Namaste Vietnam Festival 2023 will be held in three southern cities from August 12-17, Indian Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Madan Mohan Sethi announced at a press conference on August 9.

Taking place in HCM City, the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong’s Da Lat city, and the south-central coastal province of Phu Yen’s Tuy Hoa city, the festival’s theme will highlight the Vietnamese and Indian people's solidarity and warm friendship. It aims to enhance cultural understanding and people-to-people exchanges, thereby strengthening relations between the people of the two countries.  

In HCM City, the event will feature an Indian film festival, which is about to screen six movies between August 12 and 15, a workshop on Vietnam-Indian cooperation in the film industry, a tourism promotion conference, and a seminar on railway development.

Participants will also be treated to performances by Indian artists and a talk show with famous Indian directors and actors, among many other activities.

The first edition of the festival lasted for one month in HCM City last year as a major programme to celebrate the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence Day and the 50th founding anniversary of Vietnam-India diplomatic ties.

Vietnamese, Lao public security deputy ministers hold talks

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Public Security Lieut. Gen Nguyen Duy Ngoc held talks with his Lao counterpart Khamkinh Phuilamanivong in Vientiane on August 10.

Ngoc said he is delighted to hold talks with the Lao Ministry of Public Security on the occasion of his attendance at the eighth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters in Vientiane.

The two sides took the occasion to review bilateral cooperation in the fight against transnational crimes, especially drug and cyber crimes.

The Lao Ministry of Public Security has achieved positive results in the national anti-drug agenda that has been praised by the Lao Party and Government. The Lao side acknowledged the valuable and effective support of the Vietnamese counterpart in this field.

In line with the 2023 cooperation plan and the 2021 Memorandum of Understanding on drug prevention and control between the two ministries, they have promoted the sharing of information on crime, especially drug and transnational crime, and coordinated to hunt wanted criminals who have fled to the other country.

The Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security has also built and handed over 224 police headquarters to the Lao side to serve the fight against crime, particularly drug crime in areas along the two countries' shared border. The construction of the Lao People's Public Security Political Academy has been basically completed on time for the new academic year which starts in September.    

Both sides agreed to continue facilitating visits by their leaders, promptly address arising issues and prevent hostile forces and criminal activities from undermine the security and order of both countries. 
They pledged to seriously carry out signed agreements, step up the fight against transnational crimes, particularly drug and human trafficking; and work together to prevent third-party organisations and individuals from using one country's territory to harm the interests, security and stability of the other country.

Host and guest promised to expedite the implementation of the high-level agreement on border issues, enhance coordination in patrolling, controlling and preventing illegal entry and exit across the border, especially through unofficial routes. They will effectively implement international conventions and agreements of which both countries are members, and step up negotiations towards the signing of legal documents.

At the same time, they will work closely together to ensure absolute security and safety for visits of the two countries' high-level Party and State leaders as well as important events of both countries and protect key projects and construction works.

Deputy PM urges strategic, focused investments in national target programmes

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang requested localities to make strategic and focused investments under the three national target programmes for greater efficiency while chairing a teleconference with 14 northern mid-land and mountainous provinces in Yen Bai province on August 10.

The Deputy PM, who is also head of the Central Steering Committee for National Target Programmes, said localities should strive to fully disburse the funding transferred from 2022 to 2023 and at least 90% of the 2023 budget.

During the 2021-2025 period, over 47 trillion VND (2.7 billion USD) has been allocated to northern mid-land and mountainous provinces to carry out the three national target programmes.

As of June 30, over 3.7 trillion VND were disbursed, or 32.63% of the annual plan, 4.43% higher than the country’s average. All 14 localities disbursed their own budget for the programmes, including Yen Bai 100%, Lao Cai and Ha Giang over 65%.

The multidimensional poverty rate has dropped to 25.69% while the poverty rate in ethnic minority groups has been reduced by 3.61% on average. As many as 963 out of over 2,000 communes in the region have met criteria for new rural development.

Delegates at the event proposed solutions to tackling difficulties in implementing the national target programmes and offered opinions on the draft revised Land Law.

In the morning the same day, Deputy PM Quang also held a working session with the Yen Bai authorities on the implementation of the national target progammes.

Japanese dolls displayed at Bac Giang exhibition

Japanese dolls are being exhibited in the northern province of Bac Giang as part of activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan (September 21, 1973).

The exhibition opened on August 10 with 70 Japanese dolls on display and divided into two spaces.

One space enables visitors to explore gorgeous dolls depicting various characters, from children to grown-ups, in different settings from daily life to theatre.

Meanwhile, the unique wooden doll Kokeshi provided by Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum is being showcased at another space. Kokeshi originated from the Tohoku (Northeast) region of Japan in the 19th century and is usually sold as souvenirs for children at the hot spring towns in the region.

Each town has its own Kokeshi type characterised by its unique pattern and technique.

On display are 12 types of Kokeshi which come in various sizes, accompanied by modern Kokeshi works, five of which draw inspiration from Vietnamese culture.

