Saigon South Marina Club, one of facilities in District 7 that meet national standards for tourist destinations. Photo courtesy of the club

HCM City's District 7 has 13 attractions that meet national quality standards for serving tourists and can be explored for developing new products, its officials have said.

The facilities include the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre, Crystal Palace, SC Vivo City mall, Crescent mall, Ánh Sao Bridge, Artinus 3D Art Gallery, Long Hoa Pagoda, and Tân Quy Đông Temple.

The eastern district is home to impressive new buildings, high-standard apartments, shopping malls, high-end entertainment places, and dining spots with diverse cuisines.

Speaking at a meeting with travel firms to acquaint them with these facilities, Bùi Thị Ngọc Hiếu, deputy director of the city Department of Tourism, said District 7 has huge potential to develop MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and events) tourism as it is home to the city’s main exhibition and convention centre, shopping malls, three- to five-star hotels, and amusement arcades.

Tourism authorities in the city’s districts have worked with travel firms to develop more than 60 new tourism products, he said.

The city would continue with its efforts to diversify tourist offerings based on its 366 attractions and resources, she said.

President wraps up two-day official visit to Laos

President Vo Van Thuong and a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation arrived in Hanoi in the afternoon of April 11, wrapping up their two-day official visit to Laos at the invitation of General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee and President Thongloun Sisoulith.

During the trip, President Thuong engaged in 18 activities in Vientiane with specific results, creating a new impetus for Vietnam-Laos cooperation across the board, contributing to realising high-level agreements reached by the two Parties and countries, especially the Vietnam-Laos cooperation strategy agreement for the 2021-2030 period and the Vietnam-Laos Bilateral Cooperation Agreement for 2021-2025.

During the talks between the Vietnamese President and Laos's Party leader and President Sisoulith, the latter stressed that President Thuong’s selection of Laos as the first country to visit after taking office has demonstrated the appreciation of the Vietnamese Party, State and the President himself for the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese State leader announced a gift worth 1 million USD of the Vietnamese Party, State and people for their Lao counterparts.

Following the talks, the two leaders witnessed the signing and exchange of two cooperation agreements, including a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in technology and innovation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) and the Lao Ministry of Technology and Communications, and another on cooperation in science between the MoST and the Lao Ministry of Education and Sports.

Answering reporters’ questions, Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son emphasised that President Thuong's visit to Laos immediately after taking office has demonstrated Vietnam’s consistent policy of attaching the importance and giving the highest priority to the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

The Vietnamese leader also held meetings with the Lao Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Lao National Assembly, hosted receptions for the President of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC) Central Committee and the President of the Laos-Vietnam Friendship Association.

During the meetings, leaders of both countries reiterated the importance and highest priority that they give to the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, which they consider invaluable assets and vital factors to the revolutionary causes of their respective countries. 

According to Minister Son, the success of the visit has contributed to constantly strengthening and developing the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

Vietnam treasures friendship, comprehensive cooperation with Laos: FM

President Vo Van Thuong’s official visit to Laos on April 10 and 11 has contributed to creating a new impetus for cooperation between the two countries in 2023 across all key fields, from politics and diplomacy to security, economy, education and training, science and technology, culture, sports and tourism on the basis of the effective implementation of their high-level agreements, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son has said.

Son made the statement while talking to the press on the outcomes of the trip, the first to a foreign country by the President since he took office. He considered the visit ‘special and meaningful in many aspects’, demonstrating Vietnam’s consistent policy of attaching importance and giving the highest priority to the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with Laos.

According to the minister, the visit lasted about 30 hours and covered 18 different activities, including talks and meetings with leaders and former leaders of the Party, State, Government and National Assembly of Laos.

He went on to specify five outstanding outcomes of the significant trip.

First, the two sides further affirmed their determination to constantly strengthen and develop the two countries’ special solidarity in general, as well as the closeness and trust at a high level between their top leaders in particular.

