Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended a conference in Hanoi on August 19 to review the 2023-2024 academic year and launch tasks for the new year, during which he underscored the motto of “taking students as the centre and subject, teachers as motivation, schools as support, families as fulcrum, and society as foundation” for education-training activities.

PM Chinh hailed the engagement of the whole political system, the support of the whole people, and the efforts of the education-training sector in implementing Resolution No.29-NQ-TW on fundamental and comprehensive reform of education and training over the past 10 years, resulting in breakthrough results.

Highlighting 10 outstanding results in the 2023-2024, the Government leader noted that the completion of institution and policies for education-training development has received great attention, while the network of pre-school, general education and continuing education facilities have been expanded. The reformed general education programme has run stably, and the universalisation of preschool education, primary education, secondary education and illiteracy eradication have recorded comprehensive results, he said.

In the 203-2024 academic year, the Ministry of Education and Training in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs supplemented 27,826 job openings for the sector, and 19,474 teachers were recruited across the country. Teaching equipment for implementing the pre-school education programme and the 2018 general education programme have been ensured.

Pointing to shortcomings, difficulties and their reasons as well as lessons drawn from the previous academic year, and analysing the situation and key tasks for the 2024-2025 academic year, the PM underlined that the extensive and deepening globalisation and international integration as well as the Fourth Industrial Revolution are putting strong impacts on all areas of social life, creating many opportunities along with new challenges for the development of education and training.

An overview of the conference (Photo: VNA)

He set out nine major tasks for the education-training sector as well as relevant ministries, sectors and localities, the first of which is to prepare for the new academic year and the year's opening day on September 5, while concentrating on effectively implementing the Politburo’s Conclusion 91-KL/TW on continuing to implement educational and training innovation.

The PM required the sector to continue reviewing, adjusting and supplementing institutions, mechanisms and policies regarding education reform, and making comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the reform of the general education curricula and textbooks.

Noting that 2025 is the first year of organising the high school graduation exam following the adoption of the new general education programme, he ordered the Ministry of Education and Training to coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and localities to make careful preparations for the exam, ensuring its quality, safety, and effectiveness.

The PM stressed the need to promote autonomy in association with improving the quality of tertiary training, along with creating a favourable environment to attract investment resources for education and training development, ensuring fairness and equality between public and private establishments, strengthening public-private cooperation, and expanding non-profit tertiary education and training model.

Alongside, it is necessary to re-organise the network of establishments in pre-school education, general education, continuing education, education for the disabled, university education, the PM said, reminding localities to ensure land funds for building schools and classrooms./.

Ministry urges tighter supervision of monkeypox at border gates

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has requested increased monitoring to detect suspected monkeypox cases at border gates and proactive surveillance in healthcare facilities after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) amid the potential risk of disease spread.

The MoH announced on August 19 that since the beginning of 2024, particularly in the last two months, the WHO has recorded an unusually high increase in the number of monkeypox (mpox) cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The African country has to date reported about 15,600 cases, with over 537 deaths. The mpox virus Clade Ib is currently the dominant strain in this outbreak in the country.

Additionally, four countries bordering Congo, namely Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda, have reported the first cases of mpox with epidemiological links to the ongoing outbreak in Congo. Sweden and Pakistan – the two countries outside Africa, have also recorded cases of the Clade Ib mpox strain.

The MoH sent a document to the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities, the hygiene and epidemiology institutes, Pasteur institutes, and central hospitals treating infectious diseases, urging them to strengthen measures for preventing and controlling monkeypox, towards proactively monitoring and early detecting cases of the disease, preventing widespread transmission and minimising the number of cases and deaths.

It also asked for strict inspection and control at border gates to early detect suspected cases, and proactive surveillance at medical facilities.

Localities have been requested to organise training sessions for healthcare workers at all levels on monitoring, preventive measures, care, treatment, and infection prevention for mpox.

