The Vietnam Fisheries Society (VFS) has vehemently opposed China’s ramming of a local fishing boat in Vietnam’s waters, describing it as an inhumane action.


Fishing boat QNg 98459 (Source:

In an official document sent to the Government Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations on January 4, the VFS asked for raising voice against Chinese actions that violate the law.

The organisation also asked the Chinese side to immediately stop such actions and compensate the Vietnamese fishermen.

The VFS quoted a report by the Quang Ngai provincial Fisheries Association on January 4 as saying that fishing boat QNg 98459, captained by Huynh Thach, was hit by a steel ship on January 1 en route from Da Nang city to Con Co Island in Quang Tri province.

The incident, which took place some 70 nautical miles (130 km) off Con Co Island, threw seven of the fishermen overboard.

The strange vessel, which Huynh Thach said was a Chinese ship measuring about 30 metres in length, ignored the fishermen in distress and decided to ram the Vietnamese boat again.

The second strike damaged the boat and caused water to flood its deck, resulting in a total estimated loss of 2 billion VND (roughly 88,000 USD).

The ship was then towed to Man Quang bay in Da Nang city on January 2 by a group of nearby fishing boats.


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