Second, the Vietnamese and Laotian leaders agreed on measures to continue effectively carrying out the high-level agreements of the two Parties and countries, contributing to creating a new impetus to promote the bilateral relations in the near future, especially in the fields of politics, national defence, economy, education, culture, sports, tourism, and people-to-people exchange.

On that basis, the two sides concurred to collaborate in the effective implementation of an agreement between the two Politburos, the Vietnam-Laos cooperation strategy for 2021-2030; and the Vietnam-Laos bilateral cooperation agreement for 2021-2025. As part of the trip, the two sides signed two important cooperation pacts in the field of science and technology.
Third, promoting the positive effects of the Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship Year 2022, the two sides agreed to step up communications and education of their people, especially the young generations, on the historical tradition of their special and close relationship, so that they can clearly see the responsibility of working together to constantly cultivate and maintain such a unique, pure and faithful relationship.

Fourth, Vietnam and Laos committed to closely coordinate and support each other at regional and international forums, especially within the ASEAN framework; and working together to maintain solidarity and promote the ASEAN centrality.

President Thuong affirmed that Vietnam will actively support Laos to successfully undertake international responsibilities in the coming time, including the role of ASEAN Chair in 2024 and the organisation of the first National Assembly Summit between Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, expected to be held at the end of 2023.

Fifth, within the framework of the visit, the President met and talked with representatives of the Vietnamese community and businesses in Laos, promptly encouraging them to overcome difficulties, uphold the spirit of solidarity, make efforts to contribute to Laos's post-COVID-19 socio-economic recovery and development, and contribute to fostering the two nations’ friendship and solidarity.

The Lao leaders also agreed to continue to pay attention and devise mechanisms and policies to create favourable conditions for the stability and development of the Vietnamese community in Laos, Son added.

Vietnam, China raise public awareness of laws in border areas

Chi Ma border gate's border guard station and Chi Lang border guard station in Loc Binh district in Vietnam's northern province of Lang Son and China’s Ningming border management unit held talks and raised awareness of laws for residents in border areas on April 11.

The two sides informed each other about the situation of border protection and management and discussed border control activities, including fighting illegal entry-exit and smuggling across the shared border.

They instructed people on how to check border markers and directions, as well as violations of land border management and protection regulations between Vietnam and China.

The activity aimed to raise public awareness of legal enforcement in border areas, enhance bilateral cooperation in fighting violations of border sovereignty, illegal entry-exit, cross-border crimes, contributing to the building of a border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

Lao media highlights outcomes of President’s official visit

Lao newspapers and radio and television stations on April 11 and 12  published a series of articles, photos and programmes spotlighting the activities and outcomes of the official visit to Laos by President Vo Van Thuong from April 10-11 at the invitation of General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith. 

In its article on April 12, PathetLao, a publication of the Laos News Agency KPL, affirmed that the Vietnamese State leader’s visit aims to strengthen the great friendship, special solidarity comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Titled "Congratulations on achievements in comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam", the article focused on outcomes of the talks between the two leaders, emphasising they have agreed to continue effectively implementing high-level agreements between the two Parties and two countries, as well as those at ministerial and local levels, contributing to creating a new impetus to further foster the bilateral relations.

Meanwhile, Lao Party newspaper Pasaxon highlighted that President Thongloun Sisoulith praised the Vietnamese leader's decision to choose Laos as the first foreign country to visit in his position of State President.

It reviewed the results of cooperation between the two countries in recent times in various areas and noted the two leaders emphasised that the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation have enjoyed the most fruitful developments and are in their best period of development; and they affirmed their determination to preserve and promote this special relationship in a practical manner.

Both PathetLao and Pasaxon stressed that the visit demonstrates the importance attached by the Vietnamese Party and State to the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, thus nurturing and further developing this unique relationship.

Vientiane Times on April 12 front-paged results of meetings between President Thuong and Lao key leaders during his visit, saying that the two sides agreed to further deepen the Laos – Vietnam special relations.