Visitors will also have the chance to try on traditional Yukata clothes, the art of paper folding Origami, join woodblock printing, and take home cute little paper dolls.

The exhibition, jointly organised by the Bac Giang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Japan Foundation Center for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam, is scheduled to run until August 30.

HCM City should turn Cần Giờ District into urban covered by forest: PM

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has suggested that HCM City should turn its outlying Cần Giờ District into an urban area covered by mangrove forests and biosphere reserves.

After visiting areas in the district where it is planned to build an international container transshipment port and sea encroachment projects last week, Chính met with officials from ministries and other agencies and HCM City’s leaders.

According to plans approved for Cần Giờ District, which is 50km from the city centre, the sea encroachment project must address issues relating to traffic congestion and housing with new mindsets and visions, Chính said.

The Cần Giờ international container transshipment port matches the goal of turning Việt Nam into a maritime and logistics hub, he said.

He also asked relevant ministries and agencies to step up the study process, and build the project in line with the national master plan on developing the domestic seaport network, and socio-economic development of the southeastern region and the nation, while preparing personnel for the operation of the port.

The Central Government will accompany HCM City and the region in quick and sustainable development, he added.

Under a resolution adopted by the municipal Party Committee, Cần Giờ District is expected to become a resort and high-quality eco-tourism city by 2030.

Meanwhile, the Cần Giờ sea encroachment project will cover 2,870 hectares in the district’s Long Hòa commune and Cần Thạnh town, with a total investment capital of more than VNĐ217 trillion (US$9.1 billion).

The 571ha port is set to be located on the remote island of Phú Lợi, and accommodate ships of up to 250,000 tonnes (24,188 TEUs).

The project worth $5 billion is divided into seven phases, with the first expected to be put into service in 2027.

Once operational, the port is expected to contribute VNĐ34-40 trillion ($1,430-1,685) to the State budget, and create about 6,000-8,000 jobs. 

IOM pledges assistance for Vietnam in supporting victims of human trafficking

Chief of Mission of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to Vietnam Park Mihyung has spoken highly of the Vietnamese Government’s commitments to preventing and combating human trafficking, affirming that the organisation will continue to support Vietnam in assisting victims of human trafficking.

According to IOM, the organisaiton and the Department of Social Vices Prevention and Combat under the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) have completed a series of mid-term evaluation workshops for the implementation of the Human Trafficking Prevention and Control Programme for 2021-2025 held in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

Speaking at the workshop in HCM City on August 9, Park affirmed that IOM will continue to collaborate with the MoLISA and its partners to achieve the goals of preventing and combating human trafficking, including supporting victims, researching and testing models and services for reintegration support in order to maximise existing resources and address specific needs of vulnerable migrants.
She also emphasised the important role played by the MoLISA, relevant ministries and sectors and localities in strengthening coordination in receiving and supporting victims of human trafficking.

According to the MoLISA, as many as 40 provinces nationwide have been piloting a coordination mechanism for reintegrating victims of human trafficking.

Nguyen Thuy Duong, Deputy Director General of the Department of Social Vices Prevention and Combat, highly appreciated the partnership and active support from IOM for Vietnam’s human trafficking prevention, and protecting and supporting victims.

The department and IOM are working together to develop a toolkit to combat trafficking in persons, and an integration support model, focusing on livelihood support for victims of trafficking and vulnerable migrants, she said.

Since 2017, the IOM has supported the MoLISA and local partners to pilot numerous models to support the reintegration of victims of human trafficking, including community reintegration through self-help groups in the northern province of Bac Giang, the central province of Thua Thien - Hue and the southwestern province of Tay Ninh. These models have successfully assisted 179 victims.

In addition, 550 individuals have received support from models in the central provinces of Quang Binh, Ha Tinh and Nghe An.
To improve the effectiveness of community-based models in support activities, five one-stop service offices  (OSSO) for returning migrant women and their families were established in Hanoi, Hai Phong, Hai Duong, Can Tho and Hau Giang under the assistance of the Vietnam Women's Union.

Workshop seeks to promote Hue city's cultural landscapes

The Hue Monuments Conservation Centre in coordination with Japan’s Waseda University held a workshop on August 9 to exchange views on preserving cultural landscapes of the Hue heritage and surrounding areas so as to devise plans and policies to develop its cultural and historical values.

It also aims to improve the efficiency of heritage conservation and management in association with sustainable tourism development of the Hue heritage urban area.

According to researchers, under the Nguyen Dynasty, important architectural clusters were designed in line with feng shui elements such as mountains, hills, rivers and streams, especially lakes. These are the cultural characteristics that make up the outstanding value of the world cultural heritage in Hue Imperial Ancient Citadel, they said.

At the workshop, experts and researchers exchanged views relating to the management of heritage buffer zones, the planning of building the Hue ancient citadel in history, the conservation of cultural landscapes in Hue Heritage urban area and feng shui elements in the planning of the imperial tombs of kings of the Nguyen Dynasty.