The ministry also underlined the need to review and update prevention and response plans and scenarios to be ready for any outbreak; prepare medicine, medical supplies, equipment, personnel, and funding for receiving, treating, and controlling outbreaks; and step up the communication work to disseminate monkeypox prevention and control measures in line with the ministry's recommendations./.

Vietnam and Laos to speed up key infrastructure connection projects

Vietnam and Laos should work closely together to speed up key infrastructure connection projects, including the Hanoi – Vientiane expressway and Vientiane – Vung Ang port rail route, said Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

Receiving Laos Investment Minister Phet Phomphiphak in Hanoi on August 19, Chinh proposed that the two sides timely resolve pending issues to support the implementation of ongoing projects in Laos and undertake new projects in fields such as energy, mining, mineral processing, agriculture, tourism, and education.

He welcomed the results of the August 16 conference to implement the Vietnam-Laos Cooperation Plan Agreement in 2024 and promote the 2021-2025 cooperation agreement. He appreciated the Vietnam – Laos Cooperation Committee removing many difficulties and obstacles in key cooperation projects to facilitate bilateral cooperation in many fields.

The Cooperation Committee should further enhance its coordinating role in making recommendations and putting forward solutions to pending problems, he stressed.

According to the PM, the Governments of Vietnam and Laos are drastically directing and completely handling a number of difficulties and obstacles for a number of projects using Vietnamese aid to Laos and Vietnamese invested projects in Laos in the coming time.

Vietnam follows with keen interest Laos’ socio-economic development to further seek effective and practical solutions to support its neighbour, he told his guest.

Phomphiphak for his part welcomed Chinh’s proposals and said the Vietnam – Laos Cooperation Committee would coordinate closely with relevant agencies of the two countries to effectively implement high-level agreements reached by their top leaders.

He said Laos is actively improving its investment and business environment to create favourable conditions for foreign businesses, including those from Vietnam, to operate effectively in the country.

Bilateral trade in this year’s first half rose 11.1% to reach US$927.8 million, including US$289.2 million from Vietnamese exports.

August Revolution, National Day of Vietnam marked in Switzerland

The 79th anniversary of the August Revolution and the National Day of Vietnam (September 2) was celebrated with a ceremony held in Bern on August 18.

The event saw the presence of Ambassador Mai Phan Dung, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other international organisations in Geneva; representatives of the Vietnamese People Association in Switzerland and the Switzerland - Vietnam Friendship Association; and nearly 500 guests who are Vietnamese people and international friends from across the European country.

After the flag saluting ceremony, participants also observed a minute of silence in commemoration of late Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a particularly oustanding leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), the country, and the Vietnamese people.

In his remarks, Vietnamese Ambassador to Switzerland Phung The Long underlined the significance of the August Revolution in 1945, led by the CPV and President Ho Chi Minh, along with the Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now Socialist Republic of Vietnam) delivered by the then President on September 2, 1945.

He informed participants of the homeland’s developments along with fruitful partnerships between the two countries so far this year.

Since the start of 2024, many high-level meetings as well as trade and investment promotion activities have taken place. Some Vietnamese localities such as Can Tho, Vinh Long, Bac Giang, Thai Binh, and Lang Son have organised trade and investment promotion events in Switzerland while exchanging socio-economic development experience with partners in the European nation.

Long also appreciated the contributions by the Vietnamese community and Swiss friends to the community’s solidarity as well as the preservation and popularisation of the Vietnamese culture.

In particular, after years of the community’s efforts, the administrations of Geneva and Zurich agreed to include the Vietnamese among the optional foreign languages at public schools in these states, he added.

NA Standing Committee convenes 36th meeting
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man presided over the NA Standing Committee’s 36th meeting which opened in Hanoi on August 19.

In his opening remarks, the top legislator said a question & answer (Q&A) session will be arranged during the four-day meeting, and law makers will discuss 12 important issues.

