President Tran Dai Quang has urged the Vietnamese and Cuban Parties and States to continuously direct ministries and relevant departments to step up the existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms and refine a legal framework for stable and long-term collaboration.


President Tran Dai Quang (R) hosts Chairman of the Cuban National Assembly Esteban Lazo Hernandez

While meeting with Chairman of the Cuban National Assembly Esteban Lazo Hernandez in Hanoi on June 12, President Quang said the Vietnamese leaders and people always attach great importance to reinforcing and enhancing solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with Cuba.

He hailed the outcomes of the talks between the Cuban top legislator and Vietnamese National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, and hoped the two parliaments will consolidate ties on both bilateral and multilateral aspects.

Vietnam is willing to share experience in reform and do its utmost to support Cuban people to overcome difficulties and challenges, Quang said.

He recognised the effective cooperation mechanisms between the two countries such as the Parties’ theoretical workshop, the inter-governmental committee’s meeting, the deputy foreign ministers’ political consultation, and the deputy defence ministers’ strategic dialogue.

The two countries could tap huge potential in economic, trade, and investment cooperation, he said, adding that more Vietnamese businesses are eyeing the Cuban market.

The President showed his delight at close bilateral coordination and mutual assistance at multilateral forums and international organizations, especially at the United Nations. 

Vietnam pursues persistent stance of supporting the early removal of embargo against Cuba, he said.

Esteban Lazo Hernandez said Vietnam has a plenty of experience in agriculture and energy.

This is the proper time for the two countries to bring their cooperative relations into reality, he added.

The same day, the Cuban top legislator and his entourage visited the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics.

Vietnam, Cuba agree to beef up legislative ties

 National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) and her Cuban counterpart Esteban Lazo Hernandez

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and her Cuban counterpart Esteban Lazo Hernandez agreed to enhance legislative ties between Vietnam and Cuba through the exchange of all-level delegations and experience sharing.

The consensus was reached during their talks in Hanoi on June 12, which took place following a welcome ceremony for the Cuban top legislator, who is on an official visit to Vietnam from June 11-18. 

Host and guest consented to continue reviewing and updating existing cooperation documents and sign more agreements in order to complete the legal framework for the bilateral relationship. 

They expressed their determination to advance the two-way trade to match the close political ties. 

The two NAs will support and promote the implementation of cooperative programmes and projects, particularly those in agriculture, consumer goods production, research and production of medicines, health care services, tourism infrastructure construction and energy. 

They pledged to intensify their collaboration and mutual support at multilateral organisations and forums, especially the UN, in the interests of each nation, as well as for peace, stability and development in the regions and the world at large. 

The Vietnam-Cuba and Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentary Groups will also increase their exchange and seek specific measures to increase mutual understanding and consolidate the friendship and cooperation between the two NAs in the coming time. 

NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan stressed that the Vietnamese legislature plans to promote parliamentary diplomacy, expand bilateral activities with other countries’ parliaments and take an active role at multilateral forums and regional and international inter-parliamentary organisations. 

Vietnam persistently pursues a foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of relations and intensive international integration, she affirmed. 

The country will continue to work to contribute to maintaining peace and stability, while protecting sovereignty and territorial integrity on the basis of respect for international law, the legislative leader said. 

The NA Chairwoman also highlighted the reform efforts of the Vietnamese legislature, which, she said, is gearing towards transparency and publicity. 

Ngan described the Cuban NA leader’s visit as a new development of the legislative ties as well as the long-standing friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.  

For his part, Esteban Lazo Hernandez said the exchange of experience and delegations will help the two countries understand each other more and set forth measures against challenges. 

Cuba understands Vietnam’s consistent stance on the international arena and will continue to stand by the country, he affirmed. 

The Cuban top legislator expressed his hope to learn from Vietnam’s experience in 30-year reform, including legislative activities, especially at the grassroots level, in order to deal with its current problems. 

After the talks, the Cuban NA Chairman delivered a speech at a plenary session of the third sitting of the 14th NA of Vietnam. 

Later on the day, NA Chairman Ngan will host a banquet for the Cuban NA Chairman and his entourage.
