As Vietnam and Egypt mark the 55th anniversary of their diplomatic ties on September 2, VOV reports on the special sentiment Egyptian diplomats feel for Vietnam.


Dr. Abdel Kader Khali's room keeps his mementos of Vietnam

Dr. Abdel Kader Khalil, the first Egyptian Ambassador to Vietnam, began his mission in 1973, when Vietnam’s war against the US was in its fiercest. After his death, his family dedicated a room to his mementos of Vietnam: mother-of-pearl inlayed items, Bat Trang ceramic pot and tea cups, embroidery pictures, and an Oriental wooden cabinet.

A photo of Ambassador Khalil and Vietnamese President Ton Duc Thang is hung in a prominent spot. Khalil’s daughter Sherine says that during his diplomatic career, her father paid special attention to Vietnam and kept many items associated with Vietnam.


Reda Al Taify, former Egyptian Ambassador  to Vietnam (C) is active in introducing Vietnamese culture to Egyptians

Reda Al Taify was the Egyptian Ambassador to Vietnam from 2010 to 2014. He conveyed information about Vietnam to the Egyptian people by organizing cultural events and donating publications to Egypt’s public libraries.

Mr. Taify said,“I had a chance to be close to the Vietnamese people. I admire the way they live, how they are serious doing their jobs. I admire the cultural experience, also how the people of Vietnam like culture, history, and like to cooperate with foreigners. I had a chance to visit many places of your beautiful country, Ha Long Bay, a world heritage site, Hoi An, and Ho Chi Minh city, many, many places I have visited and enjoy it.”

According to Ambassador Taify, cultural exchanges help people understand each other and promote political and economic cooperation. He said,“From cultural point of view, we should organize cultural events both in Egypt and Vietnam. Concerning the trade relations, we need to promote ourselves to your country. We need also to promote your country in our country through trade exhibitions. Trade exhibition can help each country to know what you produce and what you can export to Egypt. At the same time, through such trade exhibition, we can show Vietnamese people that our products are.”

The Vietnam-Egypt friendship owes much to the efforts of diplomats, who have worked diligently to nurture a close relationship between the two nations.