Vietnam is willing to cooperate with Madagascar in the fields it is strong in and Madagascar has demand for, such as agriculture, trade and investment, President Tran Dai Quang has told visiting Madagascan Minister at the Presidency in charge of Agriculture and Livestock Rivo Rakotovao.


President Tran Dai Quang (R) and Madagascan Minister at the Presidency in charge of Agriculture and Livestock Rivo Rakotovao

During a reception for the Madagascan official in Hanoi on May 8, the State leader underlined that high-ranking leaders of the two counties have paid special attention to promoting agriculture links, which is a pillar in the bilateral relations.


He suggested the two sides encourage their enterprises to seek investment opportunities in respective nations, and asked the Madagascan side to facilitate Vietnamese enterprises’ agricultural investment and business in the African country. 

Vietnam will consider sending its experts and technicians to work in cooperation projects in Madagascar, he said, urging Madagascar to send experts to share experience in agricultural production and ensuring food security with Vietnam, he noted. 

He added that Vietnam and Madagascar need to cooperate in seeking financial sources and assistance from international organisations and developed countries such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the UN and the International Francophone Organisation in order to support their cooperation projects in agriculture and food security.

For his part, Rivo Rakotovao affirmed President Quang’s visit to his country in November last year opened a new cooperation prospect between the two countries in agriculture, breeding and rural development. 

He also pointed out difficulties facing Madagascar in ensuring food security as the country is hard hit by climate change.

Up to 80 percent of Madagascar’s population live in rural areas, so agriculture is the main contributor to the country’s economy. The African nation is focusing on developing agricultural trade and ensuring food safety. 

Madagascar hopes for stronger partnership with Vietnam in the coming time, Rivo Rakotovao said, stressing that the fine cooperation between the two countries’ ministries and sectors is the foundation to depend the Vietnam-Madagascar relationship.