Shigeru Satoh, Professor Emeritus of the Waseda University, said that in addition to protecting the landscapes of relics in line with regulations, it is necessary for the locality to develop community-based eco-tourism around the imperial tombs of Kings Gia Long and Thieu Tri to guide local citizens to live with the heritages and protect them sustainably.

According to Director of the Hue Monuments Conservation Centre Hoang Viet Trung, the workshop’s outcome will supplement the study of a master plan on the conservation and restoration of the Complex of Hue Monuments until 2030, with a vision to 2050 and compile a dossier for re-nominating it as a World Heritage Cultural Landscape as recommended by the UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Indian Film Festival to wow cinephiles

As part of India’s Namaste Vietnam Festival, a film festival taking place from August 13-15 in Ho Chi Minh City is expected to wow cinephiles.

The line-up includes “The Signature”, “Roam Rome Men”, “Tuition”, “Hum do hamre do”, “Chhallang”, “Popcorn”, and “Kaya Palat”.

Meanwhile, the Namaste Vietnam Festival 2023 will be held in the city from August 12-17.

Participants will also be treated to performances by famous Indian artists and directors. Vietnamese singer Vo Ha Tram, owner of big hit "Ve Voi Em", will be the special guest of the event.

The first edition of the festival lasted for one month in HCM City last year as a major programme to celebrate the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence Day and the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam-India diplomatic ties.

HCM City ceremony marks 76th anniversary of Indian Independence Day

A ceremony was held by the Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organisations (HUFO) on August 9 to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the Independence Day of India (August 15, 1947 - 2023).

Huynh Thanh Lap, Chairman of the Vietnam - India Friendship Association of HCM City, emphasised the long-standing relations between the two countries, which have consistently supported and assisted each other during the past struggles for national independence as well as national development at present.

Since the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties in 1972 and especially the elevation of relations to the comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, relations have reaped enormous achievements, he said, elaborating that they have held many high-level mutual visits, signed and effectively implemented a number of cooperation agreements, and developed increasingly substantive connections in all fields.

Lap thanked the Indian Consulate General and the Indian Business Chamber in Vietnam (INCHAM) for coordinating closely with HUFO to successfully organise activities in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the countries’ diplomatic ties in 2022, along with friendship and people-to-people exchanges in the first months of 2023, helping strengthen the traditional friendship and solidarity between the two countries.

Madan Mohan Sethi, Indian Consul General in HCM City, affirmed that over the last 50 years, relations between India and Vietnam have been growing strongly. Bilateral links, especially between southern localities of Vietnam and his country, have reaped encouraging results in trade, investment, tourism, and technology.

The Indian Consulate General in HCM City pledges to continue promoting the effectiveness of cooperation between southern Vietnamese localities and Indian ones, the diplomat said, adding it will also work closely with HUFO to organise more people-to-people exchanges, thus helping lift bilateral relations to a new height.

10-year implementation of Resolution on climate change response reviewed

A consultation workshop was held in Hanoi on August 9 to review the 10-year implementation of the 11th Party Central Committee’s Resolution No.24-NQ/TW on active response to climate change, improvement of natural resource management and environment protection.

Co-hosted by the Steering Committee on reviewing the Resolution, the United Nations Development Programme and the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the event attracted over 100 delegates from ministries, agencies, international organisations and 25 northern cities and provinces.

The draft report on reviewing the implementation of the Resolution showed that over the past decade, further attention has been paid to the work. Policies and mechanisms have been further fine-tuned with new perspectives that align with international norms and contemporary trends.

The response to climate change has transitioned from focusing solely on adaptation to integrating greenhouse gas emissions reduction, capitalising on opportunities to move towards a green, low-carbon economy. Resources are being surveyed, evaluated and managed in a more sustainable manner, allocated on the basis of market signals through auctions of usage and exploitation rights.

Environment protection thinking has shifted from passive response to proactive prevention and control of major sources of pollution. Circular economy principles have been institutionalised. Economic growth is gradually reducing its reliance on mining industries. Various green economic, eco-friendly urban planning and sustainable rural development models have been launched.

A comprehensive and unified database system on climate change, resources and environment has been initially established. Digital transformation is underway to enhance connectivity and sharing of information and environment resource databases.

Participants at the event also proposed goals and measures for the near future.

Similar events are scheduled to take place in the central and southern regions, together with three thematic seminars on climate change response, management of resources and environment protection.

VN's climate change response looks towards low carbon economy

The climate change response in Việt Nam has shifted from focusing on adaptation to combining greenhouse gas emission reductions and taking advantage of opportunities to move towards a green, low carbon economy, heard a conference in Hà Nội on Wednesday.

The conference aimed to collect consultation of ministries, sectors, foreign organisations and local authorities of 25 northern provinces and cities on the 10-year implementation of Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW.

Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW on proactively responding to climate change, strengthening natural resource management and environmental protection was issued by the Party Central Committee in 2013.

