National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue have agreed to soon establish a bilateral friendship parliamentary group in order to step up legislative ties between Vietnam and Haiti. 


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) and President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue

They reached the consensus at their talks in Hanoi on June 19, during which the two sides were also unanimous in enhancing the exchange of high-ranking delegations, commissions and parliamentarians, and experience sharing.  

The Vietnamese legislature supports the enhancement of cooperation between the Governments of Vietnam and Haiti, including in agriculture, said NA Chairwoman Ngan. 

She suggested the two sides implement bilateral or trilateral cooperation to meet Haiti’s demands, urging them to accelerate the realisation of agricultural cooperation agreements between Vietnam and Haiti and Colombia. 

Ngan added that Vietnam is willing to share experience in gender equality with Haiti. 

Appreciating Haiti’s opening an embassy in Hanoi in December 2013, the chief legislator said the Vietnamese NA backs the Government to open an embassy in Haiti when conditions are favourable. 

She thanked the Haiti Government for recognising Vietnam’s market economy status and supporting the country’s bid to become a member of the UN Human Rights Council for 2014-16 as well as the UN Economic and Social Council for 2016-18. 

NA Chairwoman Ngan asked for Haiti’s continued support for Vietnam in its bid to run for a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council for 2020-21 and the country’s candidacy for the post of the UNESCO Director General for 2017-21. 

She extolled the visit by Haiti Youri Latortue as the first bilateral exchange between the two countries’ legislative bodies and a start of parliamentary cooperation, which will contribute to boosting ties between the two countries. 

The Chairwoman briefed Latortue on Vietnam’s development and the NA’s operation, noting with pleasure the enhanced relationship between the two countries. 

Vietnam has been following Haiti’s development closely and praised its reform achievements as well as its performance in socio-economic development and integration, helping improve the country’s role and prestige in the region and the world at large, she said. 

President of Haiti’s Senate Youri Latortue appreciated the welcome for his delegation and congratulated Vietnam on its achievements in national construction. 

Mentioning Vietnam as an imitable model, Latortue said Haiti is also undergoing profound economic reforms. 

He highlighted bilateral cooperation in various areas, including telecommunications and agriculture, and Vietnam’s support for Haiti in stabilising its rice prices. 

The Senate President called on Vietnam to provide technical support for Haiti in agriculture, share its experience, intensify the bilateral affiliation in telecommunications and pour more investments in the country. 

Agreeing with Latortue’s views, NA Chairman Ngan said bilateral trade still remains modest, suggesting the two countries beef up their economic and investment ties through cooperation models between Vietnam’s military-run telecoms group Viettel and Teleco S.A of Haiti. 

During the talks, the two sides discussed regional and international issues of mutual concern, including the East Sea matter. 

The two legislative leaders agreed that the issue must be resolved via peaceful means, including diplomatic and legal processes, in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

Also on June 19, the Haiti delegation visited military-run telecoms group Viettel.

Later on the day, NA Chairwoman hosted a banquet for Senate President Youri Latortue and his entourage.