The stability and development of Vietnam and Laos as well as of their special relationship is a critical and irreplaceable factor to each country’s national construction and protection.


Party General Secretary and President of Laos Bounnhang Vorachith (R) welcomes Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong before their talks in Vientiane on November 24

The view was shared by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Party General Secretary and President of Laos Bounnhang Vorachith during their talks in Vientiane on November 24, following a welcome ceremony for the Vietnamese Party leader.

The two Party General Secretaries underlined the importance of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s official visit to Laos which takes place after the two Parties successfully organised their national congresses earlier in 2016 and began a new tenure. They believed that the visit will help deepen the Vietnamese-Lao friendship, special unity and comprehensive cooperation, thereby meeting the two peoples’ aspirations and ensuring peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and around the world.

They informed each other about the situation of their respective Parties and countries, and the implementation of the resolutions of the Parties’ congresses.

The Lao Party General Secretary congratulated Vietnam on its enormous achievements during the three decades of reforms, voicing his belief that the country will reap even greater attainments. He also offered sympathies to Vietnamese people, especially those in the central region, on the recent damages caused by natural disasters.

For his part, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong also congratulated Laos on their reform accomplishments and wished the country further success in national development.

The two leaders rejoiced at the increasingly substantive relations in all spheres between the two Parties and countries, reiterating their strong support for each nation’s reform and national development and protection.

They agreed to enhance political connections by maintaining meetings between their Party and country leaders, sharing theoretical research and experience in strengthening the Party and enhancing officials’ capacity. The two sides will coordinate to successfully organise activities marking big anniversaries in 2017 so as to educate younger generations on the Vietnam-Laos special unity.

They also stressed the need for stronger defence-security cooperation and economic connectivity, especially in terms of institutions, transport infrastructure, energy and tourism. Vietnam and Laos will expeditiously fine-tune mechanisms and policies while tackling obstacles to facilitate economic partnership.

They will also improve the effectiveness of bilateral collaboration in education, training and human resources development, while closely supervising and pushing forward the execution of the high-level agreements and cooperation programmes and projects between the two Parties and countries.

The two leaders agreed to bolster coordination at international and regional forums, particularly the United Nations, ASEAN and cooperation mechanisms in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. 

Vietnam and Laos will also work together to manage and effectively use water resources of the Mekong River in order to ensure the harmony of interests among the Mekong nations and the region’s sustainable development, they said.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong highly valued Laos’s clear expression of its viewpoint on the East Sea issue as the ASEAN Chair in 2016.

He and Bounnhang Vorachith underscored the importance of maintaining peace, stability, security and safety in the East Sea. They agreed to boost the ASEAN unity regarding the East Sea problem while pushing for the peaceful settlement of disputes on the basis of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and efforts towards soon finalising a Code of Conduct in the waters.

The Vietnamese Party leader invited Bounnhang Vorachith to visit Vietnam. The Lao Party General Secretary and President thanked and accepted the invitation.

Party chief meets Lao Prime Minister

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the airport

The Governments of Vietnam and Laos should promote their cooperative role to help foster bilateral ties broadly and efficiently, especially in the context of regional and global situation developing complicatedly.

The remarks were made by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith at their meeting in Vientiane on November 24.

The Party chief hailed the two governments for promptly directing ministries, agencies and localities to realise outcomes of the high-level agreement 2016 and an agreement on cooperation scheme at the 38th meeting of the Vietnam-Laos Committee on Bilateral Cooperation. 

He asked Laos to continue providing all possible support for Vietnamese investors in the host country and suggested the two countries to enhance cooperation in Party building.

Sisoulith, for his part, vowed to instruct ministries, agencies and localities to effectively implement signed agreements in the fields of economy, education, culture and science-technology; fine-tune policies and mechanisms; ensure the progress and quality of Vietnam’s projects in Laos; and remove barriers to lift two-way trade. 

He also pledged efforts to improve the efficiency of joint work in education-training and human resources development. 

Host and guest noted that the two nations need to work closely together to boost the effective and extensive development of Vietnam-Laos special relationship and comprehensive cooperation. 

The two leaders agreed to further intensify national defence-security collaboration to maintain political stability, security, social safety and order; jointly work on preparations for the 55th anniversary of diplomatic ties and the 40th anniversary of the signing of Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation next year. 

They promised to regularly share information and offer mutual support in regional and global issues, especially those directly involving each country’s security and development. 

