The HCM City Department of Education and Training will have a virtual opening ceremony for the 2021-22 school year that is slated to begin in mid-September.

Speaking at an event held by the Ministry of Education and Training on August 12, Nguyễn Văn Hiếu, deputy director of the department, said plans for all grades had been submitted to the city People’s Committee.

They factored in various scenarios for each grade based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation, including remote learning, he said.

The remote learning programmes for primary classes would be designed in a more interactive and engaging way with a reduction in teaching content.

The department was also making plans for cleaning and disinfecting schools.

The Ministry of Education and Training has said the opening ceremony for the new academic year will be on September 5 but provinces or cities can decide on a suitable time depending on their pandemic situation.

In the 2021 – 22 the number of students in the city is estimated to be 1.5 million. 

HCM City to extend social distancing measures until mid Sept

Ho Chi Minh City is set to extend social distancing measures until September 15, the date set by the Government for the southern metropolis to bring its severe COVID-19 outbreaks under control, according to Phan Van Mai, Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party Committee.

Upon addressing a meeting regarding COVID-19 prevention and control in Ho Chi Minh City on April 13, Mai said the city has paid close attention to pandemic prevention and control efforts, with the Government's Directive 16 being enforced in a thorough, synchronised, and effective manner.

This shows public awareness regarding the necessity to protect themselves and the wider community has been enhanced and must be maintained.

“Despite the above said results, the pandemic remains complicated, with the number of new cases tending to fall still high, especially death toll. The pandemic is anticipated to continue for a long time, requiring all citizens stay vigilant against the complex developments of COVID-19,” Mai said.

Since August 5, the city has registered an average of 3,687 cases each day, of which 78.6% were in areas under lockdown, 2.3% were detected in quarantined areas, 17.7% were found through screening tests at hospitals. 

The city currently has 1,558 critical patients, along with 16 on ECMO support. As many as 10,421 asymptomatic cases are being treated at home. In addition, more than 12,000 patients have been treated for over seven days and are in the process of recovering.

The southern city is now focusing on improving the efficiency of treatment, with the top priority being to reduce the number of deaths in 22 localities across the city. 

It is predicted that after August 15, the number of cases will stay at approximately 3,000 daily cases.

The city will therefore strengthen measures from August 15 to September 15, divided into two phases, the first being from August 15 to August 31 and from August 31 to September 15. Indeed, a range of specific measures will be implemented in each phase, he added.

It is therefore expected that on August 15, the southern city will announce the details of the plan, with strict social distancing measures being implemented, according to the Government’s Directive 16.

Ho Chi Minh City has recorded more than 137,000 local cases of COVID-19 so far, the highest in the country during the latest wave of the pandemic.

Second session of 15th NA Standing Committee to open next week

The 15th National Assembly (NA)’s Standing Committee will convene its second session at the NA Building in Hanoi from August 17-18, the NA Office announced on August 13.

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue will deliver his opening remarks and preside over discussion sessions in turn together with NA Vice Chairmen.

The NA Standing Committee is expected to give opinions on several major issues.

The draft Law on Emulation and Reward (amended), the Government's report on the implementation of social insurance regimes and policies, and management and use of the social insurance fund in 2020 will be put on table, along with the consideration of principles, criteria and norms for the allocation of regular expenditure estimates of the state budget in 2022.

For supervision, the NA Standing Committee will consider the recommendation of the NA’s Ethnic Council on supervision over the delimitation of mountainous and highland areas; decide on the establishment of a thematic supervision team of the NA Standing Committee on the enforcement of law on citizen reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations from July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2021, and the implementation of the committee’s resolutions on the arrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels in the 2019-2021 period.

It is also expected to review the first session of the 15th legislature, and give opinions on the preparations for the second session./.

PM Pham Minh Chinh receives Japanese Ambassador

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception in Hanoi on August 13 for Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yamada Takio.

PM Chinh congratulated the Japanese Government and people on successfully organising the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

He spoke highly of and thanked Japanese businesses for sharing difficulties with Vietnam in the fight against COVID-19 and socio-eocnomic development, as well as their contributions to the country’s COVID-19 vaccine fund.

The PM wanted the two sides to coordinate closely to increase meetings and exchange of delegations at all levels, especially high-level ones, in a bid to deepen the extensive strategic partnership in the new context.

The Vietnamese Government always sympathises and shares difficulties with foreigners in Vietnam, including Japanese citizens and businesses, he said, affirming that the Government, ministries, sectors and localities of Vietnam will accompany and implement all possible solutions to assist foreign enterprises, including Japanese firms, in overcoming difficulties and maintaining production and supply chains.

PM Chinh thanked the Japanese Government and people for their valuable assistance to Vietnam in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, especially their donation of millions of vaccines doses.

Amid complicated and rapid developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, PM Chinh proposed Ambassador Yamada suggest the Government and relevant agencies of Japan to continue providing and transfer vaccines to Vietnam, and promote cooperation in production and transfer of COVID-19 vaccine and treatment drug production technology to the country.

He also proposed Japan give judicial assistance to, remove difficulties for and ensure a stable life for Vietnamese citizens in the East Asian nation.

Ambassador Yamada held that the Japan-Vietnam extensive strategic partnership has been deepened.

He highly evaluated the efforts of the Government and localities of Vietnam in implementing the dual goal and expressed his belief that Vietnam will soon reap positive achievements.

The diplomat affirmed that the Japanese Government advocates providing assistance in all aspects for Vietnam in the current situation.

He cited a survey conducted by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) as saying that Vietnam will become the most attractive destination for foreign investors in the post-pandemic period.

Ambassador Yamada appreciated the PM, ministries and sectors’ move to promptly remove difficulties for foreign enterprises, including those from Japan.

However, the fourth wave of COVID-19 infections in Vietnam has affected the inflow of Japanese investment and production activities of Japanese enterprises in the Southeast Asian country as well as global supply chains of Japanese firms, he said.

The diplomat expressed his wish that the Government, ministries, sectors and localities of Vietnam continue creating favourable conditions and solve difficulties caused by COVID-19 and assist Japanese companies in pandemic prevention and control, and maintaining stable business and production activities.

PM Chinh believed that with the concerted efforts and support of the governments, businesses and people of the two countries, both Vietnam and Japan will soon overcome difficulties and their friendship and cooperative ties will further develop in a more practical and effective manner./.

Conference highlights Vietnam – India comprehensive strategic partnership

The Indian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City on August 13 ran a teleconference on India and its comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam, a curtain raiser for a host of events promoting the nations’ mutual engagements and understanding and marking India’s Independence Day.

In his opening speech, Indian Ambassador to Vietnam Pranay Verma stated since the Vietnam - India diplomatic relations were established in 1972, the two has support each other in their pursuit of happiness for their peoples.

