President Tran Dai Quang and Indonesian President Joko Widodo agreed to strive to bring two-way trade to 10 billion USD towards a trade balance during their talks in Hanoi on September 11. 


At the talks

The Vietnamese President welcomed the first Vietnam visit by Widodo and expressed belief that the visit will make important contributions to further promoting the traditional friendship and strategic partnership between the two countries. 

Discussing bilateral ties, the two Presidents stressed the need to further deepen the bilateral strategic partnership in a more practical and effective way for the benefit of the two countries’ people, and for peace, cooperation and prosperity in the region and the world, in the context of deep changes in the Asia-Pacific region in general and ASEAN in particular. 

Both sides agreed to increase all-level visits via the State, government, National Assembly channels and people-to-people exchange; make effective use of bilateral cooperation mechanisms and share views on regional and global issues of mutual interest. 

They spoke highly of the signing of an action programme on realising the bilateral strategic partnership for the 2019-2023 period, towards celebrating the 10th anniversary of the establishment of strategic partnership by 2023. 

The Indonesian President took note of Vietnam’s proposal on removing regulations on the rate of local content in Vietnam’s key export items such as mobile phones, television, agro-forestry-fisheries, steel, construction material and, electrical equipment, making it easier for those products to enter the Indonesian market. 

The two sides spoke highly of the outcomes of national defence-security collaboration over the past years, especially the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on strengthening cooperation between defence officials and related activities signed in 2010 and the Declaration on Joint Vision on Defence Cooperation for the 2017-2022 period. They agreed to enhance cooperation between their navies and air forces, and partnership in defence industry and crime prevention. 

Host and guest consented to assign the technical task force meeting to accelerate negotiations on demarcation of the two countries’ exclusive economic zones in line with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS). 

They affirmed that the issue of arrested fishermen and fishing vessels should be handled in an humanitarian spirit and in accordance with the two countries’ friendship and international law. 

On the occasion, they welcomed joint work to address illegal fishing, including the signing of a joint communiqué on voluntarily joining international cooperation in preventing illegal, unreported and undocumented fishing, and agreed to make efforts to soon reach a Code of Conduct at sea and sign a memorandum of understanding on marine and fishing cooperation. 

The two leaders discussed measures to intensify links in the fields of energy, agriculture, culture, tourism, and in marine-based economy, marine sciences and environment, as well as build a consultation mechanism on marine issues. 

They committed to effectively carry out the agreement in farm produce and consider establishing joint ventures in aquaculture, wood processing and wooden furniture export, expanding tourism cooperation, especially sea and island tourism and soon launching the Hanoi – Jakarta direct flights. 

On regional and global issues of shared concern, the two Presidents said both sides need to maintain consultation on issues regarding regional security and strategy, coordinate to build a united ASEAN, successfully realise the ASEAN Vision 2025, and enhance ASEAN’s central role in the regional architecture and in dealing with strategic issues in the region. 

The two sides pledged to work closely together at multilateral forums, especially the United Nations, ASEAN, APEC and ASEM. 

The two sides affirmed their consistent stances on the East Sea issue, including supporting the peaceful settlement of disputes in line with international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS; refraining from the use of force or threat to use force; fully respecting diplomatic and legal processes. They highlighted the importance of non-militarisation, refraining from activities that could cause or escalate tension, abiding by principles of international law and widely-recognised standards. 

The two leaders reaffirmed their support of the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and acceleration of negotiations on a practical and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea.

Vietnamese, Indonesian leaders meet the press

President Tran Dai Quang and his guest, visiting Indonesian President Joko Widodo, had a meeting with representatives of Vietnamese and foreign media in Hanoi on September 11 to inform them of the outcomes of the talks between the two leaders held earlier the same day.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo (L) is welcomed by Vietnamese children at the official welcome ceremony for him and his spouse in Hanoi on September 11

President Quang said the two leaders had very successful talks, during which they exchanged ideas on all aspects of the relations between the two countries, discussed and agreed to further develop the Vietnam – Indonesia strategic partnership in a more vigorous and profound way, for the interest of each country and for the sake of peace, prosperity, cooperation and development prevailing in the region.