Three draft laws will be tabled for consideration for the first time during the meeting, which are the draft revised Electricity Law, a draft law revising and supplementing some articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations, and another on amendments and supplements to the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People’s Army.

The committee will also comment on the revised version of the draft Law on the People’s Air Defence based on the opinions of NA deputies at the recent 7th session.

Besides, the committee will consider the Government’s proposal to add two draft laws to the law and ordinance making programme, including a draft law revising and supplementing some articles of the Law on Health Insurance, and the draft Law on Disease Prevention.

The NA Chairman stressed that the number of draft laws submitted to the National Assembly at the 8th and 9th sessions is very large, so it is necessary to carefully consider the necessity of the draft laws and the supplementation of the law making programme at an appropriate time.

Particularly, the Q&A session will be held in one and a half days and broadcast live on television and radio channels, focusing on the implementation of the resolutions of the NA Standing Committee on thematic supervision and question-and-answer activities from the beginning of the 15th NA to the end of 2023 related to nine fields in socio-economic development, internal affairs.

In addition, the NA Standing Committee will look into the supervisory delegation’s report and approve a resolution on the specialised supervision over the implementation of policies and legislation on reforming the organisation and management system and improving the performance of public non-business units during 2018 – 2023.

The committee will discuss the organisation of an NA forum on supervisory activities, which is an initiative aiming at enhancing the effectiveness of NA's supervision.

Participants will also consider and approve the Prime Minister’s proposal on the appointment of Vietnamese ambassadors; deliberate and make decisions about raising this year’s state budget estimates for the Ministry of Health; and approve the committee’s resolution stipulating some contents related to the NA Standing Committee’s resolutions on the classification of urban areas, the standards and classification of administrative units, and the arrangement of district- and communal-level administrative units in the 2023 - 2030 period to serve the arrangement of urban areas as administrative units in the 2023 - 2025 period.

Man stressed that these are important tasks in 2024 to serve Party congresses at all levels in early 2025 towards the 14th National Party Congress as well as the election of deputies to the 16th NA and People's Councils at all levels for the 2026-2031 term.

The NA Chairman requested the Government to direct ministries and sectors to ensure that the preparation of law projects adheres to the required timelines, stressing that relevant agencies must closely monitor the programme, proactively prepare contents, and be ready to report on their respective responsibilities.

Vietnam continues to maintain its position as the third largest investor in Laos. So far, Vietnamese businesses have poured US$5.5 billion into 255 projects in Laos, with many projects operating effectively, contributing to local socio-economic development.

Exhibition highlights diplomatic activities under Nguyen Dynasty

A three-dimensional exhibition featuring documents selected from the collection of the Nguyen Dynasty’s Imperial Archives -World Document Heritage will commence on August 22 at, according to Hanoi’s Department of Culture and Sports. 
A Nguyen Dynasty document to be displayed at the exhibition (Photo courtesy of National Archives Centre)
Entitled “Bang giao trieu Nguyen: Giua lan gio Dong-Tay” (Nguyen Dynasty’s diplomacy between the East and the West), the event is jointly organised by the National Archives Centre under the State Records and Archives Department.

The exhibition introduces to public for the first time hundreds of unique documents on the country’s diplomatic activities in the first over 50 years of independence under the Nguyen Dynasty between 1802 and 1858.

It consists of two parts with the first part shows that Kings of the Nguyen Dynasty from Gia Long to Tu Duc in their relations with Western countries, mainly UK, France, and the US consistently implemented a "closed-door policy". However, the dynasty did not completely "cut off" relations with the West. The Nguyen kings dispatched delegations to buy essential goods, guns and ammunition, learn about science and technology of other countries. Besides, Western ships also received support and reception from the Nguyen Dynasty many times.

Meanwhile, the second part reflects that the Nguyen Dynasty priotised developing relations with Eastern countries such as Lanxang (now Laos) and Siam (now Thailand), especially with neibouring China.

The exhibition is expected to provide visitors with useful information, new perspectives and gain further insights into the country’s diplomatic activities under the Nguyen Dynasty.