They are now comprehensive strategic partners, with bilateral cooperation growing across politics, economy, culture, energy, defence, and people-to-people exchange, he said.

The diplomat added that despite COVID-19, the ties have been fortified in the past time, particularly in trade and economy, while new joint works in water resources management, IT, and cultural heritage preservation have been promoted.

He said the sides have been actively taking part in and making contribution to global issues like environmental protection and maritime security cooperation. They are willing to extend their participation at multilateral forums in the region and in the world.

Vietnam plays an important role in India's "Look East" and now "Act East" policy, the ambassador noted, expressing his belief in the development of the ties toward self-reliance, sustainability, and better economic capacity in the global stage.

India is committed to pushing its comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam to a new height and always considers Vietnam an important and trustworthy partner, the diplomat affirmed.

Speakers at the conference lauded the initiative of hosting the event to discuss the countries’ traditional and special relations, which are originated from cultural and religious exchanges dating back more than 2,000 years.

Shyam Saran, former Foreign Minister of India, said amid COVID-19, the nations, both members of the UN Security Council, should cooperate and support each other at multilateral and bilateral forums.

Ton Sinh Thanh, former Vietnamese Ambassador to India, said with similar strategic benefits and cooperation potential, the partnership will thrive./.

5th ASEAN Media Forum takes place online

The 5th ASEAN Media Forum held virtually by the ASEAN Secretariat on August 13 continued to highlight the bloc's goals, achievements and challenges to the region’s top media editors and influencers.

In his remarks, Secretary-General of ASEAN Dato Lim Jock Hoi underlined ASEAN’s priority and plan in enhancing efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic to safeguard the lives and livelihoods of ASEAN people.

He emphasised that while media has become an integral part in the advancement of societies, reliable channels of communications that inform, educate and empower people are increasingly essential.

“ASEAN would also benefit from your insights being the voice of integrity and the bridge between our vast and diverse communities to secure a sustainable and resilient future,” he said.

During the opening session, participating ASEAN senior editors shared their experiences regarding restrictions they faced in their reporting job due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was followed by a panel discussion on “The importance of multilateralism in a diverse ASEAN.”

The highlight of the forum was an exclusive conversation where media leaders had the opportunity to hear insights from and exchanged views with the Secretary-General of ASEAN and former Foreign Minister of Indonesia Marty Natalegawa.

The conversation evolved around ASEAN’s balancing acts between major powers in the region. It was stressed that ASEAN should continue to enhance its convening power as well as its thought leadership to manifest its centrality. Further, it is critical for ASEAN to uphold and promote its principle of resolving disputes through peaceful settlement.

Thua Thien Hue closes tourist attractions after detecting Covid-19 infections

The central province of Thua Thien Hue has decided to close relic sites, tourist attractions and landmarks in the province starting on August 12, after it reported two Covid-19 cases by community transmission.

The provincial anti-Covid-19 steering committee this morning released an announcement about measures to fight the disease in the province.

The authorities asked local residents to continue to refrain from going out for non-essential purposes and practice anti-virus measures as recommended by the Ministry of Health.

Eateries and coffee shops are also allowed to continue operations, but they must comply with Covid-19 preventive measures and open at 50% capacity with no more than 50 customers at the same time. Meanwhile, restaurants, food stores, rest stops and souvenir shops located along the National Highway No.1 section running through the province have to suspend operations.

Wedding ceremonies and receptions and celebrations can take place but must ensure compliance with anti-virus regulations. These parties must be organized at half capacity with no more than 50 guests limited to local residents of the province.

In addition, funerals must also follow coronavirus safety guidelines and must be registered with the authorities.

The province has banned large gatherings of over 20 people outside offices, schools and hospitals, as well as non-essential meetings and religious events of more than 20 people. People also have to keep a safe physical distance of at least two meters from each other in public places.

Earlier, the province reported two locally-infected cases in Phong Dien District and the source of transmission of the cases remains unknown.

As of this morning, Thua Thien Hue had reported 177 domestic infections in the latest outbreak, which began on April 27.

Tho Quang fishing port begins waste water treatment

A group of bio-researchers at Đà Nẵng’s technology and education university have started a bio-based waste treatment project using water released from fishing boats at Thọ Quang Dock, promising 98 per cent of pollutants will be purified for releasing qualified waste water under Việt Nam standards.

Head of the team, Trần Minh Thảo said the group began the environment-friendly non-chemical treatment from early this year for official operation in October.

He said it was the first time ever the bio treatment was used at the decade-long hotspot pollution site in the tourism hub.

The team said at least 200cu.m of waste water from fishing vessels docking at the port will be collected for cleaning by biological treatment each day.

Thảo said waste water from fishing boats, which contained much organic waste from cold storage mixed with fuel tank oil, used to discharge directly to the dock after sea trips, but the poor waste water activities will end with the introduction of the treatment system.

He said the biological treatment solution was part of the city’s upgraded fishing port project in 2020-25.

Deputy head of the port's management board, Phạm Thành Trung, said the port, which was designed for 400 boats, had been overloaded with more than 2,000 boats, and was heavily polluted from untreated waste water and garbage dumped from boats after fishing trips.

He said 70 per cent of vessels docking at the port were from neighbouring provinces, and at least 1,700 tonnes of solid waste was cleaned by the port’s staff each year, not including waste water and pollutant dumping from boatmen and shipping yards in the port.

Meanwhile, the dock became more polluted by sediment in the untreated waste water, he added.

Director of the city’s nature resources and environment department Tô Văn Hùng said a total VNĐ27 billion (US$1.17 million) had been allocated for upgrading the port in 2020-25.

The project will include dredging 350,000cu.m of sludge and sediment from the port for discharging into the sea of Đà Nẵng.

According to the port’s managing board, Thọ Quang fishing port, which opened 13 years ago, was downgraded and overloaded with more boats arriving from the central region and other provinces.

The 58ha port – the biggest fishing dock in the central region – can handle more than 17,000 fishing trawlers and 130,000 tonnes of fish and seafood worth VNĐ6 trillion ($261 million) per year.

It shelters 2,000 fishing boats, three times more than its capacity, and even 4,000 boats dock during storm season.

The port is visited by 3,000 fishermen and traders each day, while 23 seafood processing plants and 11 shipyards are located there.

Despite spending VNĐ600 million cleaning rubbish at the port, solid waste have still polluted the land and water for years. 

My Son pedestal seeks recognition as national treasure 

The Treasure Evaluation Council of Quang Nam province and the Management Board of My Son World Cultural Heritage Site has approved a scientific dossier of My Son A10 pedestal at the heritage site, and agreed to submit the dossier to seek recognition of the pedestal as a national treasure.

My Son A10 pedestal is located at tower group A of My Son temple complex in Quang Nam province’s Duy Xuyen district. It dates back to between the 9th and 10th centuries. 