It said that the leaders of the two countries have agreed to further step up the friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation for the common interests of the two peoples; and pledged to continue strengthening mutual support through bilateral and multilateral frameworks in the regional and international arena.

Lao media also highlighted the results of meetings between President Thuong and Lao National Assembly Chairman Xaysomphone Phomvihane, Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone, President of the Lao Front for National Construction Sinlavong Khoutphaythone, and Chairman of the Lao-Vietnam Friendship Association Boviengkham Vongdara.

HCM City seeks cooperation with US in education, climate change response

Nguyen Van Nen, secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee, hosted a reception on April 11 for US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc E. Knapper, stressing the need for the US and Vietnam to strengthen cooperation in education and climate change response.

Nen confirmed that with an abundant and highly-skilled labour force, Ho Chi Minh City will continue to be a potential market for US businesses.

Ho Chi Minh City is always ready to work alongside the US Embassy in Vietnam to welcome high-ranking delegations and businesses from the US in order to learn about investment cooperation opportunities in the city, Nen noted.

He also spoke about the impact of climate change on the city, as well as the country’s southern region, going on to express his wish that both sides would seek to strengthen cooperation in climate change response.

He invited Ambassador Knapper and US businesses to participate in the fourth economic forum themed “Green Growth: A Journey towards Zero Emissions” to be held in the city this September.

Ambassador Knapper said that both sides must seek to foster investment ties in green energy transformation, climate change response, and the digital economy.

He expressed his hope that Ho Chi Minh City would continue to support and remove difficulties faced by US businesses who want to pour investment into the locality.

Ninh Thuan applies urgent measures to prevent IUU fishing

The south central province of Ninh Thuan is rolling out measures to prevent and combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, considering it as one of its urgent tasks.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Le Huyen said that the province has focused on popularising the Fisheries Law and IUU prevention and control regulations, while working closely with other coastal localities in putting an end to IUU fishing, helping to persuade the European Commission (EC) to remove its “yellow card” warning against Vietnamese seafood.
Huyen said that from now until May, Ninh Thuan will carry out a communication campaign against IUU fishing through various methods to reach particular groups, thus raising public awareness of the work.

In April, the province will strive to complete the review and listing of all local fishing vessels, along with the registration and licencing of all the vessels as well as the issuance of food safety certificates and the installation of the vessel monitoring system (VMS) on all vessels.

Ninh Thuan is also applying measures to strengthen control and inspection over local vessels at local ports, while ensuring the traceability of local seafood, Huyen said.

According to the Ninh Thuan Sub-Department of Fisheries, to date, the province has organised nearly 110 training courses for more than 6,000 local officials and fishermen to provide them with knowledge on legal regulations regarding fishing activities, and encouraged them to sign commitments to not violating foreign waters during their operations.

The sub-department reported that to date, 100% of the offshore fishing vessels have received operational licences, while 99.5% of all the local fishing vessels have got food safety certificates. At the same time, 99.7% of the local fleet have installed VMS, including all ships with a length from 24m. The province has also finished the updating of fishing vessel data on the VNFishbase, it added.

13ha of Da Lat pine forest engulfed by fire

Over 13 hectares of pine forest were destroyed in a forest fire occurring in area 267A of Đà Lạt City’s Prenn Pass.

The fire began on the night of April 7, then spread rapidly across other hills due to the thick grassland and dry weather.

More than 150 personnel from the Lâm Đồng Department of Forest Protection and other forces were dispatched to put out the fire.

Because of the mountainous area, it was challenging for fire trucks and task forces to appear in-time.

The fire was extinguished after eight hours, and while there were no reports of deaths or injuries, ten hectares of pine forest had burned down.

The next morning leftover embers caused another fire in a nearby area, destroying an additional three hectares.

According to Lê Đình Việt, vice chairman of the provincial Forest Protection Department, only a small number of line trees were affected since the fire mainly occurred at the grassland under the forest.

He assured that the department would work with related parties to investigate the reason behind by checking surveillance cameras and other means.