The Nguyen Dynasty, which started in 1802 and ended in 1945, was the last period feudal rule in Vietnamese history, including two periods: the independent period (1802-1883) and French colonial period (1883-1945). During the independent period, the Nguyen Dynasty developed many policies to strengthen and develop the country.

Hanoi seeks stronger cooperation with Chile
A delegation of Hanoi led by Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the municipal People's Council Nguyen Ngoc Tuan paid a working trip to Chile from August 16-18 to beef up the cooperation between Hanoi and Chile’s localities as well as between Vietnam and Chile. 
At a meeting with President of the Communist Party of Chile Lautaro Carmona in Santiago, Tuan expressed his gratitude for the international solidarity that the Chilean party and people gave to Vietnam during its national defence and construction.

He hoped that the two sides will strengthen experience sharing in Party building, and help to boost investment, trade, tourism and cultural exchange cooperation activities between Hanoi and Chilean localities.

Carmona, who actively participated in protests against the war in Vietnam, expressed his respect for President Ho Chi Minh, the great leader of the Vietnamese people, and emphasised that the Communist Party of Chile always supports and follows the development process of Vietnam under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

He also informed the guests about preparations for the 27th national congress of the Chilean Communist Party, scheduled to be held in December this year.

Within the framework of the Hanoi delegation’s visit to Chile, an event was held to promote trade, investment and business connections between Hanoi and South American country.

Speaking at the event, the Hanoi official emphasised the significance of the signing of the Vietnam - Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on November 11, 2011 which opened up great opportunities for businesses of the two countries.

He introduced the favourable investment environment of Vietnam, as well as of Hanoi, to foreign businesses and investors.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Chile Pham Truong Giang said that Vietnam is currently Chile's fifth largest trading partner in Asia, and the largest trading partner in ASEAN. Meanwhile, in Latin America, Chile is Vietnam's fourth largest trading partner, after Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.

Since the Vietnam-Chile FTA was ratified and officially took effect in 2014, import-export turnover between the two countries has grown significantly, reaching a record of US$2.2 billion in 2022, double that of 2018. Bilateral trade stood at US$1.57 billion in 2023, of which Vietnam's exports were valued at nearly US$1.2 billion.

In 2024, their trade exchanges showed signs of recovery with trade turnover reaching US$756.1 million in the first five months of the year, up 8.5% year on year. During the period, Vietnam's exports to Chile increased by 23%, reaching US$615.27 million.

Intensive corruption fight supports socio-economic development

The Communist Party of Vietnam is simultaneously carrying out two tasks of socio-economic development and Party building, including the ongoing fight against corruption, and the two tasks are complementary with each other.

Recent years has seen the Party discipline and prosecute thousands of party members, including those in the Politburo and Party Central Committee ranks, for their violations of party rules, including corrupt offences. The anti-corruption campaign, which is considered to be a protracted and tough fight, has raised public concerns regarding its influence, with many asking if it will obstruct the country’s socio-economic development.

At the recent 26th meeting of the Central Committee for Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negativity in Hanoi, Party General Secretary and President To Lam once again reaffirmed the Party’s strong resolve to constantly persist in the fight with the spirit of “no off-limits zones” and “no exceptions” in order to root out corruption and build a strong, clean, and united Party. In addition, the Party leader, who is also head of the committee, stressed that accelerating the fight is being done to support socio-economic development, not to stifle it.

Indeed, the intensive fight against corruption has had a psychological influence on ranking officials, with some either passing the buck or being inactive. Several ministries, agencies, and localities have not really been proactive enough in fulfilling their tasks and in accompanying businesses to iron out any snags.

The weaknesses and shortcomings should be drastically addressed by perfecting institutions and laws, stepping up reform, removing bottlenecks, and unlocking resources towards achieving goals set for 2024 and beyond. As a case in point, the Prime Minister gets tough on the negative phenomena among ranking officials and civil servants by firing those who are either incompetent or who cause trouble to businesses and people.