The 2.26m-high, 2.58m-long and 2.58m-wide pedestal is constructed from 17 stone blocks. 

The pedestal was found by Vietnamese and Indian experts during restoration work at the site in May last year. 

The pedestal is a rare work of its kind that remains intact in the worshipping space at the My Son Sanctuary.

Hoa Binh releases 35,000 fish fry into Da River

The Sub-Department of the northern province of Hoa Binh released 35,000 fry of various fish species into Da River, aiming to regenerate, protect and increase diversity of fisheries resources in the area.

According to head of the sub-department Hoang Van Son, the activity also aims to encourage locals to expand fish farming in Hoa Binh Lake, while raising public awareness of protecting fisheries resources and the environment during the process of aquatic farming and exploitation.

The Da River lake in Hoa Binh province has a total water surface of 8,892 hectares, which is considered a valuable source of fisheries of the northwestern region with many rare species.

However, the management over the exploitation and regeneration of fisheries resources in the area has yet to receive due attention. Over-exploitation of fisheries, including use of banned fishing tools, have posed a risk of reduction in fisheries resources and the extinction of some endemic species./.

Music gala to support fight against COVID-19

Music gala to support fight against COVID-19 hinh anh 1

An online music gala named 'Cam on nhung dieu phi thuong' to take place on August 15 (Photo courtesy of the organising board)


An online music gala named “Cam on nhung dieu phi thuong” (Thank you for extraordinary things) will take place on August 15 to raise funds in support of the front line of the fight against COVID-19.

The event will be streamed live on GreenHat platform at and fanpages of VTV3, Tiktok, VOV, Dan Tri newspaper and Dep Magazine.

The music gala, divided in three parts of the fierce front line, One Heart - Thank you for extraordinary things and the faith to win, will gather well-known artists in Vietnam such as saxophonist Tran Manh Tuan, Cam Van-Khac Trieu-Cece Truong family, Duc Tuan, Kyo York, Nguyen Phi Hung, Ta Quang Thang, Ha Le and Minh Thu.

Songs to be performed at the event will be all optimistic and proud, and encourage people working the front line of the combat against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Donors can contribute money to the programme before, during and after the livestream./.

NA to discuss seven draft laws at second session

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on August 13 worked with standing members of several NA committees on the verification of seven draft laws that will be submitted to the legislature at the second session of the 15th NA scheduled to take place at the end of this year.

The seven are Law on Emulation and Reward (amended), Law on Cinematography (amended), Law on Mobile Police, Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Criminal Procedure Code, Law on Insurance Business (amended), Law amending and supplementing the Appendix-List of national statistical indicators of the Law on Statistics, and Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Intellectual Property Law.

Regarding the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Intellectual Property Law, the top legislator said that it is necessary to perfect the law in line with the era of the fourth industrial revolution.

It is essential to internalise international commitments related to intellectual property, ensure the uniformity and consistency in the legal system, and ensure the feasibility of the law, he added./.

Young entrepreneurs' association donates ventilators to COVID-19 affected localities

The Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs' Association (VYEA) on August 11-12 handed over 20 ventilators, 7,000 COVID-19 quick test kits and other goods worth over 2 billion VND (over 87,800 USD) to authorities of Long An, Dong Nai, Khanh Hoa, Binh Thuan, and Ben Tre provinces, and Da Nang and Can Tho cities in order to support COVID-19 treatment and prevention in the localities.

This is one of the activities of the association to share difficulties with the country's efforts in the fight against COVID-19.

The association recently has also organised a charity kitchen programme to provide about 30,000 servings for people, while delivering free masks and rice, helping to consume inventory goods, and providing on-site accommodations for personnel serving the pandemic prevention work in Ho Chi Minh City and other southern localities.

Notably, the “Oxygen ATM programme” is being implemented effectively by the VYEA in HCM City, contributing to supporting COVID-19 treatment hospitals and patients who urgently need oxygen at home.

To better support frontline forces in the fight against COVID-19, the association has launched a programme to raise funds for purchasing ambulances serving urgent emergency cases. The vehicles will be equipped with necessary medical equipment such as oxygen cylinders, and ventilators to be able to provide first aid and transport COVID-19 patients to hospitals./.

Conservation group plants 2,000 trees in Đồng Nai Forest

The non-governmental organisation Gaia Nature Conservation has planted 2,000 indigenous large timber trees on four hectares in Đồng Nai Forest.

All of the 2,000 native timber trees belong to seven species, including Chiêu Liêu (Chebulic myrobalan), Giáng Hương (Pterocarpus macrocarpus), Ươi (Scaphium macropodum), Dầu (Dipterocarpus alatus), Gõ đỏ (Afzelia xylocarpa), Gõ mật (Sindora siamensis) and Bằng lăng (Lagerstroemia speciosa).

They were planted by staff at the Đồng Nai Culture and Nature Reserve and local residents, with supervision from the Gaia team.

Despite the pandemic, Gaia and its partners proceeded with afforestation plans and ensured compliance with the Government’s COVID-19 prevention regulations, said Đỗ Thị Thanh Huyền, founder and director of the Gaia Nature Conservation.

Gaia has planted forests in Đồng Nai Culture and Nature Reserve since 2018.

In the past few weeks, Gaia conducted online meetings and calls with donors and local partners to prepare for afforestation in the Đồng Nai Cultural Nature Reserve, a major part of the Đồng Nai World Biosphere Reserve.

The effort is part of the campaign “Afforestation to prevent the next pandemic” launched by Gaia in June which includes not only afforestation activities but also communications campaigns to raise public awareness about the importance of forest planting. 

The campaign also includes the planting of 10,000 trees in the northern province of Thanh Hóa.

Afforestation increases biodiversity, which helps to create a healthy home for wildlife and enhances disease resistance. Afforestation in Đồng Nai Culture and Nature Reserve strengthens the forest's ecological value, protects water resources, responds to climate change, and protects one of the last populations of elephants in Việt Nam, according to Huyền.

The forest will continue to be taken care of and monitored online by Gaia in collaboration with the Đồng Nai Culture and Nature Reserve for the next four years to ensure the highest survival rate. 

Athletes brave soldiers in coronavirus fight

It is 4am. Millions of people are sleeping in HCM City.

But on one side of the city, coaches and athletes of HCM City's Sport Training Centre are perspiring from hard work, with their T-shirts covered in dust. They are busy with activities such as preparing vegetables and fruit to support people in need in quarantine.

HCM City has been a national hotspot of the coronavirus for weeks. Currently thousands of positive cases are announced every day, and the city has been under lockdown since July 9.

"Dozens of tonnes of vegetables are coming here from cities and provinces. They are a gift of sponsors to us during these difficult days," said Đoàn Công Tuấn, coach for the tug of war. He is certainly in a war at the moment.

