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Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Mr. Luu Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.

Within the framework of the China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) and the 20th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (CABIS), on September 16, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Mr. Luu Ning, Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Regional Party Committee, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh thanked Guangxi for preserving the relics of President Ho Chi Minh during the period of his revolutionary activities in Guangxi.

Recalling the recent visit by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the Huu Nghi Border Gate where he planted the "friendship" tree, the Prime Minister emphasized that this shows the respect and priority of the Party and State of Vietnam in Vietnam - China relations.

According to the Vietnamese PM, Guangxi is the locality that most centrally and vividly demonstrates the friendship "both as comrades and as brothers" between the two Parties, the two countries and the people of Vietnam and China.

The Prime Minister hoped that Guangxi will continue to promote its pioneering role, paving the way in promoting exchanges and practical cooperation between the two countries.

Secretary of Guangxi Luu Ninh expressed his appreciation for the good feelings of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Vietnamese leaders towards Guangxi and affirmed that Guangxi always attaches top importance to friendship and cooperation with Vietnamese localities.

After his visit to Vietnam (April 2023), Secretary Luu Ning expressed his joy about the two sides actively and effectively implementing cooperative activities and achieving many practical achievements such as a trade turnover in the first 8 month of 2023 reaching more than 20 billion USD.

The two sides have piloted the Huu Nghi smart border gate model; conducted pilot operation of the Ban Gioc (Vietnam) - Detian (China) waterfall landscape area; performed people-to-people exchange activities such as group tours and welcoming Vietnamese international students back to Guangxi to study...

Six breakthroughs in cooperation with Guangxi

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Guangxi agreed to coordinate with Vietnamese ministries, agencies and localities to deepen cooperation in the six breakthrough directions proposed by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

Discussing cooperation between the two sides in the coming time, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh highly appreciated the potential for cooperation between localities of the two sides and mentioned 6 breakthroughs in cooperation in various fields with Guangxi.

Firstly, it is breakthrough in infrastructure connection cooperation, including strengthening highway and railway connections.

Second, it is promoting economic - trade and investment cooperation, opening new and upgrading border gates, and facilitating customs clearance of goods.

Third, it is to deploy more people-to-people exchange, youth exchange, cultural and artistic exchange activities.

Fourth, it is the close cooperation in the field of border gates, appreciating Guangxi and Lang Son to build the Huu Nghi smart border gate model. This new model will contribute to improving customs clearance efficiency and promoting bilateral trade development.

Fifth, it is well implementing the three documents on land border management between Vietnam and China, well implementing cooperative activities between the two sides' functional forces in preventing cross-border crimes, and promoting exchange activities between border guards and police forces in border areas.

Sixth, it is close cooperation in the field of education and training, including asking Guangxi to increase scholarships for Vietnamese students, training Vietnamese students in the fields of tourism, culture and arts and new industry groups serving digital transformation, green growth, and circular economy.

Agreeing with the opinions of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Secretary of Guangxi Luu Ning affirmed that he will well implement the common perception of senior leaders of the two Parties and countries, expanding and deepening friendly exchanges with Vietnamese localities.

Secretary Luu Ning expressed his appreciation and agreed to coordinate with Vietnamese ministries, agencies and localities to deepen cooperation in the six breakthrough directions proposed by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

In particular, he emphasized the promotion of rail and road traffic connection; improving customs clearance efficiency through promoting the pilot implementation of the "smart border gate" model, strengthening seaport cooperation, and cross-border crime prevention cooperation.

This will contribute to consolidating and deepening the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, bringing practical benefits to the localities and people of both sides.

Mỹ Hoà và nhóm PV, BTV