A Vietnam – Israel defence industry forum was held in Hanoi on March 21 by the Vietnamese Defence Ministry’s General Department of Defence Industry and Israel’s International Defence Cooperation Division.


Defence Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich speaks at the forum

Israeli President Reuven Ruvi Rivlin and Vietnam’s Defence Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich and Deputy Defence Minister Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh attended the forum.

At the event, the two sides informed each other about their respective countries’ defence industry development and reviewed the outcomes of cooperation between their defence businesses.

They affirmed that the potential and demand for Vietnam – Israel cooperation remain huge, expressing the hope that the countries will continue expanding partnership, increasing delegation exchanges, and sharing experience in defence industry, thus helping to enhance the cooperation and friendship between the two armies and peoples.

Earlier, President Rivlin, who is on a State visit to Vietnam, and General Lich had a meeting on the sidelines of the forum.