"We are here to help receive the food, divide them into portions and deliver to privileged and poor people. We have to work early in the morning to bring these fresh and green gifts to them in time," he said.

After receiving 18 tonnes of vegetables from Đà Lạt, they continue packing more than 30 tonnes of squash, marrow and peanuts, which travelled through the night to the city.

After the vegetable deliveries, they all move to the Minh Đức Secondary School in District 1 to clean the campus, which is a quarantine area for F0 patients.

"Sometime we are really exhausted but encourage each other to try harder for the day that our city clears of COVID-19. That dream helps us to continue with his meaningful work," Tuấn said.

A little way from Tuấn's place, his athlete Trần Gia Luật also has no time to rest. He is busy all the time, receiving and guiding people in District 7's Tân Quy and Tân Thuận Đông communes who are coming to have tests.

While many people help by staying and training at home under the social distancing rule, Luật converts his unexpected rest into volunteering

The three-time national champion is also student of the Phạm Ngọc Thạch University of Medicine. Following a call of the university's directorate, Luật registered to join the city campaign to resist the deadly disease outbreak.

Together with classmates, he takes part in importing data and taking samples for testing.

He also helps people to check their temperatures, declare their health status online and reminds them to follow the healthcare regulations.

"It is hot today and will heavily rain tomorrow but it cannot stop us from working. We have to use all of our ability to complete work here on time. People in other quarantine areas are waiting for us," said Luật.

"It is really meaningful work. I am happy contributing my energy to the campaign when the country needs me. We are working with a joyful mind and positive spirit. Sometimes, we are nervous when waiting for results, and then it is great to know they are okay. They are like our family members and we all yell 'negativeee!' and laugh out loud."

Support whatever and whenever

It is 11.30am. Under the strong heat of the sun, taekwondo martial artist Châu Tuyết Vân keeps working hard as a medical assistant.

Martial artist Châu Tuyết Vân shares vegetables with people in need. Photo courtesy of Châu Tuyết Vân
In the outbreak period, all sport activities have been paused. Vân, apart from training herself, has taken part in a programme that provides taekwondo training and English courses. In her rest time, she takes off her uniform to join the COVID fight.

In Gò Vấp District, Vân puts on a protective gown, face mask and shield, gloves, shoes and head covers. She helps answer people's inquiry and instructs them in steps to be tested. She supports medical people to check temperatures, take samples, and clean the area when needed.

After Gò Vấp, she rushes to Thạnh Lộc Commune in District 12 for the same job before going to wholesale markets to deliver fresh produce to people in need.

"Sometime, people do not understand our job. They refused to do the health declaration and shout at us. We have to persuade them a lot and even force them to declare,” said Vân

"But it is just several cases. Otherwise, people love us for what we are doing. They share food and drink with us, so sweet! Their love releases our tiredness and readiness to work harder."

Due the pandemic, volunteering activities can be held anytime. Vân and her team must be ready even if it is early morning or midnight.

"It is a pandemic which is happening through the nation. Volunteers are really important to help the task force. We are athletes but also members of the community. We not only focus on training but also participate in social activities. It is a good way to perfect my personality,” said Vân.

"I know that it is not easy job, and it could put me in dangerous situation but I really want to help. Supporting people brings happiness for me and people who we help. It is my way to strengthen my country." 

Recognising the importance of volunteering, former national team goalkeeper Bùi Tiến Dũng also wants to help.

The 2018 Asian U23 championship silver holder supports doctors at Thủ Đức City Hospital.

“The more I go through the more I see people's love and care for each other. Medical workers, police and many others are working hard to fight COVID-19. I believe that to live is to share. You can share whatever you have -- money, energy, love, sympathy and understanding," said Dũng. 

"I want to quietly support them, heroes in the frontline against this pandemic. I wish all of them strong and good health."

HCM City FC's Dũng is currently resting as the national football premier league can only return next February. 

He is member of the 'We Love Sài Gòn' charity group. With about 100 members including many footballers such as defender Đoàn Văn Hậu and striker Hà Đức Chinh, the group has given away 1,000 meals to poor people, doctors and nurse every day since it started months ago.

Earlier, Dũng and his agent Nguyễn Đắc Văn presented microwaves, high flow nasal devices, protective kits and food to field hospitals around the city.

Dũng lost his place in HCM City FC's first team because of his poor performance, but has set a target of taking his place back when the national leagues come back, and to wins head coach Park Hang-seo's belief in him for a slot in a national team that will have many international challenges in 2022.

He is one of the football stars, such as Trần Hữu Đông Triều and Nguyễn Trọng Hoàng, among many athletes supporting the country with whatever they have and whenever they can. 

Đồng Nai to give vaccine priority to workers of ‘3-on-site’ enterprises

The management board of industrial parks in Đồng Nai Province has ordered local healthcare centres to give priority to vaccinating factory workers of enterprises implementing the ‘3-on-site’ model.

The southern province has 1,129 enterprises implementing the ‘3-on-site’ model, which involves eating, sleeping, and working without leaving their workplace in order to keep production going while ensuring COVID-19 control and prevention measures.

As many as 125,611 out of 315,948 workers in the province are staying at the factories without going home.

The district and city level healthcare centres have been asked to arrange vaccinations at the workplaces to prevent workers from going outside.

According to Đồng Nai Department of Health, more than 128,000 doses of vaccines have been distributed to 28 industrial parks located in seven districts and cities. The vaccination campaign for factory workers is being implemented between July 29 and August 20.

Đồng Nai has more than 600,000 industrial park workers. The current vaccines have met only 27 per cent of demand.

Đồng Nai continues to be a COVID hot spot in the south with the number of daily infection cases exceeding 1,000 on Thursday.

The province reported 1,076 new cases on Thursday morning.

Since the resurgence of the fourth wave, the province has reported 11,703 cases in total, including 5,008 cases in Biên Hòa City; and 2,524 cases in Vĩnh Cửu District. There have been 87 deaths in the province.

New cases continue to be detected at enterprises implementing the ‘3-on-site’ model and rental complexes in Nhơn Trạch and Vĩnh Cửu district.

Mass testing is being conducted in hot spots to detect community cases.

In a related move, Chinese experts working in Đồng Nai Province have been vaccinated between August 10 and 14.

The provincial Department of Health has issued a plan to distribute 3,900 doses of VeroCell vaccine donated by the Chinese Government to vaccinate 1,847 Chinese nationals living and working in Đồng Nai. 

Ministry urges localities to transport people back home after mandatory quarantine ends

The Ministry of Transport has asked departments of transport in cities and provinces to work with the health sector and local authorities to transport people back to their home residences after they have completed their mandatory quarantine period.

People who have been in close contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases have to stay at local quarantine facilities under guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.

Hà Nội, HCM City and other cities and provinces are implementing social distancing orders under the Government’s Directive 16, which bans travel to other localities.

