Electricity imports from China and Laos now meet 3.1% of Vietnam’s needs and the country must continue purchases from the neighbors to meet over 2% of its demand in the coming years.

vietnam continues buying electricity from china, laos hinh 0

Nguyen Hai Ha, head of manufacturing engineering at Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN), told a conference on the power sector in HCMC on October 4 that Vietnam’s electricity generation and imports are estimated at 184 billion kWh this year, well above 164 billion kWh in 2015.

He said by the end of last year the nation’s power plants had had a combined capacity of 38,642 MW with hydropower accounting for 41.6%, and coal- and gas-fired power for 33% and 18.7%, respectively.

Ha said there are few big hydropower plants and that almost all hydropower plants in the country are small, so coal-fired power stations are growing robustly. 

Coal-fired power will make up 49% of the country’s power production by 2020 and the percentage will soar to 55% by 2025 before edging down.

Ha said in the coming years EVN would have to make investments in a way that ensures a supply-demand balance. At present, power generation in northern Vietnam makes up more than 60% of the nation’s total while the south runs short of electricity.

Besides investments in big power centers such as Vinh Tan and Duyen Hai, the enterprise will develop medium and small energy sources and clean energy, use modern technology and diversify investments. EVN will build its gas-fired and coal-fired power plants appropriately and concentrate on gas-fired power stations in the south.

Priority will also be given to renewable and nuclear power. The firm will continue buying electricity from China and Laos.      

EVN looks to increase the country’s power production capacity to 60,000 MW in 2020, 96,500 MW in 2025 and 129,500 MW in 2030.

EVN will develop transmission systems with a focus on the 500 kV line to transmit electricity from power centers to consumers and upgrade the 220 kV and 110 kV lines.

The company will need an estimated US$8-10 billion a year to invest in the national power grid and power stations. EVN plans to adjust electricity prices to mobilize capital for its investment, production and management plans and apply modern technology to improve production efficiency and protect the environment.