Those shortcomings do not mean the fight against corruption is obstructing the country’s development and creating “paralysis” and “stagnation”, as some ill-intentioned organisations and individuals have recently claimed in an attempt to discourage investors.

In fact, Vietnam is simultaneously carrying out the dual tasks of socio-economic development and Party building that go in line with the Party’s motto of “economic development is a must, Party building is the key”.

Statistics unveiled by the Ministry of Planning and Investment highlight that the national economy is gathering full steam on both monthly and quarterly bases. The second quarter of the year witnessed the local economy expand by 6.42%, a figure that outnumbered the Government’s 6% growth scenario, as well as international financial institutions’ projections. With better-than-expected results in the first half of the year, HSBC raised this year’s GDP growth forecast for Vietnam to 6.5%, instead of the previous figure of 6%.

It’s worth remembering that the remarkable results were recorded amidst a complex and unpredictable global situation, with many new developments arising out of projection.

However, all socio-economic development achievements can only be sustainable when the country has a truly honest apparatus. To do so, the Party building and rectification campaign must be carried out regularly and continuously. The Party has reprimanded many ranking officials for their violations of party rules, with thousands of billions of VND worth of asset recovery being returned to State coffers. But the most important thing is perfecting institutions and laws to ensure that someone does not dare to get involved in corrupt offences.

Since the beginning of the year, many Party regulations and State laws have been amended, supplemented, and promulgated, directly supporting the prevention of corruption and negativity. Among them, the Politburo and the Party’s Secretariat have issued more than 30 important documents, while the National Assembly has passed 13 bills and three resolutions, and it is considering approving 10 other bills with provisions relating to anti-corruption. The Government and the Prime Minister have issued 98 decrees, while ministries and agencies have released more than 300 circulars.

The National Assembly and the Government have directed the review and overcoming of loopholes, inadequacies, contradictions, overlaps, and problems in many legal documents on socio-economic management and anti-corruption in an effort to formulate a synchronous, strict, unified, and feasible legal system in support of the corruption fight.

The handling of corrupt officials may create some local changes in a certain period of time, but no doubt the move is deemed as necessary to strengthen people’s trust in the Party’s leadership and to further consolidate socio-political stability.

Lao Cai to host Sa Pa autumn festival for National Day celebrations

The northern mountainous province of Lao Cai will play host to a range of activities from August 30 to September 2 as part of the Sa Pa autumn festival 2024 to celebrate the 79th August Revolution (August 19) and National Day (September 2).      

The highlight of the festival will be an art programme opening the event on August 30 and a ceremony to present certificates recognising Thac Bac Waterfall (Silver Waterfall), and the peak of Fansipan Mountain as provincial-level scenic relics.

Furthermore, a Mong ethnic cultural festival held at Cat Cat tourist area in Hoang Lien commune, circus performances, and a food festival in Muong Hoa Valley will get underway from August 31 to September 2.

Visitors will also have the chance to play folk games and learn how ethnic people make craft products through the festival.

Organisers will guide tourists to experience a tour exploring ethnic tourism products through Sin Suoi Ho (Lai Chau)-Bat Xat-Bac Ha (Lao Cai)-Xin Man (Ha Giang).

For the first time a photo exhibition on the terraced fields will be held in Sa Pa town and Mu Cang Chai district.

In addition, eight provinces in the northwestern region and Ho Chi Minh City will introduce their tourism potential and typical specialties, such as fruits and food.

Vietnam Creative Advertisements Awards 2024 launched

The Vietnam Creative Advertisements Awards 2024 has been officially launched in Ho Chi Minh City to honour local creative media advertisers.
The event is taking place as part of activities to promote national brands in the 2020 - 2030 period and to boost the development of the advertising industry, said organisers – the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MoCST), the Vietnam Advertising Association and the administration of Ho Chi Minh City.