Đà Lạt City has over 20,177 hectares of forest, 14,640 hectares of which are natural. The forests not only provide protective functions but also hold a crucial role in the city’s tourism. 

NA Standing Committee’s 22nd meeting wraps up

Under the chair of National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, the NA Standing Committee wrapped up its 22nd meeting after two days of sitting in Hanoi on April 11.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, NA Chairman Hue said the committee has completed all agenda, including three contents to submit to the fifth meeting of the 15th legislature.

They also offered opinions on the outcomes of the 15th NA’s fourth extraordinary meeting, the agenda and organisation of the 15th NA’s fifth session.

The committee mulled over a number of issues within its competence as prescribed by law.

According to the top legislator, the 22nd meeting was of importance to preparing for the NA’s fifth meeting.

Following the 22nd meeting, the NA Standing Committee will convene a three-day thematic meeting on legislation, starting from April 12, to gather feedback on several draft laws to be added to the 2023 and 2024 law building programmes, and draft laws to be submitted to the NA’s fifth session.

Earlier, in the afternoon of the same day, the committee debated a report on the proposed supervision programmes of the NA and the NA Standing Committee for 2024.

They also reviewed a report on the results of monitoring legal documents in the fields under the management of the NA Council of Ethnic Minorities and the NA committees.

Petr Rikunov wins stage 8 of HCM City TV Cycling Cup

Russian cyclist Petr Rikunov won the eighth stage of the HCM City Television Cycling Cup on Monday.

With support from his teammates, Rikunov of Lộc Trời Group, won the 80km stage from Đà Nẵng City to Tam Kỳ City of Quảng Nam Province with a time of 1:54.15 and an average speed of 42km/h. With this result, Rikunov defended both his yellow as green jerseys.

Nguyễn Văn Bình of HCM City New Group came to second and Nguyễn Tấn Hoài  of Lộc Trời finished third. During the sprint to the finish line, Quàng Văn Cường of Lộc Trời Group unfortunately fell but was only slightly injured.

With the second place, Bình was rewarded the title of orange jersey as the most impressive athlete. This is the first title to appear in this year’s event to encourage Vietnamese cyclists with the best results on the individual rankings.

In this stage, Phạm Lê Xuân Lộc of the Military Zone 7 still successfully defended his white jersey for the most outstanding young cyclist.

The nation's largest cycling tournament has attracted t11 teams and 98 cyclists who are racing 25 stages through 31 cities and provinces from north to south.

It will finish at the HCM City's Independence Palace on Reunification Day on April 30.

Deputy PM urges expediting Long Thanh Airport project

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on April 11 emphasised the importance of selecting a reputable and capable contractor for the construction of the passenger terminal of Long Thanh International Airport.

Ha spoke during a meeting on the progress of essential works at the Long Thanh International Airport, including the construction and installation of equipment for the passenger terminal (Package 5.10) and site clearance for the project.

Vu The Phiet, General Director of the Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV) - the project’s main investor - reported that the unit had revised and adjusted the bidding documents based on the contractors' proposals and provisions of Vietnamese law and international practices.

Representatives of ministries and sectors provided input on selecting general contractors and subcontractors with sufficient capacity and experience to ensure project progress, quality and efficiency.

They also discussed the bidding package's criteria, technical standards, construction time and other aspects.

The Committee for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises would strengthen and consolidate the capacity of the ACV's Project Management Board in the coming months. The ACV would also strictly implement the Prime Minister's direction on mobilising international experts to consult and support the coordination, supervision, and management of the entire project.

Regarding site clearance, Chairman of the Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee Cao Tien Dung reported that there was only one household that still needed to relocate for the first 1,810-hectare phase.

This phase’s site clearance will be completed on April 20.

The province would complete the site clearance on the area of 722 hectares for land storage on May 15.

The provincial leaders reported on the clearance progress of two traffic routes connecting No.1 and No.2 and planned to hand over the ground before next June to serve the organisation of peak construction works.