Most cities and provinces have been transporting people back to their residence after the quarantine period, but several localities have not been doing so, according to the ministry.

Hà Nội youth joins hands to fight pandemic

In recent days, many checkpoints have been set up to protect COVID-free areas known as "green zones" to prevent the spread of the virus in the capital.

Aiming to contribute to the fight against the pandemic, Hà Nội’s youth has been implementing activities and essential tasks to join hands with local governments to protect the green zones in every corner of the city.

Bắc Từ Liêm District youth union set up a rapid response team for COVID-19 prevention and control with 490 volunteers who are union members and students living and studying in the district.

The volunteers were on duty at 70 checkpoints to control people travelling in and out, and took part in monitoring and supporting 38 COVID-19 vaccination and testing points in the district.

The district youth union also established 40 mobile teams with 120 volunteers using portable loudspeakers, and cycling two shifts a day to every residential area to disseminate regulations on prevention and control and update the pandemic situation in the city and across the country.

The youth union also mobilised 15 students who were studying or graduated from medical and pharmaceutical schools and living in the district to join the Volunteer Medical Student Team to support medical workers at the district health centre in tracing, testing and vaccination, according to Nguyễn Đức Ngọc, the youth union’s secretary.

Moreover, the union opened a call centre operating 24 hours a day with the task of receiving information to help people who were facing difficulties due to the impact of the pandemic.

Through the call center, the district’s youth and women unions have delivered 790 gifts worth more than VNĐ300 million (US$6,870) for needy people, youth and children in the area.

Supporting farmers

In Hoàng Mai District, there were 470 check points in green zones of 14 wards.

The Hoàng Mai Youth Union cooperated with other social unions and COVID-19 prevention and control units to support the local people.

The youth union's secretary Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang said: “We reviewed the list of labourers who were facing difficulties in the pandemic to provide timely support so as to contribute to ensuring social security and strengthening solidarity and consensus among people in the fight against the pandemic.

The youth union also organised connections between localities that needed to support agricultural product consumption with the people in green zones so that people could easily buy food, Trang said.

This also helped farmers in lockdown areas.

Recently, the union had helped to sell tonnes of longan and thousands of eggs for farmers in Thanh Oai and Mỹ Đức districts.

Trang said: “We received information from Thanh Oai and Mỹ Đức districts' youth unions that large quantity of agricultural products and fruits could not be sold to school and factory canteens and restaurants due to social distancing.

“We decided to connect and support the consumption of products for farmers of the two districts.”

Besides, there were 20 young people to voluntarily work as shippers to deliver the products to every household in the green zones in Hoàng Mai District.

"All the voluntary shippers were vaccinated and always complied with pandemic prevention regulations," Trang said.

“With the enthusiasm of the shippers, in just two days, Hoàng Mai youth union helped to sell nearly six tonnes of longan, 6,000 duck eggs, 100 ducks and 200kg of frogs from farmers of Thanh Oai District and one tonne of longan and 6,000 duck eggs for farmers in Mỹ Đức District.”

The youth of the capital city have been cooperating with authorities at all levels to protect the green zones and soon bring the city back to normal. 

HCM City to set up five emergency stations

HCM City has decided to establish five field 115 satellite emergency stations as the city has continued witnessing more Covid-19 patients.

The emergency stations are located at Phu Tho Indoor Stadium in District 11, Quang Trung Software Park in District 12, Binh Tan Secondary School in Binh Tan District, Binh Chanh District’s Youth Centre, Thu Duc City’s Labour Confederation.   

Some Phuong Trang Company vehicles and Mai Linh taxis have been turned into ambulances to serve the stations which are managed by the 115 Emergency Centre and the HCM City Steering Board for Covid-19 Prevention and Control.

The ambulances specialise in transporting patients, particularly Covid-19 cases to medical facilities.

The provincial departments of finance and health have been assigned to allocate funds for the station operation.

Earlier, up to 226 coaches in HCM City were turned into ambulances to transport Covid-19 patients.

At the end of July, around 300 cars of a taxi company were also licensed as prioritised vehicles for patient transportation.

Binh Duong seeks for one million Covid-19 vaccine doses supply

The southern province of Binh Duong has asked the government for the supply of one million Covid-19 vaccine doses and pledged to use them up in 10 days.

Since April 27 when the fourth Covid-19 wave hit Vietnam, Binh Duong has recorded 34,659 Covid-19 patients, including 242 deaths. Meanwhile, around 592 local Covid-19 patients have experienced worsened conditions. 

The province is now having 1,197 locked-down areas with 97,640 people and 140 quarantine sites with 19,437 people. Meanwhile, 887 Covid-19 patients are undergoing home quarantine, and 5,422 people who have come into close contact with the patients are quarantining themselves at home.

Despite standing second in the country in terms of Covid-19 infections, Covid-19 vaccine supply to the province has remained modest. With a vaccination speed of 100,000 doses per day, the province has run out of 544,060 allocated by the Ministry of Health.

On August 11, the provincial people’s committee submitted its proposal to Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, asking for being provided with one million more Covid-19 vaccine doses. The province committed to use the vaccine in 10 days.

Quang Ngai imposes night travel restrictions

The central province of Quang Ngai has requested their residents not to go out between 9 pm and 4 am the next day as part of efforts to control the Covid-19 spread. 

The central province of Quang Ngai has requested their residents not to go out between 9 pm and 4 am the next day as part of efforts to control the Covid-19 spread.

According to an announcement made by chairman of the provincial People's Committee, Dang Van Minh, on Thursday morning, social distancing rules would be applied in the whole province starting the same day for Covid-19 prevention.

People in the province are asked to stay at home and only go outside in necessary cases like going on business trips, working at essential businesses that are allowed to operate, buying food and medicines, or emergencies such as medical issues, fires or natural disasters.

Groups of more than 10 people will be banned in public places including hospitals, workplaces, and schools and people are asked to maintain a two-metre distance.

Clubs, karaoke bars, restaurants, beer clubs, and hotels have also been suspended, while essential meetings are allowed with less than 20 people in a room.

Quang Ngai confirmed 16 Covid-19 infections on August 12, including four cases relating to a cluster in Chau O Town. There have been 19 infections detected in this cluster so far with patients coming in various areas in the province.

Ly Son Island closes for Covid-19 prevention

People from other areas will be banned from entering Ly Son Island in the central province of Quang Ngai as local authorities try to prevent coronavirus from the area.

Quang Ngai Provincial People's Committee have just announced that they would stop issuing travel permits to Ly Son Island starting from August 12.

According to the announcement, only residents of Ly Son Island who have completed a mandatory quarantine period for Covid-19 prevention are allowed to return to the island.

People with business on the island can also travel there if they meet virus preventive regulations.

Ly Son Island District lies 15 nautical miles northeast of Quang Ngai Province. The island covers 10.3 square kilometres and has a population of 22,000 people.

