Vietnam and China have reached important common awareness on major directions and measures to enhance mutual political trust, friendship, and cooperation as well as maintain peace and stable and healthy development of bilateral relations.


The talks between China’s Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping and President Tran Dai Quang 

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Hoai Trung highlighted the significant outcomes of the recent State visit to China by President Tran Dai Quang from May 11-15 in an interview with Vietnam News Agency.

Firstly, the two sides agreed to maintain the tradition of close contact between Party and State leaders in flexible forms to timely exchange opinions on major issues in bilateral relations in addition to regional and international issues of mutual concern. Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping affirmed he would visit Vietnam and attend the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in 2017.

Secondly, they vowed to effectively utilize existing cooperative mechanisms, including the Joint Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation and meetings between representatives from the two Politburos, while enhancing coordination in external affairs, defence, security and law enforcement and boosting people-to-people exchanges.

Thirdly, both sides will work for the balanced and effective development of cooperation across the fields. They pledged to direct ministries, departments, localities, and businesses to promptly carry out cooperation plans, programmes, and projects.

Regarding the imbalance in bilateral trade, China will evaluate Vietnamese milk and dairy products’ standards while accelerating legal procedures to import some Vietnamese fruits in addition to maintaining trade links in agriculture, forestry and fishery products, and facilitating the opening of Vietnamese trade promotion offices in China.

President Quang reiterated that Vietnam wants Chinese businesses to implement hi-tech and environmentally friendly investment projects in Vietnam. He proposed China provide preferential credit packages for infrastructure projects in Vietnam.

The two sides agreed to step up affiliation in agriculture, environment, science, technology, and transport.

Both nations will work together to create rice varieties resistant to drought and saltwater intrusion, protect and use cross-border water resources sustainably, tackle climate change impacts, transfer technologies, manage and inspect nuclear safety, and connect bilateral transport infrastructure systems.

Additionally, Vietnam and China agreed to expand cooperation in culture, sports, tourism and people-to-people exchanges, particularly among youngsters, localities and the press.

They also vowed to cooperate to settle any disputes in the East Sea. 

President Quang reiterated the consistent standpoint of Vietnam in this matter and urged the two countries to properly handle issues related to fisheries and fishermen’s operation at sea, and prevent maritime matters from affecting the development of bilateral relations and regional peace, stability and cooperation.

Both sides agreed to adhere to common perceptions reached by the two Parties and States’ leaders and the agreement on basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues, along with controlling marine disputes without carrying out actions to complicate the situation and expand disputes, implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and build a Code of Conduct in the East Sea.

During the visit, the two sides issued a joint statement and signed a number of cooperation agreements.

Regarding the high-level forum on the Belt and Road Initiative in Beijing on May 14-15, the Vietnamese delegation actively participated in the discussions and the drafting of the forum’s documents, the Deputy FM said.

He noted that President Quang delivered two speeches at both the morning and afternoon sessions on May 15, making it clear that Vietnam welcomes regional economic connectivity initiatives, including the “Belt and Road Initiative”.

He shared Vietnam’s experience and contributions to promoting economic and regional connectivity and implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through 2030.

On the sidelines of the forum, the President had many bilateral meetings with leaders from other participating countries to discuss enhancing coordination efficiency at multilateral forums, contributing to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and beyond.

His visit to China has demonstrated the external policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation, diversification, and active international integration of the Vietnamese Party and State, Trung said.

It also contributes to the development of Vietnam-China relations, he added.