President Tran Dai Quang has affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of continuing to regard Japan as its leading and long-term partner.


President Tran Dai Quang (R) and Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida.

At a reception for visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida in Hanoi on May 6, the State leader noted with joy the fruitful developments of the bilateral cooperation in various areas, as well as the enhanced mutual political trust.

Lauding economic, trade and investment ties between the two countries, he thanked the Japanese Government, the National Diet (Japan’s National Assembly) and people for their support for Vietnam ’s efforts in socio-economic development and poverty reduction via the official development assistance (ODA) over the years.

Vietnam and Japan share similarities in strategic interests as well as concerns over both bilateral and multilateral collaboration, the host said, adding that the growing bilateral relationship matches the interests and aspirations of their people and contributes to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region.

He also used the occasion to thank Fumio Kishida for his valuable support to Vietnam and the bilateral ties, mentioning a 500 million JPY (4.7 million USD) aid package the Japanese side has committed during the Foreign Minister’s official visit to Vietnam in 2014, to help the country raise its capacity in maritime law enforcement forces.

The leader suggested the two sides increase their exchange of visits and meetings at all levels to increase mutual understanding while tightening their coordination at regional and international forums.

He called on Japan to continue its affiliation with Vietnam in economy, trade, investment, ODA, agriculture and climate change response, and assist the country in sustainable development, economic restructuring, improving competitiveness and high-quality human resources development.

President Tran Dai Quang appealed to Japan to step up its technological transfer and facilitate Vietnamese farm produce’s presence in the local market, in tandem with supporting the country’s bids to run for a nonpermanent seat in the UN Security Council for 2020-2021.

Expressing his sympathy over human and property losses caused by consecutive earthquakes in Kumamoto prefecture last April, the leader voiced his hope that the Japanese Government and people will swiftly overcome such devastating consequences to stabilise their lives.

He asked the Foreign Minister to convey his invitations to the Emperor, the Empress and other royal members of Japan and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to visit Vietnam at an early date.

Consenting to the host’s proposals, Fumio Kishida affirmed Japan ’s stance of attaching importance to cooperation with Vietnam , especially in regional and international issues of shared concern.

Japan strongly backs the peaceful settlement of disputes at sea in accordance with international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea , and quickly reaching a Code of Conduct in the East Sea , he said.

He noted his hope that the eighth meeting of the Vietnam-Japan Cooperation Committee will reap successes, contributing to accelerating the effectuation of high-level agreements and elevating the strategic cooperation between the two countries.