Hoang Binh Quan, special envoy of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, said he hopes the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the Parties, States and people of Vietnam and Cuba will deepen.


Head of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee's Commission for External Affairs Hoang Binh Quan.

Quan, who is also Head of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee's Commission for External Affairs, was on a working visit to Cuba to speak about the 12th National Party Congress outcomes.

During a meeting with President of the Council of State of Cuba Raul Castro in Havana on March 8, the Vietnamese official asserted the CPV’s consistent policy of pursuing Renewal (Doi moi) orientations and enhancing the leadership of the Party in the cause of national construction, development and defence.

He expressed his joy at the great successes reaped by the Cuban people under the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba in updating socio-economic models and promoting foreign relations. He said he believes these will be crucial to helping Cuba reach greater achievements in its socio-economic development.

Raul Castro congratulated Vietnam on the success of its Party Congress, noting that the event will lay an important political foundation for Vietnam’s renewal process and construction of socialism.

Castro said he appreciated Vietnam’s experience in national construction and development. He will do his utmost to strengthen bilateral relations.

During his stay, the Vietnamese guest met with members of the Politburo and the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Cuba’s Central Committee, and representatives from the National Assembly and Government.

He also held talks with Cuban Party secretary Rose Jose Ramon Balaguer, and delivered a speech at the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).