Vietnamese Defence Minister, Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich and Minister of Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, Sen. Lieut. Gen Leopoldo Cintra Frias signed a 2017-2019 cooperation plan following their talks held in Hanoi on March 23. 


Vietnamese Defence Minister, Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich (L) and Minister of Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, Sen. Lieut. Gen Leopoldo Cintra Frias

The plan covers the exchange of all-level delegations, personnel training, military medicine, air defence-military aviation, and military business. 

Frias, who is also Politburo member and member of the Council of State of Cuba, is on Vietnam visit from March 22-28 at the invitation of Minister Lich, Politburo member and Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission. 

The talks took place right after the welcome ceremony the same day. 

Minister Lich said relationship between the two armies is always a pillar and an exemplary model for cooperation in other fields. 

Vietnam always remembers great and effective support provided by the Cuban Party, government, people and army while educating today and future generations about the bilateral traditional friendship, he said. 

At the talks, the two ministers informed each other of the latest political, socio-economic, national defence-security situation in the respective countries, as well as shared experience in building armed forces. 

Both sides reviewed the outcomes of partnership within the framework of the defence cooperation agreement signed in 2011 and the national defence cooperation plan for 2014-2016. They agreed with measures to strengthen bilateral national defence link in the foreseeable future. 

As scheduled, the Cuban guest and his entourage will visit several units of the Vietnam People’s Army and cultural landmarks in Hanoi and the northern province of Quang Ninh.

Cuba, Vietnam seek stronger relations

Cuba wishes to further strengthen the special relations with Vietnam, visiting Minister of Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) of Cuba Sen. Lieut. Gen. Leopoldo Cintra Frias told Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) and Minister of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba Sen. Lieut. Gen. Leopoldo Cintra Frias

At a meeting with the Vietnamese Party chief in Hanoi on March 23, the Cuban officer informed the host of the results of the working sessions between the Cuban officials and Vietnam’s Ministry of Defence, and thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for their remarkable support for his country. 

While speaking highly of Vietnam’s great achievements during the Doi Moi “renewal” process, he stressed that those are valuable experience and a source of reference for his country.

For his part, Party General Secretary Trong said he believes Frias’s official visit to Vietnam will contribute to pushing the traditional relations and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations, especially links between their armed forces. 

He expressed his hope that the two countries’ armed forces will always deserve the trust of the two Parties and people, and are always willing to fight for the independence and freedom of the two nations. 

The same day, the Cuban minister was received by President Tran Dai Quang, who affirmed Vietnam’s policy to step up the friendship and special solidarity with Cuba.

Vietnam is willing to share experience with and support Cuba across cooperative fields, including defence and security, contributing to ensuring peace in the region and the world, the President said. 

He hailed the close all-around cooperation between Vietnam’s Ministry of Defence and Cuba’s Ministry of Revolutionary Armed Forces, stressing the importance for the two countries to foster defence links. 

Sen. Lieut. Gen Leopoldo Cintra Frias expressed his joy at the fine development of the bilateral ties in general and the cooperation between the two ministries in particular, saying that he hopes President Quang will continue advocating the two ministries strengthening their affiliation in the coming time.

Cuban Party official vows to boost cooperation with Vietnam

Second Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and First Vice President of the Council of State and Ministers of Cuba Jose Ramon Machado Ventura has affirmed determination to increase the exchange of experience and cooperation with Vietnam in all fields.

In his reception of Vietnam’s Ambassador to Cuba Nguyen Trung Thanh on March 22, Jose Ramon Machado recalled the profound affection, traditional relationship and special friendship between the two countries and pledged support along with favourable conditions for the Ambassador to fulfill his missions and tasks during his tenure.

The Party official applauded the outcomes of recent Cuba visits of President Tran Dai Quang, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and NA Vice Chairman Tong Thi Phong. 

He expressed his wish that the two countries will boost economic cooperation match the close political relations.

Ambassador Nguyen Trung Thanh, who just began his tenure, conveyed greetings of Party and State leaders and people of Vietnam to the Party, State leaders and people of Cuba.

The ambassador also congratulated Cuba on the important achievements the Party, State and Cuban people have made and praised their will to successfully implement the resolution of the Communist Party of Cuba’s seventh Congress, especially the process of updating the socialism economic model.

He pledged to do his best in his capacity to contribute to bilateral ties.