It was approved in the context that Việt Nam was stepping up industrialisation and modernisation, aiming at basically becoming an industrial country by 2020. The resolution set out the Party’s major policies in responding to climate change, resource management and environmental protection in Việt Nam.

Nguyễn Duy Hưng, deputy head of the Central Economic Commission, said after 10 years of the resolution’s implementation, public awareness of natural disaster prevention, control and climate response, resource management and environmental protection has improved.

The capacity of natural disaster prevention, combat and climate change response has increased. Natural resources have been managed and used more efficiently than in the past.

According to a draft summary report on the 10-year resolution’s implementation, responding to climate change, resource management and environmental protection have received more attention. The environment is considered a condition, a foundation and a prerequisite for sustainable socio-economic development.

Institutions and policies have been improved one step further with new thinking in line with international practices.

The report also highlighted more sustainable natural resource investigation, evaluation and management.

Mindsets on environmental protection have changed from passive to proactive prevention and control of major pollution sources. The circular economy has also been institutionalised.

Economic growth has gradually reduced its dependence on the mining industry. Many models of green economy, including green urban and rural areas have been implemented.

Việt Nam has also integrated climate change response and environmental protection objectives into development plans and established an integrated and unified database system on climate change, natural resources and the environment.

Digital transformation has been strengthened to promote the connection and sharing of environmental resource information and databases.

The conference pointed out that the damage caused by natural disasters is still huge, and the evolution and impacts of climate change are increasing.

Participants at the conference noted that natural resource exploitation has not been sustainable without economical and effective methods. The intensity of natural resource and energy use in Việt Nam is high compared to the world.

Experts also recommended mission updates in the resolution and key solutions of climate change response in the context of emerging environmental issues. 

U23 VN promise to deliver best effort at regional championship

Coach Hoàng Anh Tuấn wants to see competitive and beautiful football by Việt Nam at the AFF U23 Football Championship.

His message comes after he was officially assigned to be head coach of the team on August 8 in Hà Nội.

The U23 team will play three large events including the important AFC U23 Asian Cup 2024 Qualifiers from August to October.

The tight timeframe made VFF decide to establish two U23 teams. One with the best players will be under national head coach Philippe Troussier. They will take part in the continental tournament from September 4-12. Việt Nam are host of Group C with Singapore, Yemen and Guam.

The second team under Tuấn, which mainly consist of U20 players and will compete at the AFF event in Thailand from August 14-27 and the Asian Games in late September in China

VFF said these two U23 squads would be an important step in the federation's strategy to build up and develop the next generation of stars, creating a richer source for the national team in the future.

The national football governing body did not set any target for the coach who has earned remarkable achievements when he took charge of many junior squads in the past.

Speaking at the ceremony, VFF General Secretary Dương Nghiệp Khôi said Tuấn was the suitable coach to take charge of the U23s. Most of the team players were trained by Tuấn at younger age groups. Many of them just took part in the recent Asian U17 and U20 championships under his reign.

Khôi said: “Coach Tuấn has contributed greatly to our youth football training activities. Many players from his classes have grown up and played key role at their clubs and the national teams. Tuấn has made national history when leading his team to compete in the FIFA U20 finals in 2017 as we all know.

The regional tournament will be held from August 17-26 in Rayong and Chonburi, Thailand.

Việt Nam are in Group C with the Philippines and Laos.

The team will leave for Thailand on August 14 and will have a friendly match against Bahrain a day later before beginning their defence of the title. 

HCM City aspires to become multi-centre urban area

HCM City aims to become a multi-centre urban area by following a transit-oriented development (TOD) model, according to its general planning for construction by 2040, with a vision to 2060.

Municipal People's Committee Chairman Phan Văn Mãi has asked relevant departments and agencies to update the planning for the city’s transport system based on the general construction planning, along the direction of gradually reducing traffic pressure on the city’s central area and developing satellite urban areas associated with main urban functions in the overall city and urban areas.

Under this scheme, Thủ Đức city will be a smart, highly interactive and innovative urban area in the city's eastern part, and Cần Giờ District will be turned into an ecological urban area serving as a gateway for international trade by sea.

Meanwhile, the southern and southwestern urban areas to be a gateway connecting with the Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta, and the Northwest urban area to serve as a gateway connecting with neighbouring southern provinces of Bình Dương and Tây Ninh, and Cambodia.

The city is zoning its inland waterway infrastructure system in order to contribute to socio-economic development and reduce the load on road traffic.

It has a plan of a synchronous transport infrastructure system, meeting the demand for convenient and smooth traffic connections between satellite urban areas.

It focuses on research and planning of a coastal road associated with coastal economic corridors, the N2 road, which is a strategic economic corridor from HCM City's Củ Chi District to the Mekong Delta provinces of Long An, Đồng Tháp and An Giang, the logistics corridor Mộc Bài – HCM City - Cái Mép, and a synchronously-connected transport system with neighbouring provinces.