The island has not reported any Covid-19 infections. But as the local healthcare system is limited with many patients with serious problems having to be sent to the mainland for treatment, local authorities want to prevent the pandemic from the island.

Contest encourages students to create clips on traditional culture

The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee has launched a clip-making contest themed ‘Essence of Vietnam’ to encourage students to study, experience and honour traditional culture.

The contest is open for Vietnamese individuals or groups of no more than five members, who are students at high schools, educational institutions, colleges and universities both at home and abroad.

The clips, with both Vietnamese and English subtitles, should introduce viewers to the costumes, music, cuisine, architecture, customs and festivals of Vietnamese ethnic groups from across the country.

Entries should be submitted to no later than October 10, 2021. The valid entries will be posted on the contest’s TikTok channel for the qualification round and the top-voted ones will advance to the final round.

The organising board will present one first, one second, one third, and two consolation prizes to the most outstanding entries. There are also sub-prizes such as the top-voted clip of the week, the top-voted entry, and prizes for the school and local youth union with largest number of submissions.

Winners of the contest will be honoured at an award ceremony scheduled for this October.

Young Artist Award honours young talents

The Vietnam Fine Arts Association has decided to award the Young Artist Award 2021 to ten artists, based on the results of the exhibition "Chung Ta Dang Nghich Gi?" (What are we tricking?”) organised by the Vietnam Young Artists Club.

Ten artists were honoured with the Young Artist Award, including Dinh Duy Ton, Phung Nguyen Anh Khoa, Vang Hai Hung, Vu Tuan Viet, Le Thi Que Huong, Pham Dinh Tien, Tu Moc Tra, Dao Duc Loc, Pham Dinh Tuan, and Nguyen Thanh Thuy.

Each prize is worth VND 2 million, with the total budget for the prizes at VND20 million, which will be deducted from the 2021 fine art prize fund granted by the State to the Vietnam Fine Arts Association.

Currently, the Vietnam Fine Arts Association has no plans to award the prizes to the authors due to the complicated ongoing Covid-19 epidemic.

The exhibition "Chung Ta Dang Nghich Gi?" has been taking place since July 2021 at the VCCA art space, including 125 works by 103 young artists from all over the country.

Hanoi to launch 2,500 mobile stores if wet markets closed amid Covid concern

The capital city of Hanoi will put into service 2,500 mobile stores if many wet markets and supermarkets in the city have to suspend operations in droves due to the impact of Covid-19, according to the city’s recent plan.

The plan was put forward to ensure the sufficient supply of food, foodstuffs and other necessities during the stay-at-home order, after Covid-19 cases shut a host of local markets and supermarkets.

Hanoi is home to around 10 million people. The amount of necessities consumed and transported during the stay-at-home period in the city has tripled that of normal months, as residents have stocked up on goods for fears of uncertainties.

Under the plan, the city will open 2,500 mobile stores at culture houses, community houses and vacant land plots to sell food and necessities to the local people. Besides, 472 transaction locations run by post offices will also offer food and necessities to residents.

Vacant land plots will be designated for local vendors of suspended markets to continue to run their business or for local people or businesses that want to sell food and necessities. In addition, the city asked operators that do not sell food to switch to selling these items to residents.

The city added that it will mobilize goods from enterprises in the city as well as other localities that had registered to supply an adequate amount of goods to the city.

If provinces and cities that usually supply goods to Hanoi have a limited amount of goods or face obstacles linked to quarantine or lockdown orders, the Hanoi departments of Industry and Trade, Agricultural and Rural Development have to work with other localities and direct suppliers citywide to take measures to purchase goods to serve the points of sale.

Over the past few days, many districts in Hanoi have set up mobile stores with available price lists to help local people feel safe while shopping during the pandemic and reduce the transmission risk of Covid-19 as the shopping model would restrict large gatherings.

Education Ministry issues core content, goals for new academic year
The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) on August 12 held a meeting for the summary of the 2020-2021 academic year and the preparation for the new school year to all grades. The core teaching and learning content was introduced and encouraged to be transferred to students via direct teaching mode.

Director General of the Secondary Education Department (under MoET) Nguyen Xuan Thanh reported that in the previous academic year, many high schools in Vietnam had to turn to the distance teaching and learning mode via the Internet or television during the time students stopped coming to school due to Covid-19. That allowed general education to maintain the schedule and to achieve impressive results.

In the last school year, Vietnam sent 37 students to the regional and global Olympic contests, earning 12 gold medals, 13 silver and 10 bronze ones. In the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), one project by Vietnamese students won the third prize, along with two projects winning special prizes from science-technology businesses, associations, and organizations.

As the Covid-19 pandemic is still complex in the upcoming school year, the first goal of secondary education is to strictly observe all regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control in school while trying to improve education quality. To achieve this, the development and organization of the plan for the school year must be flexible to actively address any possible trouble arisen by the pandemic or disasters.

Furthermore, the 2021-2022 academic year is the first year to apply new curriculum for the second and sixth grades. The educational staff must be well-trained for this and prepare for the launch of a new curriculum for the third, seventh, and tenth grades in two more years.

Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son asked that all schools and teachers be more flexible, innovative in their teaching plans based on MoET’s issued timeframe and core knowledge, skills to be taught. This core content is published in a document and is suggested to be taught via direct teaching mode.

Minister Son also mentioned the need of moral education in school, along with academic knowledge so that students become a rounded person. He stressed on the spirit of autonomy, of real learning and real exam result, which means to avoid copying from models at all cost, especially in literature subject.

Finally the Minister requested that the localities must take care of the teaching staff and support students when they follow the distance learning mode.

One subject in illegal tiger raising case arrested, prosecuted
Nghe An Province People’s Procuracy yesterday announced that it has just approved the decision to launch criminal investigation to the illegal tiger raising case and prosecute one man for his violation of the regulations to protect endangered, precious and rare species.

Accordingly, 39-year-old Nguyen Van Hien, living in Nam Vuc Hamlet of Do Thanh Commune in Yen Thanh District is arrested for 4 months and prosecuted due to his violation of the regulations to protect endangered, precious and rare species.

Before this, the police have discovered 14 Indochinese tigers captured and raised illegally in Hien’s house. This case is under the responsibility of Nghe An Province Department of Public Security.

A similar case of discovering 3 Indochinese tigers in the house of Nguyen Thi Dinh (in Phu Xuan Hamlet of Do Thanh Commune) is under the responsibility of Yen Thanh District Station of Public Security. Necessary documents are being prepared for the prosecution.

Over 1.1 million doses of AstraZeneca arrive in Vietnam: VNVC

As many as 1,113,400 doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine arrived in Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City on August 13 morning, according to the Vietnam Vaccine Company (VNVC).