They also recommended the investor soon build a fence on the entire 5,000 ha to serve security work and perform ground levelling to prevent red dust pollution when the airport is put into operation after the first phase is completed.

Deputy PM Ha praised Dong Nai province for its progress in site clearance work. He urged the ACV and construction units to prevent red dust pollution on the construction site, propose a plan for levelling and greening the reserve land area, and complete the Long Thanh Airport project area fence.

The meeting also included a report on the progress of project items such as airport infrastructure, connecting traffic routes, auxiliary works, pile foundations of passenger terminals, and levelling and drainage.

Trương twins return to national basketball team to compete in SEA Games 32

Twin sisters Trương Thảo My and Trương Thảo Vy will be in Việt Nam in the near future to join the Vietnamese women's basketball team at the 32nd SEA Games.

It is very likely that the duo will compete in both the 3x3 and 5x5 formats to help the team get better results compared to the historic silver medal in 3x3 format which they achieved in the latest event held in Việt Nam.

The Trương twins play for Gonzaga at the NCAA level. This season, Thảo My and Thảo Vy, had quite opposite experiences.

While Thảo Vy played regularly with impressive stats averaging 17.4 points and adding 4.9 assists per game, Thảo My missed many games due to injury.

However, My has fully recovered, and was able to play in the last two matches of the season for Gonzaga University. Thus, she will have the best physical and mental health before the 32nd SEA Games.

With the return of Trương Thảo My and Trương Thảo Vy, the ability of the Vietnamese women's basketball team to win medals at the 32nd SEA Games will be significantly improved. The team is expected to gather and start their training next week. 

HCM City targets saving 620 million kWh of electricity in 2023

Ho Chi Minh City has set a target to save at least 2.2% of total energy consumption this year, which equals to 620 million kWh of electricity.

This information was unveiled at a conference on 2023 electricity supply and saving organised by Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVN HCMC) on April 11.

According to EVN HCMC, to achieve the above-mentioned target, the corporation will deploy specific solutions such as mobilising resources to install and use rooftop solar power systems as well as solar-powered water heating systems to reduce electricity consumption; issuing rules on electricity use in offices, schools and hospitals and reducing outdoor decorative advertising lighting capacity by half at peak time.

The corporation will also accelerate the implementation of lighting automation based on operational time frame and weather conditions of public lighting works, and build a database of electricity consumption of State agencies and units and key energy users, thereby making timely reports and recommendations to management agencies and customers.

EVN HCMC said it has signed 617 agreements to coordinate the deployment of demand response (DR) adjustment with large electricity users. The maximum capacity that can be reduced is 221 MW. When there is a request from Vietnam Electricity, the corporation will notify customers to support the reduction of load demand.

Last year, HCM City saved 545 million kWh, equivalent to 2.04% of total electricity consumption in the city.

WBO event to feature title match, international boxers

The WBO Youth Title Match Chapter 3: The Rising Star international boxing event is set to showcase an impressive display of boxing on April 22 at The Grand Ho Tram Strip in Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu Province.

South Korean fighter Song Chan Ho, who has dominated the WBO Oriental Youth Super Lightweight division for nearly a year, is set to defend his title against Thai challenger Poramin Saengpak in the night's main event.

The event will also feature two highly-anticipated bouts between Vietnamese and Chinese fighters.

Phạm Hữu Thương of Việt Nam will take on Zeng Yujie of China in the men's super flyweight, while Việt Nam's Nguyễn Văn Hải will go head-to-head with China's Xiao Tao Su in the men's lightweight category.

In the remaining three matches, South Korean prodigy Lee Ju-yeong, aged 17, will battle Mongolia's Bayarkhuu Ganbaatar in the event's opening match.

Filipino boxer Tenorio Romeo will face off against Gun Kim from South Korea, while Russian fighter Mikhail Lesnikov will take on Chinese opponent Xian Hai Zhang.

The upcoming event is a joint effort by Cocky Buffalo, one of the top gyms in the country that has produced several world-class martial artists, and the World Boxing Organisation (WBO).