Nội Bài Airport tightens control over foreign objects and debris

The Nội Bài International Airport (NIA) emphasised that controlling foreign objects and debris at the airport was one of its top priorities, especially on the runways during takeoff and landing.

This task was carried out daily, it said.

This statement follows a recent directive from the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam (CAAV) regarding the control of foreign objects and debris on runways, taxiways, and flying areas at two international airports of Nội Bài and Tân Sơn Nhất.

Representatives of the NIA stated that Nội Bài International Airport assigned 21 personnel divided into three shifts, working around the clock every day. The airport's Airfield Environmental Team was responsible for organising the cleanliness of the airfield and collecting foreign objects at all aircraft parking positions, taxiways, and runways.

Equipped with four sweeping vehicles for foreign objects, three sweepers, and one magnet-based device for metallic debris, these vehicles operated continuously, frequently sweeping the airfield to ensure environmental cleanliness and foreign object control, he said.

In addition to inspecting foreign objects at the airport, efforts to clear water drainage pathways were also prioritised to ensure efficient water drainage during heavy rainfall. Plans were established to deploy personnel and equipment promptly, proactively addressing weather conditions to prevent runway flooding.

To prevent incidents during takeoff and landing, especially in stormy weather, the airport had implemented measures to enhance aviation safety during peak periods, aiming to prevent incidents caused by foreign objects, he said.

Earlier in July, the CAAV requested the Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV) to instruct all airports under its management to enhance foreign object control on runways, taxiways, and lying areas following a series of incidents involving foreign objects and debris at Nội Bài and Tân Sơn Nhất airports and other airports having construction works in flying areas.

In particular, the CAAV required the ACV to review data related to foreign objects and debris, as well as to implement a process to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and determine alert levels for airports experiencing an increase in foreign objects and debris.

Furthermore, the firm needed to identify and specify high-risk areas, thereby formulating solutions that were targeted based on specific regions, zones, or even individual units if necessary.

Additionally, it asked the ACV to fulfil its role as an airport operator comprehensively. This involved timely requests to ground service providers and construction units operating within the airfield to closely inspect and control the occurrence of foreign objects and debris resulting from ground service vehicles, construction activities, and the management and technical inspection of equipment within the airfield.

Personnel operating within the airfield were also needed to review procedures for managing tools and equipment brought into the airfield.

According to the CAAV’s reports on aviation safety, for the first six months of this year, 41 incidents have occurred, including one aviation accident. 

Factory sewage system breaks, inundating houses and crops

On the morning of August 8th, the sewage system of the Tả Phời copper factory in Lào Cai experienced a critical malfunction and broke, leading to the inundation of more than 30 households downstream.

The widespread flooding wreaked havoc on numerous residences, inflicting significant damage to properties and crops.

According to the most recent report from the local People's Committee, a total of 46 households, with 220 people in the province, were affected by this incident. Important offices like the Party Committee, People's Committee, and Commune Police headquarters were also impacted by the flooding. The exact amount of damage to property and crops is still being assessed.

The initial investigation pointed to heavy and prolonged rainfall as the main cause, resulting in a significant buildup of water in the upstream waste lake.

Following the intense rainfall, the water level in the lake surged dramatically. This led to a problem with the overflow culvert, causing water to overflow into the lower reservoir area and rush downstream into Phời 3 Village.

The village road was submerged, and the vicinity around the People's Committee of Tả Phời commune was also flooded, causing a complete disruption of local traffic.

Cồ Văn Mìn, who lives in Phời 3 village, Tả Phời Commune, recounted how the incident unfolded rapidly, catching his family off guard.

"In the morning, my family was all at home when we suddenly heard alarmed shouts. Stepping outside, we were met with a swift and forceful flow of water. We acted promptly and moved to higher ground to ensure our safety. Our house suffered extensive flooding, leading to significant damage and loss of belongings. It was, however, fortunate that this occurred during daylight hours; otherwise, the consequences could have been far more severe," he said.

Rapid measures were undertaken by 1:30 p.m. on the same day to tackle the situation. The damaged sewer pipe was successfully sealed, leading to a gradual reduction in water levels downstream, thus ensuring the safety of the affected area.

Nguyễn Tam Tính, Director of Đồng Tả Phời -Vinacomin Joint Stock Company, said Tả Phời Copper Factory is equipped with a comprehensive drainage system specifically designed for managing dam and tailings.

This unfortunate incident can be attributed to an extended period of heavy rainfall, causing a significant influx of surface water to pour into the waste lake, he said.

The sheer volume of water overwhelmed the capacity of the overflow sewer pipe, resulting in its rupture. As a consequence, a torrent of water surged downstream, leading to the flooding of homes and crops along its path.

He said previously, with a careful watch on the prolonged rainy conditions, the Company proactively took steps by instructing relevant departments to regularly assess and reinforce the dam structure, ensuring safety standards were upheld.

Special focus was placed on preventing any malfunction in the overflow sluice, and efforts were made to keep the water level in the dam below the designated safety threshold.