The State leader stressed that the two sides worked out major orientations to push up bilateral in the time to come, focusing on the boosting of delegation exchanges and contacts at all levels via the channels of State, National Assembly and Government, as well as people-to-people exchanges so as to further improve the bonds and political trust and, at the same time, lay a foundation conducive to the bringing into full play the potential and advantages, thus bringing about practical, effective and mutually beneficial fruits to the bilateral cooperation.

The two leaders also pledged mutual support in grasping chances of the regional economic linkage to strengthen the bilateral trade cooperation and within the ASEAN.

President Quang stressed that the two sides agreed to facilitate each other’s key exports, striving to bring the revenue of the bilateral trade of goods to the level of 10 billion USD or even higher in 2020.

President Widodo said very many Indonesian investors look to develop their investment in Vietnam, and that is why Indonesia hopes the Vietnamese State will facilitate and give fair treatment to Indonesian investors.

Sharing the common values on a region of peace, stability, security and safety, President Quang said the two sides pledged to continue pushing up their defence – security cooperation to effectively cope with traditional and non-traditional security challenges now rising in the region. The two sides will also intensify their cooperation on the sea, agriculture, transport, energy, culture, tourism, people-to-people exchanges, etc, to match the potential and demand of the two countries.

President Widodo said the two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in fighting and preventing illegal fishing activities, and accelerate negotiations on the two countries’ exclusive economic zones.

The two leaders laid stress on the strengthening of cooperation to complete the goal of building the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, building an ASEAN Community of solidarity, self-reliance and creativeness, and bringing into full play its central role in the region as well as contributing to the maintenance of peace, stability and development in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. They also agreed to support trade liberalization, ensuring peace, security and development of the states in the region.

President Quang said the two sides reaffirmed the importance of peace, stability, security, marine and aviation safety and freedom in the East Sea; settling disputes by peaceful measures on the basis of international law, especially the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, fully respecting the diplomatic and legal procedures, seriously and fully implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of the Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and reaching the Code of Conduct (COC) at an early date.

President Widodo stressed Indonesia welcomes progress recorded in the negotiations on COC, making important contributions to affirming that the Ease Sea remains a region of safety, stability and peace. He also thanked Vietnam for supporting Indonesia’s viewpoint on the perception of the Indo-Pacific.

President Joko Widodo is now making a state-level visit to Vietnam from September 11-12 at the invitation of President Tran Dai Quang. After their talks which followed the official welcome ceremony for the guest also on September 11, the two leaders witnessed the signing of various cooperation documents between the two countries.

President hosts welcome ceremony for Indonesian counterpart


The two Presidents and their spouses at the welcome ceremony 

President Tran Dai Quang hosted an official welcome ceremony in Hanoi on September 11 for his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo, who is making a State-level visit to Vietnam on September 11 and 12.

After the ceremony, the two presidents held talks at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi. 

This is President Widodo’s first visit to Vietnam after his assumption of the presidency in 2014.

The visit takes place in the context of new progress in the Vietnam-Indonesia strategic partnership following the official visit to Indonesia by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong in August 2017. 

President Widodo’s trip is expected to help set the orientation for bilateral cooperation in the next years and aims to develop economic cooperation and expand market access between the two countries. 

Vietnam and Indonesia established diplomatic relations on December 30, 1955. 

In recent years, trade between the two countries has seen encouraging growth. Two-way trade value rose to 6.5 billion USD in 2017 and 4.7 billion USD for the first seven month of this year. The two sides are striving to bring it to 10 billion USD in 2020. 

In terms of investment ties, as of June this year, Indonesia ranked fifth among ASEAN members and 30th among 126 countries and territories investing in Vietnam, with 71 projects valued at 514 million USD. Indonesian investors mainly operate in oil and gas exploration and exploitation, coal mining, banking, hotels, wood processing, fibre production and garment making in Vietnam. 

Vietnamese investors are running 13 projects with a combined value of 54.7 million USD in Indonesia, focusing on oil and gas and mining.