Fans who are keen on catching the fights can purchase tickets for VNĐ1 million (US$43), which includes a buffet and drinks, from the Cocky Buffalo office or The Grand Ho Tram Strip resort.

RoK medical equipment exhibition to be held in HCM City in June

The Korean Medical Devices Industry Association (KMDIA) and the Korea International Exhibition Centre (KINTEX) of the Republic of Korea (RoK) plan to hold the K-Med Expo Vietnam 2023, a medical equipment exhibition, in Ho Chi Minh City from June 15-17.

Up to now, a total of 150 companies, including Korean medical equipment and foreign companies, have registered for the event.

The exhibition will feature 200 booths showcasing medical equipment used in internal medicine, ophthalmology, dentistry, dermatology, plastic surgery and orthopedics. Telemedicine and AI medical technology, wearable and functional rehabilitation devices, and digital health care will also be introduced at the event.

In the framework of the event, seminars and conferences will be held, with guests such as buyers, hospitals and clinics to help participating Korean companies access customers.

Binh Dinh province issues plan to fight IUU fishing

The south central coastal province of Binh Dinh has issued a plan to fight illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing till 2025.

By 2025, all fishing ships with a length of 15m and above must be marked and equipped with a vessel monitoring system. Before leaving the port, they must have all documents and equipment checked. These ships will be monitored via the vessel monitoring system.

The province also strives to have all domestically-caught aquatic products checked and inspected when being handled at seaports in line with regulations.

It also aims to prevent and put an end to the illegal exploitation of aquatic products by fishing vessels and fishermen in foreign waters, and to prevent it from recurring in the following years; minimise and eliminate IUU fishing, and have the European Commission’s "yellow card" warning against Vietnamese seafood lifted.

To such end, the provincial People’s Committee asked relevant units to raise awareness of legal regulations among all stakeholders, enhance the management and granting of fishing licences for vessels according to the quota, build a synchronous fishing infrastructure at Tam Quan and De Gi fishing ports to meet the requirements of post-fishing services and traceability of aquatic products.

Kon Tum artisan preserves ethnic culture through wood carving

Artisan A Gông is striving to preserve the cultural values through traditional wood sculpting for the Mơ Nâm ethnic minority in Kon Dum Village, Kon Tum Province

Reviving their wood sculpting tradition is Gông’s goal for the Mơ Nâm people in order to fight cultural extinction.

His family has long-standing tradition in sculpting, and the young Gông learned from his father and other elders in the village and practised carving on wood logs using rudimentary tools such as chisels and knives.

Through his artworks, Gông wants to show people the lifestyles and traditions of numerous ethnic groups in the Central Highlands.

For many ethnic people, wooden figures are only used for building charnels, but Gong and other Mơ Nâm people want to depict their daily activities, such as planting, hunting, and rice crushing, said Gông.

Mơ Nâm wooden statues are usually small, 15cm in diameter and 30-40cm in length, and appear mostly in traditional festivals, in which villagers carry the sculptures while dancing to the rhythm of gongs (a traditional musical instrument).

The next morning, the statues are placed in front of rice granaries or water buffalo stables with a few rice grains around them, while the villagers pray for a successful growing season.

Besides traditional sculptures, Gông also creates statues representing his ancestors to express his commemoration and gratitude.

A Niêm, a 35-year-old villager, said that Gông’s portrait statues are very realistic, and the soulfulness in his works is what makes him special.

Mơ Nâm ethnics deem wooden statues not only to be a festive symbol but also a holy connection between them and loved ones, showing their family bonds and traditional living.

With Gông and other artisans' efforts in preserving ethnic culture, Kon Plông District has been focusing on providing tourists with local traditional experiences to develop the Măng Đen National Eco-Tourism Zone.

Through tourism activities, artisans can exhibit their art works, bringing cultural products closer to locals and foreigners as a way to preserve endangered traditional values.

For many years, Gông has been encouraging villagers, especially younger ones, to join his classes, teaching those interested in wood sculpting and actively participating in many cultural events.