Upon discovering the incident, swift measures were taken. The company quickly reported the situation and collaborated with the People's Committee of Tả Phời Commune to initiate evacuations from flood-prone areas.

Simultaneously, the company organised the deployment of on-site vehicles and personnel to clear and manage the downstream water flow. They also worked on reinforcing and securing the damaged sewer system.

The well-being of those affected is the Company's top concern, Tính said.

Immediate relief measures are being provided, including arranging temporary accommodation, ensuring access to clean water, and providing quick meals for those impacted by the event.

In the following steps, in close partnership with local authorities, the company will conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine the full extent of damages. This information will serve as the basis for providing support and compensation to individuals and communities adversely affected by this incident. 

22 defendants go on trial in cross-border drug trafficking ring

The Ho Chi Minh City People's Court opened the first-instance trial for 22 defendants involved in an over 200-kilogram cross-border drug trafficking ring, led by foreigners who colluded with Vietnamese accomplices, on August 9.

At the trial, the HCMC People's Court judged offenders Le Ho Vu born in 1987, residing in the Mekong Delta province of Ca Mau; Nguyen Chi Thien born in 1988, living in Ca Mau Province; Chinese citizen named Li Tian Guan who was born in 1975; Kim Soon Sik who was born in 1960, holding Korean passport; Korean citizen Kang Seon Hak who was born in 1993 together with 17 other accomplices for the criminal acts of “Illegal transportation of drugs”, “Usage of fake seals or fake documents and papers of organizations”, “Illegal possession of drugs”, “Illegal trading of drugs”.

According to the indictment, at 1 p.m. on July 19, 2020, the Police Investigation Agency (PIA) under the Ministry of Public Security detected a container truck driven by Doan Van Nghi at Cat Lai New Port in Cat Lai Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City doing customs clearance procedures to export goods to the Republic of Korea with signs of suspicion.

Therefore, the PIA collaborated with functional forces to promptly check and then detect the container of granite consisting of 40 plastic packages of white crystals weighing more than 39.5 kilograms being Methamphetamine.

Driver Doan Van Ngai admitted that he was employed by APE Industrial Machine and Equipment Company owned by Huynh Thi Hoa Tran.

The PIA summoned Huynh Thi Hoa Tran to get a declaration and she confirmed that the consignment belonged to her boyfriend Kim Soon Sik.

After that, the PIA performed the investigation to verify and prosecute Kim Soon Sik together with 23 accomplices for the criminal acts of “Illegal transportation of drugs”, “Usage of fake seals or fake documents, papers of organizations”, “Illegal possession of drugs”, “Illegal trading of drugs”.

According to the indictment, from May to July 2020, defendants Le Ho Vu, Kim Soon Sik, Li Tian Guan, Kang Seon Hak, Nguyen Chi Thien along with Vo Dang Khoa, Nguyen Quoc Toan, Bui Duy Vu, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Le Chi Toan, Le Thanh Nghia, Ngo Van Tinh, Vu Hoang Nam, Nguyen Trung Kien, Tran Anh Tuan, Nguyen Doan Hoang Anh, Nguyen Doan Thang, Tran Hoan Vu, Tran Thanh Son, Nguyen Tan Loc, Bui Van Quang, Ngo Tran Quang Dat illegally possessed, transported and traded over 216 kilograms of drugs of all kinds through Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai and Binh Duong provinces.

Of these, the functional forces seized 162 kilograms of drugs while the rest ones were transported and consumed.

The court is set to last for many days.

Party’s resolution spurs environmental protection progress: Official

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on August 10 organised a seminar to review a decade implementing the 11th Party Central Committee’s Resolution 24-NQ/TW on proactive climate change response and improved resource management and environmental protection – the first thematic one by the committee that comprehensively presents viewpoints, principles, and policies for the work.

Addressing the event, Deputy Minister Vo Tuan Nhan evaluated that after 10 years, Vietnam’s environmental protection efforts have witnessed positive growth and achieved noteworthy results. The related system of policies and laws has made remarkable leaps in development, becoming increasingly refined. This is clearly demonstrated in the 2020 environmental protection law which marks a phase of strong transition toward improving environmental quality and safeguarding public health.

In addition, science, technology, and international cooperation in the field have been continuously strengthened and expanded, and integrated and effective environmental management tools deployed, noted the official.

According to a report on the outcomes obtained, between 2013 and 2023, the ministry reviewed and provided feedback on over 190 strategic environmental assessment reports, and approved over 1,500 environmental impact assessment ones.

Localities nationwide focused on projects with significant environmental investment proportions, with some working on preventing and controlling pollution from the investment attraction phase. The government has established a method of coordination between the central and local authorities in controlling, monitoring, and resolving environmental pollution sources and emerging environmental issues.

In late 2017, the ministry established a hotline for feedback about environmental pollution, which hasreceived a total of 2,545 reports and petitions as of 2022.

