Vietnamese Ambassador to Laos Nguyen Ba Hung on March 22 sent greeting flowers from Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and the Vietnamese Embassy to the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) on the occasion of the party’s 62th founding anniversary.


At his meeting with deputy head of the LPRP’s Commission for External Relations Somphone Sychaleun, the diplomat congratulated Laos on its great achievements in national construction and defence over the past 62 years under the leadership of the LPRP, saying these have contributed to strengthening the special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

He expressed his belief that the LPRP will guide Lao people to new attainments in their reform course, successfully fulfilling the resolution of the LPRP’s 10th National congress and building a country of peace, independence, democracy, unity and prosperity.

The diplomat showed his delight at the growing traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States and peoples of Vietnam and Laos, which have become deeper, more practical and effective in all fields, contributing to the national construction, defence and reform of each country.

The Party, State and people of Vietnam will exert every effort to work with the Lao side to further promote the special solidarity between the two countries, he stated.

For his part, Somphone Sychaleun thanked the warm sentiments that the Party and people of Vietnam have given to Laos. He stressed that the Party, State and people of Laos will always remember the sincere and whole-hearted support of Vietnam during the struggle for national liberation in the past and the current national construction and defence.

Despite the changing world situation, Laos always attaches great importance to the special solidarity with Vietnam, he said.

He noted that 2017 is important for the countries as they are celebrating the 55th anniversary of diplomatic ties and 40 years of the Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship. 

This is a good chance for both sides to educate the young generation on the significance of promoting the special and unique ties between Vietnam and Laos, he noted.-VNA

Greetings to Lao party on 62nd anniversary

An arts programme to open the Lao Culture Days in Vietnam 

The Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee has sent a congratulatory message to the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee on the latter’s 62nd founding anniversary (March 22, 1955).

The message reads that over the last 62 years, under the LPRP’s clear-sighted leadership, the Lao people have overcome countless difficulties and challenges to gain glorious victories in national liberation, protection, and development.

After 30 years carrying out the reform policy initiated and led by the LPRP, Laos has attained enormous achievements in all spheres, improving the Lao people’s life and the country’s prestige and stature in the international arena. 

“The achievements are greatly significant to Laos’ cause of national development and defence, and have also helped to solidify the traditional friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos while contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world,” the message says.

Extending warm congratulation to the LPRP and the Lao people on their accomplishments, the CPV affirms that Vietnam strongly supports Laos’s reform efforts and believes that under the LPRP’s leadership, the Lao people will continue to harvest even greater attainments, successfully carry out the Resolution of the LPRP’s 10th National Congress, and build a socialist Laos of peace, independence, democracy, unity, and prosperity.

On this occasion, Hoang Binh Quan, Party Central Committee member and head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, extended congratulations to Sounthone Xayachack – Party Central Committee member and head of the LPRP Central Committee’s External Relations Commission. A delegation of the CPV commission also visited the Lao Embassy in Vietnam to convey greetings.