Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc held a reception in Hanoi on November 3 for the newly-accredited Chargé d’affaires of Colombia to Vietnam, Claudia Liliana Zambrano Naranjo. 

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc and  Chargé d’affaires of Colombia to Vietnam, Claudia Liliana Zambrano Naranjo (Source:

At the meeting, Ngoc congratulated the Colombian diplomat on her new post, hoping that she will contribute to enhancing bilateral relations. 

The Colombian diplomat expressed her admiration for Vietnam’s achievements in national development and international integration. 

She affirmed that Colombia wants to foster multifaceted relations with Vietnam, particularly in economic development, trade, investment, and settlement of post-war consequences. 

The two officials held that bilateral relations are developing fruitfully in all spheres, highlighting the official visit to Colombia by Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh and the political consultation between Vietnamese and Colombian deputy foreign ministers. 

They also agreed to boost cooperation in coping with climate change and hi-tech agriculture, and increase the exchange of delegations at all levels. 

The Colombian official affirmed that she will serve as a bridge to connect and forge the friendship and multilateral cooperation between the two nations in the coming time.-VNA