For over four decades, the traditional friendship and all-round cooperation between Vietnam and Mexico have been reinforced and developed in many fields from politics-diplomacy, economy-trade to culture, education and health care, stated Vietnamese Ambassador to Mexico Nguyen Hoai Duong.


Vietnamese Ambassador to Mexico Nguyen Hoai Duong

Addressing a ceremony on May 18 to celebrate the 43rd anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam-Mexico diplomatic relations with nearly 100 guests, the Ambassador noted that Mexico was among the first Latin American countries to set up diplomatic relations with Vietnam at a time when the Southeast Asian country just won the victory in the fight for national independence and reunification.

The diplomat stated that Vietnamese people will forever keep in mind the support of millions of justice- and peace-loving people in the world, including those from Mexico, during the struggle.

He expressed his delight at the strengthening of the political-diplomatic partnership between the two sides through meetings between senior leaders of both sides as well as among leaders of ministries, parliaments and localities of the two countries.

Particularly, the bilateral meeting between President Tran Dai Quang and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on the sidelines of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting 2017 in Vietnam’s Da Nang in November last year created a new political momentum for the further growth of the Vietnam-Mexico relations, heading to the building of a new partnership between the two sides in the 21st century, said Duong.

The ambassador noted that along with the regular and effective political consultation mechanism between the two Foreign Ministries, the two sides have launched the Joint Committee on Economic, Trade and Investment Cooperation, and the Joint Committee on Cultural-Educational Cooperation. 

He added that Vietnam and Mexico have coordinated effectively at international organisations and multilateral forums, including the United Nations, APEC, Forum of East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC), and the ASEAN - Pacific Alliance framework, while supporting each other in running for positions in important UN agencies.

Mexico is now the third largest trade partner of Vietnam in Latin American region, while Vietnam is the seventh most important partner of Mexico in Asia, noted the ambassador.

He declared that Vietnam always creates optimal conditions for foreign investors, including those from Mexico, to run long-term and stable business in Vietnam.

For his part, Alfonso de María y Campos, Director General for Asia-Pacific at the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressed his belief that the sound friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Mexico will continue to thrive for the benefit of both sides, contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the two regions and the world.

He held that the bilateral economic and trade ties will be elevated through the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in which both countries are signatory members.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese Embassy also launched a photo space introducing the nation and people of Vietnam to local and international friends.-VNA