Vietnamese men have been crowded and listed among top ten Misters at international beauty pageants.

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Ngoc Tinh is named the first runner up of Mister Universal Ambassador 2016 at the pageant held at the Suroboyo Carnival Park in Indonesia. 

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Huu Vi becomes Vietnam’s sexiest man 2016, according to famous magazine Missosology.

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He wins the third runner-up at Mister Global 2014 in Pak Chong, Thailand.

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Nguyen Hai Quan becomes Mister United Continents 2016 at a pageant in the Philippines.

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Nguyen Van Son defeats 21 rivals to win Mister Global 2015 title.

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Quang Huan is the first runner-up at Mister United Continents 2015.

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Truong Nam Thanh is among top ten at the Mister World 2012 pageant.

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He is the third runner-up at Manhunt International 2011.

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Le Khoi Nguyen is crowded at Mister Vietnam 2010 and the third runner-up at Mister International 2011.

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Do Ba Dat is named the second runner-up at Mister Vietnam 2010 and wins the best national costume title at Mister International 2012.

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Vinh Thuy wins Mr. Photogenic at Mr International 2009.

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Tien Doan is crowded at Mister International 2008 in Taiwan.

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Dan Tri/VOV