Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe in Hanoi on November 2. 


Vietnam has always considered France a leading partner in Europe and the world, Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong told French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe.

During his reception in Hanoi on November 2 for the French PM, Trong expressed his pleasure at the positive development of bilateral relations between Vietnam and France in recent years, while applauding the two sides’ efforts to promote and maintain their strategic partnership through various mechanisms and cooperation forms. 

The host hoped the two sides will actively coordinate to realise the recently signed agreements, make joint efforts to maintain the positive momentum of the bilateral relations, and closely coordinate at multilateral forums, thus contributing to maintaining peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

He said that political trust and comprehensive cooperation across various fields between the two countries are not only based on objective needs, but also in accordance with the basic interests of the two countries.

The Vietnamese Party and State leader suggested the two sides facilitate the development of their community in each country, adding that this will be an important bridge towards bringing bilateral relations closer.  

For his part, Edouard Philippe expressed his pleasure at meeting with the Vietnamese leader, while congratulating Trong on his election as State President.

PM Philippe conveyed that he was glad to be able to visit Vietnam – an important partner to his country in Asia – especially as the year marks the 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries, and the five years since they signed the strategic partnership.

The French PM expressed his impression with Vietnam’s vigorous and vital development, highlighting the fruitful expansion of their bilateral relations in recent years. 

He said he hopes the two sides will further promote their cooperation in an effective manner across all fields in the time ahead, especially in the context of complicated global issues.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets with his French counterpart

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his French counterpart Edouard Philippe affirmed their determination to deepen the Vietnam-France strategic partnership for shared benefit during their talks in Hanoi on November 2 as part of the French PM’s ongoing visit to Vietnam.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and his French counterpart Edouard Philippe witness the signing of cooperation agreements between the two countries

PM Phuc lauded the tour to Vietnam by PM Edouard Philippe, saying it is the second high-level visit between the two countries in 2018 after the France visit by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in March.

The two sides agreed to increase delegation exchanges at all levels, especially high level, while promoting the role of coordination and direction mechanisms for bilateral cooperation, and forging stronger partnership in politics, economy, defence, science-technology, culture, and education-training.

The two leaders underscored that economic collaboration continues to be a priority in bilateral ties, stressing the need to speed up major joint projects and foster the relationship between Vietnam and the European Union.

PM Edouard Philippe stated that France supports the early signing and ratification of a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the EU, underlining France’s commitment to maintaining development cooperation with Vietnam in the future.

Both sides concurred to promote collaboration in building e-government and modernising State administrative governance, which is a new and promising cooperation area.

They will encourage and create favourable conditions for businesses of both sides to enhance their economic and investment partnership in areas of France’s strength and Vietnam’s demand such as infrastructure, energy, aviation-aerospace, health care, science-technology, communications, climate change response, and smart city.

They highlighted the significance of cooperation in education and training, including the development of the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi to an international-standard facility.

The two sides agreed to expand ties in culture, stressing the determination to turn cultural institutions of each country into centres for cultural cooperation and exchange, including the Vietnamese Cultural Centre in France and the French Institute in Vietnam.

They shared the hope to strengthen partnership in security and defence as well as increase visits of French military ships to Vietnam, and support Vietnam in joining UN peacekeeping operations.

The two PMs agreed to enhance coordination in ensuring the success of the 11th conference on cooperation between Vietnamese and French localities scheduled for early April 2019 in Toulouse, France.

They pledged to work closely at multilateral forums, especially the UN and the Francophonie, while supporting each other in developing relations between France and Asia Pacific countries as well as between Vietnam and EU members.

The two sides will also promote collaboration in coping with global challenges, especially climate change.

Both Vietnamese and French PMs stressed the significance of ensure peace, stability and strengthening regional and international cooperation. They affirmed their commitments to maintaining navigation and aviation freedom, and solving disputes in the East Sea through peaceful measures in line with international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982.

The French PM showed his hope to enhance the role of France in the Asia-Pacific region.

The same day, PM Phuc and PM Edouard Philippe witnessed the signing of a number of agreements of cooperation between the two countries in various areas, including training, e-government development, health care, climate change response, environmental protection, urban management, aviation, and energy.

Top legislator: Vietnam treasures relations with France


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) receives French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe 

Vietnam always treasures relations with France and expects that the two nations will join hands in developing the bilateral strategic partnership more effectively and practically, said the top lawmaker.

While meeting with French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe in Hanoi on November 2, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said she was happy to witness the strong development of Vietnam-France ties, especially after the two countries set up their strategic partnership in 2013.

Chairwoman Ngan highly evaluated the French PM’s visit which takes place at a time when Vietnam and France are celebrating the 45th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 5th anniversary of the signing of the Joint Declaration on the strategic partnership.

Having congratulated the outcomes of PM Philippe’s meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and President Nguyen Phu Trong, and his talks with PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc, the Chairwoman expressed her belief that the visit and cooperation agreements signed during the trip would contribute to deepening the bilateral relationship and enhancing their political trust.

PM Philippe said his ongoing visit, with the participation of French parliamentarians, ministers and Presidents of the France-Vietnam Friendship Associations in the Parliament and the Senate, aims to further promote cooperative and close relations between the two nations.

The PM highlighted the importance of cooperative ties between French and Vietnamese provinces and cities, adding that he is scheduled to participate in several activities in Vietnamese localities, including the inauguration of a French international school in Hanoi.

At the meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on operations of as well as relations between the parliaments and governments in Vietnam and France.