Meanwhile, by the end of 2022, out of the 63 provinces and cities, 58 had deployed 1,298 automatic monitoring stations that transmit data to the ministry.

Vietnam makes considerable contributions to all pillars of ASEAN Community: Expert

Vietnam has made specific contributions to the development of the pillars of the ASEAN Community as well as the building of the ASEAN Vision 2025, said Dr. Nguyen Hong Hai, a lecturer of Queensland University of Technology's School of Justice in Australia.

In the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), Vietnam has shown active engagement in building and approving basic documents, laying the foundation for the development of the community. They include the Declaration of ASEAN Concord (Bali Concord II) in 2003, and the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint 2025 in 2016, said Hai.

Hai highlighted the core goals of the APSC in building a rule-based, people-oriented and people-centred community, ensuring a region of peace, security and stability, promoting the association’s centrality and strengthening institutional capacity and the presence of the association.

He held that Vietnam has made great efforts to realise these goals, including the country’s upholding of the UN Charter and international law, he said, adding that this is suitable and consistent with Vietnam’s stance in building the ASEAN Charter.

The expert commented that Vietnam has shown strong performance in coordinating relations between ASEAN and its partners and representing the association in the forums.

Particularly, during its second term as a non-permanent member at the UN Security Council, Vietnam pushed the organisation of the council’s first discussion on the UN-ASEAN partnership and promoted the role and presence of the ASEAN in the council in settling regional issues.

Vietnam has actively and intensively engaged in the settlement of non-traditional security issues through its participation in ASEAN and ASEAN-led mechanisms, especially in the areas of conflict prevention, counter-terrorism, transnational crime prevention and combat, cyber security, and ensuring maritime security as well as rescue and humanitarian assistance, said Hai.

Regarding the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), Hai underlined that Vietnam has pledged to carry out 95.5% of the commitments in the community’s blueprint, becoming one of the ASEAN members with the highest commitment implementation ratio only after Singapore.

As the ASEAN Chair in 2010, Vietnam successfully called on all members to issue a joint statement on recovery and sustainable development, affirming the country’s determination to build and reinforce the community.

Vietnam has maintained its motto of being proactive, active and responsible in making contributions to the growth of ASEAN, which is a consistent policy of Vietnam towards the association, Hai emphasised.

Vietnamese, Thai localities boost economic collaboration

Deputy Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Vo Van Hoan on August 10 met a Thai business delegation headed by Danai Sunantharod, Vice Governor of Phuket province, who are on a working trip in the locality.

During the meeting, the municipal official praised the sound and traditional relationship between the two countries in socio-economic development. Ho Chi Minh City has always attached great importance to promoting ties with Thai localities in various fields, including trade, investment, cultural and people-to-people exchanges, among others, in an attempt to contribute to the development of the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Thailand.

He noted that in 2015, the city signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish friendly and cooperative relations with Bangkok. Since then, the two localities have maintained regular exchanges of delegations, cultural and art activities, and trade promotion, among others.

Hoan said that in the coming time, the southern metropolis and Phuket should organise a conference to promote investment, trade and tourism in each other's localities, creating opportunities to connect and seek investment opportunities in the two localities and taking the business community as a decisive factor in economic cooperation activities between the two localities.

For his part, Danai Sunantharod said that the visit aims to promote economic ties between the two localities, contributing to strengthening the relationship between the two countries as 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Strategic Partnership between Thailand and Vietnam.

The province is eager to further promote cooperation activities with Ho Chi Minh City, especially in areas where the two sides have strengths, he said.

At the meeting, representatives of the Phuket Chamber of Commerce and Businesses expressed their desire to cooperate with Ho Chi Minh City in sharing experiences in sustainable tourism development, education, health, hospitality, and real estate investment.

PM urges hastening implementation of key projects

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh urged speeding up the implementation of key transport projects to create regional connectivity in service of national development, while chairing a working session of the State steering committee for such projects held in Hanoi on August 10.

The hybrid meeting was connected to provinces and centrally-run cities which the projects run through.

The leader said following the committee’s sixth meeting on July 13, ministries, agencies and localities have focused on removing roadblocks to the projects, especially in compensation, resettlement and material supply, while accelerating investment and construction.

The national network of expressways should be completed before the end of the 13th Party Central Committee in 2026 to create a new development space and boost transport to improve livelihoods for residents, he stressed.

The PM asked members of the committee and leaders of ministries, agencies and localities to look into limitations and propose tasks and solutions to accelerate the implementation of the projects, thus ensuring their progress, quality and safety.

Ninh Binh leader hosts Lao guests

Member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Ninh Binh province Doan Minh Huan had a working session on August 10 with a delegation of Laos’s Alunmay Magazine led by Vilavone Phanthavong, deputy head of the Commission for Popularisation and Education of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee.

Huan told his guests that in 2011, Ninh Binh and Laos’s Oudomxay province signed a memorandum of understanding on their cooperation programme.