Gông was awarded the title "Meritorious Artisan" in 2019 by the culture ministry for his dedication to preserving Mơ Nâm ethnic culture. 

STEM education helping students to create and pursue passion for programming

The children in the Mekong Delta region have won numerous national and international Robothon competitions – a platform for students to explore real-world issues of today, with creative solutions.

One of the main reasons for their success can be attributed to STEM, an education model specialising in science, technology, engineering and maths.

The STEM system was implemented in schools in the city back in 2027, and they are reaping the rewards.

Since the beginning of this school year, all 169 schools have implemented a style of teaching that not only focuses on STEM, but also Informatics.

Last month, three primary school students of Can Tho city won a championship, a first prize and a second prize at the International Robothon Contest held in Malaysia.

The first prize at the National Robothon Contest 2023 also went to a Can Tho city student.

PM makes surprise visit to major hospitals in Hanoi

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on April 11 made a surprise visit to several centrally run hospitals in Hanoi, including Bach Mai and Children’s Hospital, to inspect medical examination and treatment there.

Leaders of the medical facilities thanked the government for promptly addressing issues relating to the bidding and procurement of medical equipment by recently issuing Resolution 30 and Decree 07, helping them maintain regular medical check-ups and treatment.

The Siemens SOMATOM Definition Flash, the latest dual-source CT scanner, has been put into use again after being put on hold for three years, said leaders of Bach Mai Hospital, referring to the implementation of Resolution 30 and Decree 07.

Meanwhile, leaders of National Children’s Hospital reported that difficulties relating to the procurement and bidding for medical equipment have basically been removed.

The hospital has opened 27 bidding packages for consumables and repair of equipment… However, it still needs drugs for exceptionally rare diseases to treat patients, said leaders of National Children’s Hospital.

The hospital leadership suggested issuing additional instructions on the procurement and bidding with higher legal effects, and at the same time soon implementing the correct and adequate calculation of medical services prices.

In reply, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested that hospitals promote the sense of responsibility for the procurement and bidding for drugs, supplies, biological products and medical equipment to ensure the process is carried out in an open and transparent manner, for the sake of patients’ health.

He directed the Ministry of Health to draft a circular on medical services prices and set up centres for storing and distributing drugs for exceptionally rare illnesses in six localities across the country.

He also asked the Ministry of Health to remove obstacles to ongoing projects to build Bach Mai Hospital 2 and Vietnam – Germany Hospital 2.

Waste-to-energy projects help curb greenhouse gas emissions

Ho Chi Minh City’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Industry and Trade and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) jointly organised a conference on technology and finance for waste-to-energy projects on April 11.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Nguyen Thi Thanh My noted that currently, about 10,000-10,500 tonnes of domestic waste is discharged daily in the city. 

Up to 69% of the waste is dumped at landfills, generating significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the city.

She said the city has coordinated with USAID to implement a project to support and promote the development of renewable energy as well as energy efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrating a common responsibility to the international community. 

The city has targeted that 80% of the domestic waste will be treated by modern new technology by 2025 and 100% by 2030.

Le Van Tam, deputy director of the Vietnam Institute of Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, said that Vietnam currently has about 20 waste-to-power projects. However, only three factories have been put into operation. In the southern region, only Can Tho city has a waste-to-power plant in Thoi Lai district with a capacity of about 400 tonnes per day while Ho Chi Minh City has five such projects but one has suspended operation and another one has been delayed for years due to legal issues. 

Tam added that the delay in the construction of waste-to-power plants will lead to the reliance on waste treatment by landfill, which pollutes the environment, wastes resources, and increases greenhouse gas emissions. 

In addition, policy-relating barriers make it difficult for waste-to-power plant projects to attract investors due to their low efficiency. These projects run at only about 20-25% efficiency, which is much worse than investment in thermal power plants (from 40 - 42%). Meanwhile, the investment cost of a waste-to-power plant is very large and it takes 10-20 years to get the investment back.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes