The relationship between Vietnam and the Netherlands is thriving in all aspects from political trust to cooperation in climate change adaptation, water resources management, agriculture, and trade-economy.


At the New Year meeting

Charge d’Affaires Pham Toan Thang from the Vietnamese Embassy in the Netherlands made the statement at a New Year meeting with Dutch friends in The Hague on February 16.

The Netherlands is currently one of the leading trade partners and investors of Vietnam in the European Union, he said.

He noted that despites numerous difficulties and challenges in 2016, Vietnam fulfilled a number of development targets, including a gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 6.21 percent, export turnover of 175.9 billion USD, up 8.6 percnet, and a rise of 9 percent in foreign investment attraction.

Thang attributed the fruitful results to not only Vietnam’s efforts but also the valuable support and effective cooperation of foreign partners, including Dutch ones.

He took this occasion to thank Dutch friends for their contributions to pushing the two countries’ rapports forward.

He expressed his belief that 2017 will be a successful year for the bilateral collaboration based on their friendship and effective partnership between the two nation’s ministries and agencies.