National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong has called on Vietnam and Denmark to seek new forms of collaboration, in the context of the two countries elevating their development cooperation to a mutually beneficial partnership.


National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong (L) and Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen 

She made the appeal at a meeting with First Vice President of the Danish Parliament Henrik Dam Kristensen on October 6 as part of her four-day visit to the country.

The legislator thanked the Danish Government for its development cooperation policies toward Vietnam over the years, saying Denmark’s official development assistance has been used in poverty reduction, public administration, administrative reform, climate change response and environmental protection.

At a meeting with Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen the same day, the NA Vice Chairwoman suggested the Danish Government continue implementing its Growth Strategy in Vietnam after 2016.

Denmark selected Vietnam as one of ten countries to carry out the Growth Strategy from November 2012 through late 2016, aiming to encourage Danish businesses to expand their investment in the Southeast Asian nation.

“Vietnam wishes that the Danish Government will continue facilitating Danish investment in the country’s priority areas,” she told her host.

Mentioning the Vietnam-Denmark Economic Forum organised by the Vietnamese Embassy in Copenhagen on October 7, Phong affirmed Vietnam’s desire for economic links with the country.

She noted that two-way trade exceeded 500 million USD in 2015. With 120 projects worth over 630 million USD in Vietnam, Denmark ranks 27 th out of 115 countries and territories investing in the country.

The legislator also highlighted developments in bilateral cooperation over the years, especially in green growth, environmental protection, energy, health care, agriculture, logistics and seaports.

In politics-diplomacy, the two countries have exchanged delegations and coordinated at international forums, she said.

She urged the Danish Government to continue creating optimal conditions for Vietnamese expatriates to integrate into the host society.

The same day, the Vietnamese legislator had a meeting with staff from the Vietnamese Embassy in Denmark.

During her stay in Denmark from October 6-10, Phong met with Denmark’s Minister for Environment and Food Esben Lunde Larsen, and attended the Vietnam-Denmark Economic Forum and a ceremony to mark 45 years of diplomatic ties.-