This is the eighth shipment from the VNVC’s order of 30 million doses with AstraZeneca, the entirety of which would be handed over to the Ministrty of Health at a not-for-profit price.

VNVC earlier stated that starting from July, each week, AstraZeneca would ship about 1 million doses of vaccine to Vietnam, and the commitment has been largely kept.

To date, 5.5 million doses, or nearly 20 percent of the deal, have been delivered, nearly six months after the first batch reached Vietnam in late February.

VNVC said it was also in talks with other vaccine manufacturers for potential deals.

With the latest batch, Vietnam currently has received some 19 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine in total, mostly AstraZeneca (11.5 million), Moderna (5 million), and Sinopharm’s Vero Cell (1.5 million).

The Ministry of Health has warned that in the third quarter, deliveries would be few and far between, and most of the vaccines from international commitments and purchase deals would arrive in droves in the final quarter of the year.

Over 13 million doses have been administered in Vietnam, with more than 1.1 million people being fully vaccinated./.

Steering Committee for making Party building project opens 1st session

The Steering Committee for making the project on continuing to promote Party building and rectification, prevent and repel the deterioration in political ideology, morality, lifestyle and internal "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" manifestations convened the first session in Hanoi on August 13.

At the event, Hoang Dang Quang, member of the Party Central Committee and deputy head of the Committee’s Organisation Commission, announced the decision to establish a 17-strong Steering Committee for the development of the project.

Truong Thi Mai, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of its Organisation Commission, is head of the steering committee, while Quang is its deputy head.

The session approved a work plan of the steering committee, and assigned tasks to its members.

Speaking at the event, Mai appreciated the sense of responsibility of the steering committee members.

She revealed that at the fourth Plenum of the Party Central Committee, she will submit for approval a report on the five-year implementation of Resolution No. 04-NQ/TW dated October 30, 2016 of the 12th Party Central Committee on promoting Party building and rectification, preventing and repelling the deterioration in political ideology, morality, lifestyle and internal "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" manifestations./.

French association calls for support for Vietnam’s AO/dioxin victims

The Le Monde newspaper of France has recently posted an article of the Collectif Vietnam-Dioxine association, calling on French politicians and the international community to support victims of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin in Vietnam and designate a day in commemoration of the victims.

With the title “We want to break the silence on the consequences of Agent Orange in Vietnam”, the article affirmed that sixty years after the start of the spraying of the herbicide by the US army in Vietnam, the consequences are still present.

According to the article, sixty years ago, on August 10, 1961, the US military first sprayed the Agent Orange, a powerful herbicide containing dioxin - the substance responsible for many cases of cancer and birth defects, in the southern part of Vietnam.

In French history and geography books, at the secondary and high school levels, the Vietnam War is also mentioned. However, the content of the teaching is limited at the main features of the past war, but does not mention to the catastrophic consequences that still linger until today, according to the article.

The country and people of Vietnam are used to seeing disfigured faces and bodies, and the unfortunate lives are also used to living in silence, and enduring pain, the article said, stressing that it is necessary to break this silence.

The Collectif Vietnam-Dioxine association argued that all AO victims do not deserve to suffer the pain and disadvantages, live in difficult conditions and have almost no access to services.

The association emphasised the need to fight for justice for them in Vietnam as well as in other countries.

The association proposed the French parliamentarians participate in compensating for the injustices suffered by all AO victims by acknowledging the crimes committed in Vietnam and in its neighboring countries such as Cambodia and Laos.

It also called for an official day to commemorate the victims, as well as the consideration of introducing about the impact of the Vietnam War on people and ecosystems at schools.

The association affirmed that it will continue to join efforts to support Vietnam.

Vietnam values relations with ESCAP: Foreign Minister

Vietnam attaches importance to its fruitful cooperation with the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), said Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son at his virtual talks with an ESCAP official on August 13.

Talking to Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, UN Under-Secretary-General and ESCAP Executive Secretary, Son lauded the commission’s high-quality policy research reports and recommendations for regional nations, and cooperation projects on technical support and capacity enhancement.

He stressed that Vietnam welcomes ESCAP’s 77th session approving of a resolution on the “Regional cooperation to build back better from crises in Asia and the Pacific”. The resolution highlights multilateralism and cooperation inside and outside the region in a bid to promote post-pandemic recovery, prioritising the improvement of the medical and social welfare systems, climate change response, digital transformation and digital economic development.

Son stated Vietnam will work closely with ESCAP in the implementation of the resolution.

He proposed the commission continue its support for Vietnam amid the resurgence of the COVID-19, especially through research, assessment and recommendations on regional responses to supply chain disruptions, tackling of pandemic-related socio-economic consequences, and green and sustainable recovery.

His proposals also covered ESCAP’s assistance for the Mekong region in implementing the UN sustainable development goals (SGDs), boost connectivity, improving water management, and responding to natural disasters.

The minister said 2022 marks both ESCAP’s 75th founding anniversary and Vietnam's 45th anniversary of membership to the UN, adding that this is a good chance for Vietnam and ESCAP to jointly launch initiatives to deepen their ties and increasing Vietnam’s participation in and contribution to ESCAP.

For her part, Alisjahbana commended Vietnam’s socio-economic and international integration achievements in recent years as well as the nation’s previous ASEAN chairmanship for 2020 and current role as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2020-2021.

She said she values the cooperation with Vietnam and its active and responsible participation in ESCAP that has contributed practically to efforts toward regional collaboration and socio-economic development.

She pledged her willingness to boost cooperation with and support for the country in social welfare protection, statistics, e-commerce, and the building of its Voluntary National Review report on the implementation of the SDGs at national and local levels.

She stated the commission will further assisting regional nations, including Vietnam, in green, sustainable and inclusive socio-economic recovery and speeding up their SGDs implementation./.

Vietnam treasures cooperative relations with Russia: Party chief

The Vietnamese Party, State and people have consistently treasured and promoted cooperative relations with Russia, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Nguyen Phu Trong has said.

Receiving newly-appointed Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Gennady Bezdetko in Hanoi on August 13, the Party leader affirmed that Vietnam always appreciated the wholehearted support and assistance that the former Soviet Union and the current Russian Federation have given to the Southeast Asian country.

He expressed his delight at the fruitful development of bilateral ties in all spheres, even amid adverse impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, adding that senior leaders of the two nations have regularly held online conversations and phone talks.

Vietnam and Russia have shared common stances on almost all international issues, and closely coordinated with and supported each other at regional and global multilateral forums, the Party chief said.

Relations between the CPV and political parties of Russia have seen new strides, contributing to the enhancement of Vietnam-Russia ties, he added.

As Vietnam and Russia are celebrating the 20th founding anniversary of strategic partnership in 2021 and entering the second decade of comprehensive strategic partnership, the Party leader hoped that the two countries will continue making greater efforts to lift the bilateral relationship to a new height.