In the evening the same day, Lao Party General Secretary and President Bounnhang Volachith hosted a banquet in honour of the Vietnamese Party chief and his entourage.

Vietnam treasures all-around ties with Laos: Party leader

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (L) and Chairwoman of the Lao National Assembly Pany Yathotou

Vietnam always treasures comprehensive cooperation and special solidarity with Laos and strongly supports Laos’ national construction and development, said Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. 

In a meeting in Vientiane on November 24 with Chairwoman of the Lao National Assembly Pany Yathotou, Trong spoke highly of the two legislatures’ important role as well as the outcomes of cooperation between the two NAs and people-elected bodies. 

He suggested the two legislatures and their committees further enhance the sharing of information and experience in legislation, supervision and deciding on key country issues; and urge governments, ministries, localities and businesses to actualise signed agreements. 

Yathotou, for her part, thanked the Party, State and people of Vietnam for building the Lao National Assembly’s house in Vientiane as gift. 

The two leaders shared view that the two NAs need to further share experience to improve their operation efficiency and work closely together on external activities, especially at major international forums. 

On the occasion, they expressed their deep gratitude to the valuable and effective support that the two Parties, States, NAs and people have provided for each other during the past national liberation and the current nation-construction and development.

Party chief stresses role of fronts, associations in bilateral ties

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and  President of the Lao Front Saysomphone Phomvihane

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said he is pleased with the ties and cooperation between the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the Lao Front for National Construction when meeting President of the Lao Front Saysomphone Phomvihane in Vientiane on November 24.

He said the fronts hold an extreme important position in each country’s political system and the reality proved their big role in uniting people and rallying their strength for the respective countries’ national liberation and nation-building cause.

He expected that the Lao Front for National Construction will continue working to foster the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam. 

For his part, Saysomphone Phomvihane said the official visit to Laos by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong contributed to cementing the Laos-Vietnam relations.

He congratulated Vietnamese people on their immense socio-economic achievements obtained under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for always granting valuable support and assistance to Lao people.

He said the Vietnam Fatherland Front has always worked and shared experience with the Lao Front for National Construction and is very active in promoting cooperation among the fronts of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

He underlined the need for educating and popularizing history of the special Vietnam-Laos relations and remaining vigilant to plots attempted to divide the two countries and expressed his hope that bilateral cooperation will be more practical for each country’s prosperity and their people’s happiness.

Later on the day, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong received Vilayvong Butdakham, President of the Laos-Vietnam Friendship Association.

He said the Laos-Vietnam Friendship Association and the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association play an important role in communicating about the special Vietnam-Laos relations among people of all walks of life, especially among young people.

He hoped that the association will adopt more initiatives and take more helpful activities to increase the friendship and solidarity between the two peoples.

Vietnam, Laos sign seven cooperation documents


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Party General Secretary and President of Laos Bounnhang Volachith witnessed the signing of seven cooperation documents after their talks in Vientiane on November 24, on the occasion of the Vietnamese Party chief's official visit to Laos. 

Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue and his Lao counterpart Sonexay Siphandone signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Vietnam’s construction of a parliament building as a gift to the Party, State and people of Laos.            

Another MoU on Vietnam’s assistance for Laos to build a high school in Bolikhamxay province was inked by Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations of Vietnam Hoang Binh Quan and Chairwoman of the    Lao Party Central Committee's Commission for External Relations Sunthon Saynhachac.   

Vice Chairwoman of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilisation Ngo Thi Doan Thanh and Khamchan Phomsengsavan, Vice Chairman of the  Lao Front  for  National Construction  (LFNC) Central Committee, signed an agreement on cooperation between the two agencies in 2016-2020. 

Meanwhile, Minister of Transport Truong Quang Nghia and Lao Minister of  Public Works and Transport  signed two agreements on cooperation between the two ministries in constructing the Hanoi-Vientiane Highway, and in implementing the MoU on the Vietnam-Laos Cooperation Strategy in 2016-2020. 

An agreement between the two Governments on the adjustment of the Vietnam-Laos cooperation strategy agreement in    Houaphanh  and Xiangkhouang provinces by 2020 was signed by Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung and his Lao couterpart Suphan Keomisay.         

Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh and his Lao counterpart Khemmani Pholsena signed a MoU on the establishment of a joint website related to economic and trade cooperation between the two ministries.