The organising board will receive works between September to November, with the awards presentation ceremony due to be held in Ho Chi Minh City in December.

The MoCST will award the most excellent, first, second, and third prizes worth VND30 million, VND20 million, VND15 million, and VND10 million, respectively, to impressive works in each category covering television advertising, advertising on outdoor boards and signs, and advertising on electronic newspapers and social networking platforms.

The awards-giving ceremony will be held at Le Loi and Nguyen Hue walking streets, alongside some activities including a display of winning works and advertising technology, art performances, and light shows.

Female Vietnamese referees to officiate at 2024 Women's U17 World Cup

FIFA has appointed two female Vietnamese referees Le Thi Ly and Ha Thi Phuong to officiate games at the 2024 U17 Women’s World Cup, due to take place in the Dominican Republic from October 16 to November 3.

The two Vietnamese referees are among a total of 38 officials who will be officiating the competition.

Le Thi Ly from Ho Chi Minh City will work as a main referee during the finals of the tournament.

She is one of three female Vietnamese referees accredited by FIFA and is a senior referee of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC).

Ly also officiated the match between the women's national football teams of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Japan held on February 24 in Pyongyang.

Last year she was assigned to take charge of games in the qualifiers for the AFC U20 Women’s Asian Cup, the 19th Asian Games (ASIAD 19), the 2024 Paris Olympics’ second qualifiers, and the AFC Women's Club Championship.

Meanwhile, Ha Thi Phuong from northern Hai Phong city will serve as an assistant referee at the tournament.

She has also worked for the AFC at several tournaments such as the AFC Women's Clubs Championship 2023 and 2024 Olympic qualifiers.

This year the Vietnamese U17 women’s team will not participate in the tournament as they failed to make it through the qualifying round.

Congratulations to newly elected Thai Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has sent a letter of congratulation to Paetongtarn Shinawatra who was endorsed by King Maha Vajiralongkorn as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand on August 18.

Paetongtarn, 37, is the daughter of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The leader of the Pheu Thai party won by nearly two-thirds in a parliament vote on August 16 to become Thailand's second female prime minister and the third Shinawatra to take the office, following Thaksin and her aunt Yingluck Shinawatra.

With the King’s endorsement, Paetongtarn has become the youngest Prime Minister of Thailand.

Friendship get-together celebrates national days of Vietnam, Hungary

The Vietnam-Hungary Friendship Association held a get-together in Hanoi on August 18 to celebrate Vietnam's National Day (September 2) and Hungary's State Foundation Day (August 20).

In his remarks, Chairman of the Vietnam-Hungary Friendship Association Vu Hoang Linh noted that the bond between the two countries' people has been passed down through generations and has grown even stronger in the modern era, particularly through deepening bilateral ties in economy, education, and culture.

Expressing his delight at the continuous development of the friendship, Hungarian Ambassador to Vietnam Tibor Baloghdi said the Vietnam-Hungary relationship is not only diplomatic ties, but also a deep connection between their people, built over decades on the foundation of mutual respect and cooperation.

The diplomat highlighted the importance of cultural and educational exchanges between the two countries, which have seen the participation of many generations of Vietnamese who have studied in Hungary.

He expressed his hope that future generations will continue to inherit and promote these valuable ties and affirmed that the embassy will maintain its close cooperation with Vietnamese agencies in the future.

At the get-together, it was reported that the friendship association plans to facilitate opportunities for businesses to explore and develop economic partnerships, while promoting academic and cultural exchange programmes to strengthen mutual understanding among the countries’ younger generations, particularly in education and training.

Vietnamese community in Laos organises Vu Lan Festival

The Vu Lan Festival was held at Phat Tich pagoda in Vientiane on the morning of August 18, with the attendance of representatives from the Vietnamese Embassy, associations of Vietnamese in Laos, and a large number of Vietnamese and Lao Buddhist monks, nuns, and followers.

