VietNamNet Bridge - According to the latest rankings on Global beauties, from 2006 to 2015, Vietnam rose by 11 spots, from 35th to 24th in the world rankings for beauty.


The global beauty rankings.

As measured by Global Beauties, the beauty scale is calculated as follows: 7 points for the beauty queen title, 5 points for the first runner-up, 4 points for the 2nd runner-up, and 3 points for the remaining contestants in the top five.

In addition, the contestants who entered the semi-finals have 2 points, quarter-finals 1 point and for those who win the sub-prizes 0.1 point.

Based on the scale, since 2006 Vietnam’s contestants at the Miss World pageant brought about the following points: Mai Phuong Thuy (Top 17, Miss World 2006) has 2 points; Huong Giang (Top 16, 2009) 2 points; Nguyen Thi Loan (Top 25, 2014) 1 point; Tran Ngoc Lan Khue (Top 11, 2015) 2 points and 0.1 point for the best evening gown, designed by Ly Qui Khanh.




Vietnamese contestant at Miss World 2015 Lan Khue.




Vietnamese contestants had a total of 7.1 points, raising the position of Vietnam from 35th in 2006 to 24th at present.

At the Miss Universe pageant, Vietnam has only one point, with Nguyen Thuy Lam in the Top 10 in 2008. Other representative such as Pham Huong, Truong Thi May, Diem Huong ... did not earn any point so Vietnam currently ranks 50th.

Thanh Van