A joint patrol between the border guard forces of Vietnam and Laos was held at Border Marker 255 on the shared border on July 23 as part of the first Vietnam-Laos border friendship exchange in Vietnam’s northern Son La province.


An exchange programme was organised in Moc Chau district on July 22 to highlight the close ties in Vietnam-Laos border areas

The joint patrol, carried out by the border guard forces at Long Sap border gate in Son La and Company 214 in Huaphanh, Laos, was witnessed by Deputy Minister of Defence Senior Lieutenant General Be Xuan Truong and his Lao counterpart Lieutenant General On Si-Sen Suc.

The construction of Marker 255 started in 2011 and finished on 2012. The marker was intended to dedicate to a shared border of peace, friendship, and stability between the two countries.

The joint border patrol between Vietnam and Laos takes place on a regular basis to protect the border markers at grass-root levels, examine border lines and immediately handle criminal offences, and improve mutual understanding between the two sides. It also aims to prevent cross-border criminal activities, such as illegal exits and entries, trafficking, illegal fishing, drug smuggling and more.

The two deputy defence ministers also co-chaired the ceremony to launch a friendship border medical station in Bo Sap village which was constructed by people from Bo Sap village of Moc Chau district, and Muong village in Laos.

It is expected to help strengthen solidarity and special friendship between the two nations’ border guards and people.

In addition, an exchange programme was organised in Moc Chau district on July 22 to highlight the Vietnam-Laos close ties at the border. It was the first of its kind held in the Vietnam-Laos shared border in the hope to enhance solidarity and the long-standing relations between the two governments and people.

The programme featured music performances by Vietnamese and Lao artists.