The festival, which falls on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, or August 18 this year, is a Buddhist tradition aimed at honouring and showing gratitude to parents who are alive and those who passed away.

It is observed annually at the Phat Tich pagoda to preserve the traditional culture within the Vietnamese community in Laos, providing an opportunity for Buddhists to express their respects and gratitude towards their parents and ancestors.

In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency, Venerable Thich Minh Quang, head of the pagoda, said that the festival is an occasion for the community and Vietnamese people worldwide to educate younger generations on the values of gratitude and mutual support, thereby enriching their home country's cultural heritage.

At the ceremony, philanthropists donated 150 gift packages, including food and essential items, to the visually impaired, disabled individuals, and those in difficult circumstances living in the Lao capital.

Emulation campaign launched to complete 3,000km of expressways by 2025
A 500-day emulation campaign for completing 3,000km of expressways was launched at a ceremony held in the presence of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak on August 18.
The event, organised by the Central Emulation and Commendation Council, was connected via videoconference with 14 provinces and centrally-run cities with expressways under construction.

PM Chinh, who is also Chairman of the council, said the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress identifies comprehensive infrastructure development as one of the three strategic breakthroughs. With building transport infrastructure considered an important pillar, the country aims to put 3,000km and 5,000km of expressways into use by 2025 and 2030, respectively.

To carry out the resolution, since the tenure’s beginning, the Government has strongly ordered all-level authorities, sectors, and localities to take concerted measures to boost investment in transport infrastructure projects, thereby obtaining significant results.

So far, about 1,000km of expressways traversing 15 provinces and cities has been completed, raising the total length of such roads to nearly 2,100km. Ongoing projects are constructing more than 1,700km while work on another 1,400km is about to start soon. Those projects cover 48 provincial-level localities nationwide, he noted.

On behalf of the Government and the Central Emulation and Commendation Council, he kicked off a 500-day emulation campaign for completing 3,000km of expressways to reach the target set in the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and welcome the 14th congress.

The Government leader asked Party committees at all levels to issue drastic directions, the entire political system to play its part, and administrations to work harder while calling for support from people and businesses nationwide for the task.

After the launch, ministries, sectors, localities, project management boards, contractors, agencies, and units must immediately build implementation plans, set appropriate emulation criteria, and invest efforts in performing difficult and focal duties. They need to be aware that completing expressways is a top political task to be implemented between now and the time of the 14th National Party Congress so as to meet socio-economic development targets as well as people’s aspiration for a system of comprehensive and modern expressways, he added.

PM Chinh voiced his belief that with the strength accumulated over 40 years of Doi moi (Renewal), the entire political system’s consensus and joint efforts, people’s support, as well as new opportunities and advantages, under the Party’s clear-sighted leadership, 3,000km of expressways will be completed and put into use by 2025, helping promote socio-economic development and improve the quality of people’s material and spiritual life.

On behalf of relevant sides, representatives of the Ministry of Transport, Dak Lak province, and Son Hai Group pledged to build action plans and coordinate closely and effectively with one another to speed up projects so that 3,000km of expressways will have been opened by December 31, 2025.

Malaysia-Vietnam festival showcases culinary delights, business opportunities

The Malaysia-Vietnam Trade, Tourism & Investment Promotion and Cultural Food Festival concluded its four-day run in Kuala Lumpur on August 18, drawing hundreds of eager visitors exploring the rich cultural and business ties between the two nations.

Co-hosted by the Vietnam Malaysia Business Association (VMBIZ) and Malaysian event management powerhouse DANG Production Bhd, the event was a vibrant mix of food, tourism and trade.

Over 40 food booths, primarily run by long-established Vietnamese enterprises in Kuala Lumpur like Vinh City, Viet-Thai-Cambodia Mart, and Mini Nguyen Café, tempted visitors with a diverse range of traditional dishes from all three regions of Vietnam. Popular dishes of the northern region like pho, fried spring rolls, and banh mi (Vietnamese sandwich) were on offer, alongside specialties of the central region such as fresh summer rolls, banh xeo (crispy pancake) and banh bot loc (rice dumpling cake). The southern region's cuisine was represented by beef sausage and broken rice.