Since then, Ninh Binh has helped Oudomxay train its 80 students at Hoa Lu University, while the Lao province has also helped Ninh Binh train eight students at the Laos National University. In addition, Ninh Binh has also granted 5 billion VND (210,000 USD) for Oudomxay to build works for the benefit of locals.

He expressed his hope that through this visit, the delegation will help with popularising the image of Ninh Binh’s land and people, and create favourable conditions for the province’s news agencies to exchange experience with the Lao side.

Vilavone Phanthavong briefed the host on some features of Alunmay Magazine - a theory research body of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, and reviewed the cooperation between the magazine and Vietnam’s Communist Review.

US-led Pacific Partnership 2023 features various activities in Phu Yen province

Multiple activities were held on August 10 at the general hospital of the south-central coastal province of Phu Yen, the first stop of the US-led Pacific Partnership 2023 (PP23).

They included voluntary blood donation, a medical exhibition, medical examination and treatment, and drug supply, benefiting hundreds of residents.

Returning to Vietnam for the 12th time, the PP enables participants, including US and Vietnamese personnel, to work together to enhance disaster response capacities and foster new and enduring friendships, according to a media release by the US Embassy in Hanoi.

This year’s mission features nearly 1500 personnel from the US and partner nations such as Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, and the UK.

Soldiers of the US Navy and local officials donated more than 90 units of blood on the day, helping the hospital ensure its reserves.

Colonel Evan Hesel said this is the first time he has donated blood in Vietnam, adding that he will participate in humanitarian aid and natural disaster response training as part of the programme.

The PP23 will last until August 18 in Phu Yen province.

Deputy minister urges closely controlling entry, exit of fishing vessels

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien has asked localities to closely control the entry and exit of fishing vessels at ports, and prevent unqualified fishing vessels from exploitation activities, thus making thorough preparations for the fourth on-site inspection by the European Commission (EC) in this October.

They were also urged to raise public awareness of regulations on fighting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, especially among fishermen and officials at the grassroots level.

Tien noted that following the third inspection, the EC delegation pointed out four shortcomings that need to be fixed, including legal framework, fleet management, traceability of exploited aquatic products, and law enforcement.

About legal documents, Vietnam has basically met requirements. At present, the process of amending and supplementing Decree No. 42/2019/ND-CP on administrative penalties for violations in the fisheries sector and Decree No. 26/2019/ND-CP providing detailed provisions and measures for implementing the Fisheries Law is undergoing review by the Ministry of Justice and will be submitted to the Prime Minister for issuance.

Nguyen Quang Hung, Director of the Vietnam Fisheries Surveillance, said the EC has acknowledged Vietnam's outstanding achievements in the work with concerted efforts from ministries, agencies and localities.

The installation of vessel monitoring system (VMS) on large-capacity vessels and the issuance of exploitation licenses and registrations, has reached about 98%. Localities need to do the remaining work before the EC delegation arrives, he said.

Localities must strive to ensure that no violations occur in foreign waters from now and October. Only then could Vietnam see the opportunity to have the "yellow card" warning lifted, he added.

He informed that in the coming time, the National Steering Committee on IUU Fishing Prevention will hold a conference to draw lessons from the intensive efforts over the 180-day period to address the "yellow card" status.

Vietnam-Indonesia art exhibition opens in HCM City

As many as 64 paintings and sculptures by Vietnamese and Indonesian artists are being on display at the Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Association.

On display are mostly paintings in various materials and styles such as impressionism, abstract and realism.

The paintings feature a wide range of topics such as the landscapes and people of Vietnam and Indonesia, climate change, environmental protection, and aspirations for peace.

Through the works, the artists also share their inner feelings and thoughts of the world, love, family and society.

Among the paintings, the exhibition showcases a group of ceramic statues of Bodhidharma in different sizes and styles by Vietnamese sculpture Nguyen Van Trung, who has a strong passion for Buddhist art.

Nguyen Xuan Tien, the association’s Chairman, said it is the first time the association organises a joint exhibition featuring Vietnamese and Indonesian artists. It marks the collaboration in fine arts between the two countries.

He added despite the differences in styles and culture, all artists are focused on same topics of climate change, war and peace, and people and society, making their works retain both national and epochal characteristics.

Through the art works, the artists bring colleagues, friends, family, and art lovers into their inner world, Tien said, adding this is a magical world of Vietnamese and Indonesia art and an aspiration for values of “chan – thien – my” (the true, the good and the beautiful)."

He hoped more exhibitions among Vietnam, Indonesia and countries in the region would be held to introduce unique art works to art lovers, as well as contribute to the art development of each country and the region.

Heri Kristanto, an artist from Indonesia, said his colleagues and he were excited to join the exhibition in HCM City. It was an opportunity for artists of both countries to meet and share their experiences and skills.

He expected to have more exchange art exhibitions between the two countries in the future.

Entitled “Vietnam – Indonesia Exchange Art Exhibition 2023”, which runs from August 7 to 13, drew the participation of 17 Vietnamese and 11 Indonesian artists.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes