The Vietnam Fisheries Society has made strong statements in opposition to China's aggressive actions towards Vietnamese fishermen in the East Sea, demanding compensation for a sunken fishing boat.


 Return of the body of Dang Dum to Ly Son.

According to fishermen and the Danang Fisheries Society, on May 26, a Vietnamese fishing boat carrying nine fishermen and captained by Dang Van Nhan was chased and sunk by Chinese vessels while they were fishing for aqua products. At that time, the boat was 17 nautical miles from the oil rig. Because the fishing vessels have started to travel in groups, all the crew members were rescued by other fishing boats. The Fisheries Society demanded that China make compensations of VND5 billion (USD238,000).

On May 24, a fishing boat, piloted by Captain Dang Phe, and seven sailors was also rammed by a "strange" metal-amored ship in a sea area in Haiphong City. The fishing boat was heavily damaged and quickly sunk. One sailor, Dang Dum, died and another is still missing at sea.

Vo Van Trac, deputy head of Vietnam Fisheries Society, said, "We strongly oppose these illegal, inhuman actions from China. We demand that China make compensation and stop harassing Vietnamese fishermen within Vietnam's exclusive economic zones." According to the fisheries society, fishing boats from Ly Son Island have been consistently attacked of late. They also asked agencies to step up their efforts to protect Vietnamese fishing vessels.

Lieutenant-general, Nguyen Van Rinh, the former deputy head of Ministry of Defense, said that this was not the first time Chinese ships deliberately attacked Vietnamese vessels sailing within Vietnamese waters. "This is unacceptable and must consider it as a provocation," he said.

When asked whether China is preparing to escalate the situation, Rinh said all the attacks must have been calculated. He agreed that Vietnam must demand compensation and that the Coast Guard should keep an eye out for fishermen. "I think we should use all possible diplomatic channels to show our opposition. Summoning the Chinese ambassador is necessary to express our attitude," he said.

Financial aid urged for fishermen

National Assembly (NA) deputies in their group discussions on Friday proposed more emergency measures to support fishermen, saying all the ministries should practice thrift to financially help fishermen build bigger fishing boats.

Deputy Nguyen Thi Quyet Tam said authorities should focus on backing development of a new fleet of boats for fishermen who are in the forefront of the country’s effort to protect its sovereignty in the East Sea.

Deputy Vo Thi Dung suggested the Government suspend a VND2-trillion project for dredging the Hau River to allow larger vessels in to have funding for building new fishing boats.

The Ministry of Transport earlier advocated a VND35 trillion budget proposed by NA deputies for assisting fishermen to improve their output and protect national sovereignty. The capital should be used to build large fishing boats for lease, said deputy Tran Hoang Ngan.

Meanwhile, deputy Nguyen Ngoc Hoa suggested focusing on logistics services to deal with problems such as shortage of seafood purchasing boats or cold storage facilities.

“I suggest that each ministry should draw up scenarios to have quick and effective reactions against developments in the East Sea,” Hoa said.

Deputy Do Van Duong said it is necessary to forecast impacts of East Sea tensions on the local economy this year and the following years such as impacts on exports, economic growth and public debt.

“We need to review budget allocations for investment projects in the coming time. It is necessary to invest in a fleet of fishing boats for lease to help fishermen protect Vietnam’s sovereignty in the East Sea,” he said.

Government extends helping hand to fishermen

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has submitted new draft policies which will support fishermen to help continue their expeditions.

The draft policies were created in just 40 days. Steel ship owners will now be able to borrow capital of up to 90% the value of their ship for ten years. The maximum loan for wooden ship owners is 70% the value of their boat for a seven year period. Interest rates will be set as low as 3% per year.

Owners of offshore fishing ships will be able to borrow VND200 million (USD9,500), and VND500 million for their logistical vessels. Actual interest rates will be determined by the governor of the State Bank of Vietnam. Fishermen are also to receive support of 70% of their insurance fees for ships and 100% insurance for crew members.

Vietnam has about 117,000 fishing vessels. 3,750 fishing groups were created, with over 145,000 members who have helped to protect Vietnam's sovereignty.

The draft policies proposed would also help raise compensations for missing or dead fishermen by 25%, as well as provide 15kg of rice for each of their dependents for three months. Vessels that volunteer to help in rescuing missions will be receive the cost of their fuel.

In addition, the draft proposed more investment in ports and an exemption of tuition fees for students at departments of exploration of marine resources.