Among the trade exhibitors, Suca AgriFood and Joho Botanical stood out as the sole representatives from Vietnam. Hailing from Dak Lak province and Ho Chi Minh City, they showcased premium natural herbal beauty products, including macadamia nuts, cashew nuts, black soybeans, skincare, hair care, and body oils, all meeting requirements of Muslim consumers.

The festival also highlighted stunning beaches of Da Nang and Hoi An through Muslim-friendly tour packages, featuring hotels with prayer facilities and Halal-certified food. Meanwhile, mosque tour packages in Malaysia also piqued the interest of young Vietnamese travelers.

As of August 18 afternoon, the organising board recorded over 1,000 visitors to the event.

This achievement was made possible with support from the Malaysian Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture, the ASEAN Retail-Chains and Franchise Federation (ARFF), the Business Association of Overseas Vietnamese, and the Vietnamese Embassy in Malaysia.

International Dance Festival 2024 kicks off in Thua Thien-Hue

The International Dance Festival 2024 opened in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue on August 17 evening, bringing together nearly 500 artists and performers from 17 troupes representing Laos, the Philippines, China, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

In his opening speech, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Ta Quang Dong said the festival is a significant cultural and art event held every three years to foster cooperation in the field of culture and arts between Vietnam and countries worldwide.

The event provides an opportunity for Vietnamese and foreign dancers to share their creative experiences, absorb unique and diverse artistic values in an era of integration and development, he said.

Organizers are encouraging innovative performances that reflect each country's unique cultural identity. Gold and silver medals will be awarded for outstanding performances.

The opening ceremony was followed by performances by the Vietnam National Opera and Ballet and a dance troupe of Malaysia.

The festival will continue until August 22.

First-ever international beach tennis tournament held in Binh Dinh

The four-day ITF - BT50 Fleur De Lys Cup 2024 kicked off in the south-central province of Binh Dinh on August 18, while the ITF - BT50 Vietravel Cup 2024 will be held in the same location from August 22-25.

It is the first time Vietnam has hosted the two international beach tennis tournaments, which offer total cash prizes of US$4,000 each.

With the venue being the Xuan Dieu Beach in Binh Dinh’s Quy Nhon city, the competitions will feature 30 athletes from Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Slovakia and Latvia, and Vietnam, among others. They are set to take part in the men's and women's double categories.

According to the Vietnam Tennis Federation, these first international events mark the turning point for local and national beach tennis, expected to be an exciting watch for supporters and visitors.

Beach tennis is a game combining tennis and volleyball and is played on sand. It has been played in over 50 countries and by more than half a million people since its first days in 1970. The sport is particularly popular in Italy, Brazil and Spain where they have the greatest numbers of beach tennis players in the world.

Programme makes it easier for Vietnamese labourers to integrate in Germany

Vietnam's personnel service provider GEDU International GmbH and Infineon Technologies Dresden, Germany's largest semiconductor chip company, have recently signed a letter of intent on cooperation in recruiting young Vietnamese talents for both Infineon's dual training and direct recruitment programmes.

Present at the ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador Vu Quang Minh said through the project, the two sides can cooperate at a much higher technological level, adding the two Governments are also working together to build a new labour cooperation framework to facilitate such projects.

Raik Brettschneider, Vice President & Managing Director of Infineon Technologies Dresden, said over the past years, Infineon has significantly increased the number of interns, which is expected to grow more and more in the future.

Cooperating with GEDU will help Infineon’s future employees integrate well, he said, adding that after three years of training and working, interns can start their career stably.

The signing came after the state visit to Vietnam by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil in January, with the agenda focusing on economic cooperation and the recruitment of Vietnamese skilled workers for the German market.