Having thanked Russia for its assistance to Vietnam in the fight against COVID-19, he proposed agencies and organisations of the two nations further boost cooperation in pandemic prevention and control, including the supply of vaccines and transfer of vaccine production technology to Vietnam.

The Party General Secretary believed that Ambassador Bezdetko, with years of working experience and close ties with Vietnam, will continue making positive and effective contributions to the fraternal Vietnam-Russia relationship in the coming time.

For his part, Bezdetko affirmed that Russia has attached great importance to its comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam and considered Vietnam a priority in Russia’s foreign policy in Asia-Pacific.

Russian leaders highly evaluated relations between the CPV and political parties in Russia, especially the outcomes of recent phone talks between Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the United Russia Party Dmitry Medvedev.

The diplomat thanked Vietnam for its donation of medical supplies and equipment for the COVID-19 fight, especially in 2020 when Russia faced difficulties.

Russia is willing to cooperate with Vietnam in COVID-19 prevention and control, and relevant organisations of the two countries are scheduled to sign contracts to supply vaccines for Vietnam in the near future, he said.

The Ambassador said he is always willing and will try his best to further promote Russia-Vietnam relations to a new height./.

Emergency resuscitation temporary hospital put into operation in Binh Duong

An emergency resuscitation temporary hospital, specialising in treating severe COVID-19 patients, was put into operation on August 12 in the southern province of Binh Duong’s Thuan An district.

The hospital, with a total of 437 beds, was built inside Becamex International General Hospital in just six days, to treat COVID-19 patients in the province.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Truong Son said the temporary hospital was built thanks to the great efforts of local authorities as well as the support of both human resources and medical equipment from the Government and Hanoi Medical University Hospital.

Son also said when the number of COVID-19 patients increased very quickly in the province, with many severe cases, local authorities proposed the ministry set up the hospital.

Associate Professor Nguyen Lan Hieu, Director of the Hanoi Medical University Hospital, who was recently assigned to be the head of the field hospital, said it was implemented very quickly thanks to requisition of the available facilities and modern machinery from the Becamex International General Hospital.

We are now focused on upgrading rooms to increase the number of intensive care unit (ICU) beds and preparing oxygen and compressed air, ventilators and dialysis machines, he added.

The temporary hospital could conduct ECMO techniques to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients, he said.

The hospital includes medical staff of the Hanoi Medical University Hospital, Becamex International General Hospital, Binh Duong General Hospital and teams of doctors and nurses from many localities, especially from the northern provinces, he said.

Vo Van Minh, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Binh Duong province, said at the opening ceremony of the temporary hospital that he thanked the health ministry, Associate Professor Nguyen Lan Hieu as well as all medical staff.

Minh also said he hoped all doctors and medical staff of the temporary hospital would overcome difficulties and improve the efficiency of treatment for COVID-19 patients./.

State leader encourages frontline forces, residents of Hanoi in COVID-19 fight

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on August 13 visited and presented gifts to frontline forces performing COVID-19 prevention and prevention activities and locals in some areas in the capital city.

The State leader encouraged frontline forces to stay active in dealing with all arising situations, while reminding them to keep safety during their operations.

He asked local residents to promote solidarity and mutual support, and strictly implement pandemic prevention and control regulations of the Government and Hanoi.

At a working session with Hanoi leaders, President Phuc stressed the need to prioritise the prompt control of the pandemic in the capital city, making it a safe place to give support to other pandemic-hit localities.

He clarified that the applying of social distancing measures following the Prime Minister's Directive 16 must be implemented strictly with specific solutions and the involvement of the whole political system from grassroots to city levels as well as people of all strata.

The current target is to avoid hospital overloads and a surge in the number of infections and deaths, he stated, adding that human lives must be placed on top.

He underlined the need to continue applying “5K message” and vaccination strategy, along with more specific solutions, thus keeping the heart of the country safe.

Underlining the significance of COVID-19 vaccination, he said this is the way to reduce severe cases and deaths. Therefore, the city should consider speeding up delivery of vaccines to residents in red zones, senior residents, poor people and those with underlying health conditions.

He stressed the need to ensure utmost safety for medical staff and frontline forces by prioritising them in vaccination scheme, while maintaining the circulation of goods and prepare medical equipment, medicine and oxygen to be ready for the worst situations.

The State leader said that the people are always in the core position of all policies of the Party and administration, thus all activities should be carried out with consideration of people’s wish and voices, while strictly handling violations.

President Phuc suggested that Hanoi seek solutions to support pandemic-hit businesses, combine pandemic control and production maintenance in a suitable manner, thus ensuring resources for COVID-19 prevention and control activities and social welfare for locals.

On the occasion, the State leader handed over 40 billion VND (1.75 million USD) raised from the community to the Party Committee, administration and people of Hanoi to support their COVID-10 fight./.

Localities asked to adopt three-tiered COVID-19 treatment model

Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long suggested localities adopt three-tiered COVID-19 treatment model to minimise fatality rate during a video teleconference (VTC) on August 13 morning.

The VTC provided training on monitoring, treatment and care of infected people for medical workers from more than 700 district-based healthcare clinics nationwide.

As of the end of August 12, Vietnam documented more than 242,600 COVID-19 cases. Nearly 500 patients with severe COVID-19 are being treated in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Twenty-one are in critical conditions and receiving ECMO support. The death toll has reached nearly 4,800.

Addressing the event, Long said reducing fatalities remains one of the priorities in virus control efforts in all cities and provinces, so the healthcare system must be re-organised in a way that provides patients with the fastest and most convenient access and delivers the best possible services.

Long suggested cities and provinces to adopt the three-tiered treatment model, with the first being temporary COVID-19 hospitals and grassroots medical facilities, including home-based and community-based ones, which are designed to care for asymptomatic patients.

The second tier should be district-level medical clinics or higher which will be tasked to treat those with moderate COVID-19 symptoms. This tier plays a very important role because if it performs well, it can prevent the patients’ conditions from worsening and save their life, the minister said.

The last tier will be ICUs that admit those in critical conditions, he noted.

In the face of ongoing COVID-19 case spike, the Ministry of Health required all localities to prepare themselves with ICU medical supplies and equipment, he said, urging that the localities must, without delay, boost capacity of all the tiers to the maximum in order to not be caught off guard by the virus.

Minister Long further noted that his ministry will pilot a scheme for clinical monitoring and treatment of COVID-19 patients at home in Ho Chi Minh City and some other cities and provinces, and test Molnupiravir, a drug proving effective in reducing virus concentrations, in treating COVID-19 patients in the coming time.

He called on businesses to boost imports of the drug and pharmaceutical firms to negotiate with Molnupiravir producers about production technology transfer.

Source: VNA/VNS/VOV/VIR/SGT/SGGP/Nhan Dan/Hanoitimes 



HCM City begins COVID-19 inoculation for expectant women