The Presidents of the front organisations of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam signed a tri-lateral cooperation programme for the period 2017-2020 at their third conference held in Hanoi on June 25.


Presidents of the front organisations of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam at the third conference

The programme aims at further enhancing the ties among the three parties in line with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation they signed more than three years ago.  

Under the programme, the parties will increase exchanges and twinning relations between their chapters in localities along with high-level delegation visits for experience sharing, while organising activities to celebrate major common anniversaries of the three countries in 2017.

The three front organisations also pledged to coordinate to contribute to building a people-centred  ASEAN community, forge friendship and mutual understanding among countries for regional and global peace and stability, and address disputes via peaceful means on the basis of respect for international law and each other’s independence and sovereignty.

President of Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Tran Thanh Man said the conference took place at a time when the three countries are celebrating 50 years of Vietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties, 55 years of Vietnam-Laos diplomatic relations, and 40 years of signing Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.

He called on the three front organisations to raise public awareness of the three countries’ traditional solidarity, friendship and cooperation, and prevent hostile forces from undermine their sound relations.

He stressed that the trilateral cooperation should focus on promoting economic-trade development and transport connectivity, in association with ensuring social welfare and environmental protection, and guiding localities along the shared border lines to implement coordination and support one another.

President of the National Council of Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodia Motherland Samdech Heng Samrin said the conference is important to the good relations among the three countries. 

He said the content of the three front organisations’ MoU should be popularized among the people so that they will join hand in strengthening the traditional friendship and cooperation. 

Heng Samrin also suggested encouraging shared border localities to establish twinning ties and friendship associations to tighten their solidarity, friendship and cooperation along the border line.

Meanwhile, President of the Lao Front for National Construction Saysomphone Phomvihane said the three front organisations should implement more educational campaigns to help people of all walks of life understand better the traditional solidarity and collaboration among Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. 

He noted that guidance should be provided to border localities in implementing the MoU, thus building a borderline of peace and friendship.

The next conference of front organisation presidents of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam will be held in Cambodia in 2020 to review the trilateral cooperation programme in 2017-2020 and sign a new one for 2020-2023.