Vietnam always attaches importance to promoting the friendship and cooperation with traditional friends in Africa, including Rwanda and Guinea, said President Tran Dai Quang. 


President Tran Dai Quang (R) and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Rwanda Louise Mushikiwabo

The State President made the statement during receptions for Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Rwanda Louise Mushikiwabo and Guinean Foreign Minister Mamadi Toure in Hanoi on August 7. 

He applauded the African ministers for their first visits to Vietnam, expressing his belief that the trips will contribute to effectively promoting bilateral relations between Vietnam and Rwanda and Guinea and the countries, thus optimising the interests of the countries. 

President Quang congratulated the two countries on achievements of political stability and socio-economic development in recent times, affirming that Vietnam appreciates the role and contributions of Guinean President Anpha Conde and Rwandan President Paul Kagame as the rotating presidents of the African Union in 2017 and 2018 in promoting peace, development, regional and international integration of Africa.

He also spoke highly positive steps of development in political and economic ties, and mutual support and coordination between Vietnam and the two African countries at multilateral forums, especially the United Nations. 

On the basis of sound political relations, the similarity of development level and need, Vietnam and African countries have been successfully implementing many cooperation projects on agriculture, telecommunication, health and education, President Quang said. 

These are important premises for the countries to expand cooperation across fields, thus bringing benefits to Vietnamese people and those in Africa, including Rwanda and Guinea.

President Quang asked the sides to enhance exchange of all-level delegations, towards deepening their cooperation and fully tapping their potential. 

Quang also urged the sides to devise specific measures boost trade ties, and improve legal frameworks to facilitate stronger multi-faceted collaboration between Vietnam and the two countries. 

With the success of Vietnam’s agricultural projects in many African countries, Vietnam is willing to share its experience with Rwanda and Guinea in the field through bilateral or multilateral cooperation, he affirmed. 

The Vietnamese leader hoped that the two countries would create favourable conditions for Vietnamese investors and businesses to make their inroads in the two countries in the future. 

He took the occasion to invite the Presidents of Rwanda and Guinea to visit Vietnam in the coming time. 

For their part, the African ministers highlighted the traditional friendship between Rwanda and Guinea and Vietnam, saying that the three countries experienced difficult historical periods and are now on the path of development.

Agreeing with President Quang’s opinion on measures to foster the relations between Rwanda and Guinea and Vietnam, they affirmed their countries are willing to bolster cooperation with Vietnam in all fields.

Vietnam, Guinea seek to expand cooperation


Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (right) and Guinea’s Foreign Minister Mamadi Toure 

Vietnam attaches importance to developing relations with African friends, including the Republic of Guinea, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh said on August 7.

At a reception for Guinea’s Foreign Minister Mamadi Toure in Hanoi, Minh touched upon specific measures to beef up cooperation between the two countries in such areas as agriculture, telecommunications, education and health care. 

He also talked about the plan to expand the bilateral collaboration in realms in which the two countries have potential like transportation, mining and oil and gas, facilitating the exchanges between the people and businesses of the two sides. 

For his part, Mamadi Toure affirmed that Guinea treasures ties with Vietnam, saying he wishes that the bilateral cooperation would be expanded via the Party and National Assembly channels and people-to-people exchanges. 

Political trust should serve as the foundation for economic links between Vietnam and Guinea, he said. 

Host and guest consented to deepen the bilateral friendship, advance the two-way trade which is now standing at nearly 160 million USD, and encourage Vietnamese businesses to invest in Guinea.

Vietnam highly values ties with Rwanda: Deputy PM


Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (R) shakes hands with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Louise Mushikiwabo of the Republic of Rwanda 

Vietnam pays heeds to fortifying its relations with Rwanda, a potential partner of the country in East Africa, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh stated on August 7.

He made the statement at a meeting in Hanoi with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Louise Mushikiwabo of the Republic of Rwanda, who is the first Rwandan senior official to visit Vietnam over the past 10 year.

At the meeting, the two sides agreed on specific measures to deepen bilateral relations toward effectiveness across different spheres.

In politics, both host and guest voiced their support to increasing exchanges of delegations at different levels of the countries’ Parties, Governments, parliaments, and authorities of localities. 

They said bilateral people-to-people diplomacy needs to be promoted to boost solidarity and mutual understanding.

The host expressed his hope to welcome high-ranking Rwandan officials in the country.

Among measures to push up bilateral trade, the officials agreed to step up liaison on policies and market, facilitate enterprises from both sides, and encourage trade promotion activities via forums, delegation exchanges, and exhibitions.  

They also exchanged measures to increase cooperation in agriculture, oil and gas, and defence-security.  

Louise Mushikiwabo said Rwanda is looking for Vietnam’s assistance in the fields of agriculture, mining, and telecommunication, noting that the country welcomes Vietnamese firms to study its market and set up partnerships.

The two officials agreed to soon sign a series of legal documents, including agreements on trade, visa exemption for diplomatic and official passport holders, and on investment encouragement and protection. They also eyed a cooperation protocol between the two foreign ministries. These pacts aim at creating a favourable legal framework for bilateral ties.

Both host and guest affirmed their commitments to enhancing mutual support and exchange at multilateral forums like the UN and the International Francophone Organisation (OIF). 

Deputy PM Minh stated Vietnam is a key member of the Francophone community in Asia-Pacific, which has demonstrated its role and responsibilities in boosting the position of the community in the region.

The two sides informed each other on their nations’ respective affairs and exchanged views on regional and international matters.

They highlighted their support for a peaceful solution of conflicts, including the East Sea issue, with respect to diplomatic and legal procedures based on international law, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).